<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body dir="auto"><pre><blockquote type="cite"><font face="UICTFontTextStyleTallBody"><span style="white-space: normal; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);">does that sentence
mean that the MacPorts legacy support package itself needs GNU make, or
does it mean that any portfile that uses the legacysupport PortGroup needs
to add GNU make as a build dependency?</span></font></blockquote><br></pre><pre>That line, and a lot of the other stuff added recently to the front page, is quite confusing. I plan to strip all that out soon. It's not helpful for users.</pre><pre><br></pre><pre>No special requirements are needed. Just ignore that. one line in the portfile, and legacysupport is all taken care of...you don't need to do anything more by default.</pre><pre><br></pre><pre>I'm not sure what kind of effect having your list of redefines automatically added might have...or which header it would override, exactly...but looks handy, if it helps!</pre><pre><br></pre><pre>Ken</pre><pre><br></pre><div></div></body></html>