<pre style='margin:0'>
Joshua Root (jmroot) pushed a commit to branch master
in repository macports-base.
<p><a href="https://github.com/macports/macports-base/commit/008139776c3266833ab09eef399f955ec6bc9324">https://github.com/macports/macports-base/commit/008139776c3266833ab09eef399f955ec6bc9324</a></p>
<pre style="white-space: pre; background: #F8F8F8"><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;color:#808000;'>commit 008139776c3266833ab09eef399f955ec6bc9324
</span>Author: Joshua Root <jmr@macports.org>
AuthorDate: Thu Jul 18 21:26:50 2024 +1000
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;color:#404040;'> Don't try to re-execute with multiple actions
src/port/port.tcl | 20 ++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;color:#808080;'>diff --git a/src/port/port.tcl b/src/port/port.tcl
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;color:#808080;'>index 14964e743..292613d44 100755
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0e0ff;'>--- a/src/port/port.tcl
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0e0ff;'>+++ b/src/port/port.tcl
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0e0e0;'>@@ -2442,9 +2442,11 @@ proc action_selfupdate { action portlist opts } {
if {[dict get $selfupdate_status base_updated]} {
# Base was upgraded, re-execute now to trigger sync if possible
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- if {[info exists ui_options(ports_commandfiles)]} {
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- # Batch mode, just exit since re-executing all commands in the file
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- # may not be correct.
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ global argv
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ if {[info exists ui_options(ports_commandfiles)]
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ || {;} in $argv} {
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ # Batch mode or multiple actions on the command line, just exit
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ # since re-executing all actions may not be correct.
</span> if {[dict get $selfupdate_status needed_portindex]} {
ui_msg "Not all sources could be fully synced using the old version of MacPorts."
ui_msg "Please run selfupdate again now that MacPorts base has been updated."
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0e0e0;'>@@ -2455,7 +2457,7 @@ proc action_selfupdate { action portlist opts } {
</span> if {![dict exists $options ports_selfupdate_no-sync] || ![dict get $options ports_selfupdate_no-sync]} {
# When re-executing, strip the -f flag to prevent an endless loop
set new_argv {}
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- foreach arg $::argv {
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ foreach arg $argv {
</span> if {[string match -nocase {-[a-z]*} $arg]} {
# map the -f flag to nothing
set arg [string map {f ""} $arg]
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0e0e0;'>@@ -2569,10 +2571,12 @@ proc action_migrate { action portlist opts } {
</span> }
set result [macports::migrate_main $opts]
if {$result == -999} {
<span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- global ui_options
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- if {[info exists ui_options(ports_commandfiles)]} {
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- # Batch mode, just exit since re-executing all commands in the file
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#ffe0e0;'>- # may not be correct, and we can't really edit their args anyway.
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ global ui_options argv
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ if {[info exists ui_options(ports_commandfiles)]
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ || {;} in $argv} {
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ # Batch mode or multiple actions given, just exit since re-
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ # executing all actions may not be correct (and we can't
</span><span style='display:block; white-space:pre;background:#e0ffe0;'>+ # really edit the args in a batch file anyway).
</span> ui_msg "Please run migrate again now that MacPorts base has been updated."
return -999
</pre><pre style='margin:0'>