[MacPorts] #52063: [Port Abandoned] Ports maintained by alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Aug 21 16:18:15 PDT 2016

#52063: [Port Abandoned] Ports maintained by alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports
  Reporter:  mf2k@…                              |      Owner:
      Type:  defect                              |  arno+macports@…
  Priority:  Normal                              |     Status:  new
 Component:  ports                               |  Milestone:
Resolution:                                      |    Version:
      Port:  gnetcat libpar2 oath-toolkit p5     |   Keywords:
  -www-curl pgf-devel symlinks                   |

Comment (by mf2k@…):

 I see in #37591 that you did supply a patch. Sorry no one saw that. Trac
 does not send an email for an attachment for some reason. I can apply it
 now, but it is old. If you want to submit a new patch for the latest
 version - assuming there is a later one - then please attach it to that
 ticket. I can commit whatever is the latest.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52063#comment:4>
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