flat packages

Jordan K. Hubbard jkh at apple.com
Thu Mar 29 15:59:24 PDT 2012

On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:46 PM, Joshua Root <jmr at macports.org> wrote:

> So my conclusion is that we should create a Distribution file and run
> productbuild after generating an intermediate flat package, but only on
> 10.6+.

Seems reasonable.  Given that Apple is also about to ship 10.8, one has to wonder just how much future 10.5- has for, well, anyone.   Yes, there are all of those PPC machines still out there (I gave away my Dual G5 years ago and apparently it's still working and providing good service to the recipient) but, ultimately, they're on death row and probably surviving mostly for dedicated tasks for which macports is not necessarily a component in any case.

In other words, I'd make the Distribution file creation item the default and simply disable it when not detected in /usr/bin on the old machines but not go out of your way to make those "less capable flat packages" necessarily useful for anything.  People can still, on Leopard and before, build stuff from source and I think that's more than good enough.

- Jordan

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