Changing default cxx_stdlib to libc++

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Mar 12 20:56:59 UTC 2018

On Mar 10, 2018, at 05:38, db wrote:

> How will I know about the lib change and the availability of binaries?

The MacPorts program doesn't have a way to notify you of the availability of binaries in advance. You try to install a port, and MacPorts checks for a binary then, and if it's available, it downloads it, otherwise it builds from source.

I'm not aware of any plan to notify users of the cxx_stdlib change, other than the same way that users are notified of any other port update being available: by the user running "sudo port selfupdate" and then examining the output of "port outdated".

The cxx_stdlib change would be in a new version of MacPorts, and we would of course announce the availability of the new version on our web site and on the mailing list and probably explain the relevant changes then.

> Besides rebuilding from source from time to time, I only do port sync.

You'll of course have to run "sudo port selfupdate" (or run the installer downloaded from our web site), not just "sudo port sync", to receive the new version of MacPorts.

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