emacs-app-devel build fail on master not detected by buildbot

Christopher Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Thu Apr 22 21:05:49 UTC 2021

> On 22 Apr 2021, at 10:04 pm, Christopher Jones <jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On 22 Apr 2021, at 9:59 pm, Nathaniel W Griswold <nate at manicmind.earth> wrote:
>> Thank you, Christopher.
>> Are you saying the date-style depth would be the right way forward? That seems fine and then the maintainers could either keep up or not. The current idea of using the breakage event as a signal to update the port file is kinda bad IMO.
> I was simply stating that updating the port is anyway a good thing to do, and would fix the current issue.
> But yes, on the 1000 depth thing I agree that doesn’t seem like a great thing to be doing in the port file, but thats the maintainers decision to change ….

… but changing it to 3000 doesn’t do anything but delay the inevitable… I would just remove it, as we don’t really do this sort of thing elsewhere where we perform git fetches, and as fas as I can see all it does is save a bit of bandwidth during the fetch…..

> Chris
>> Nate
>>> On Apr 22, 2021, at 3:55 PM, Christopher Jones <jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> On 22 Apr 2021, at 3:05 pm, Aaron Madlon-Kay <amake at macports.org> wrote:
>>>> I proposed in a past PR to emacs-app-devel to use a modern git flag that lets you specify a depth based on commit date. That would be the “real” solution in the direction you’re going.
>>>> However it was rejected by the maintainer because he *wants* the current setup. If the port no longer builds because the referenced commit is more than 1,000 commits in the past, then the port is ripe for a bump. Increasing the depth or using a date-based strategy will just balloon the amount of data fetched.
>>>> So rather than increasing the depth to 3,000, I recommend you either:
>>>> - bump the commit to a recent one, or
>>>> - file a Trac ticket so that someone else is prompted to do so
>>> Indeed that is the correct way forward really…
>>> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/commit/6fb61146fb988bd75fe7bc5a209544b30b560692
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Aaron
>>>>> On Apr 22, 2021, at 22:29, Nathaniel W Griswold <nate at manicmind.earth> wrote:
>>>>> I use the subport emacs-app-devel (subport of emacs) on my 10.15 Catalina system (with variants +imagemagick, +rsvg). The build failed during my last port upgrade outdated and i investigated why.
>>>>> The external git mirror (https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs.git) has exceeded 1000 new commits since the commit referenced by the Portfile (80e26472206cc44837521ba594cd50e724d9af5c). Since the clone produced from the Portfile uses depth 1000, This means that port cannot check out that commit in its local checkout and the port build fails on that step.
>>>>> I thought about it a bit and i feel like if the logic to trigger a build is already Portfile-aware this could be detected with a small change to the system. If a git clone with a —depth=${val} is found in the Portfile for a port or subport, then the build system could trigger a build periodically at some rate that doesn’t stress the build setup too much. I don’t know how many Portfiles have `git clone —depth=${val} ${repo}` git.url values but if there aren’t that many you could trigger these builds quite often.
>>>>> I will increase the depth to 3000 for now and submit my updated Portfile.
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Nate

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