[MacPorts] #61643: OpenBLAS @0.3.12 +gcc9: Build error: "always_inline function '_mm256_loadu_ps' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'ssum_k' that is compiled without support for 'avx'"

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 26 01:57:58 UTC 2020

#61643: OpenBLAS @0.3.12 +gcc9: Build error: "always_inline function
'_mm256_loadu_ps' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into
function 'ssum_k' that is compiled without support for 'avx'"
  Reporter:  anowacki  |      Owner:  NicosPavlov
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports     |    Version:  2.6.4
Resolution:            |   Keywords:
      Port:  OpenBLAS  |

Comment (by anowacki):

 Allowing a GCC10 build worked, and OpenBLAS installed without building
 from source—thanks for that suggestion too.

 However, it did require rebuilding
  py37-matplotlib @3.3.0+cairo+gtk3+tkinter+webagg
  py37-gdal @3.1.0
  gmt4 @4.5.18+gdal+triangle
  gmt5 @5.4.5+gdal+nonfree+pcre
 since these were built with GCC9.

 This solves my issue for now, but presumably the non-default GCC version
 variants are expected to work, and it seems at least the {{{+gcc9}}}
 variant did work until recently:  I was upgrading from OpenBLAS
 @0.3.10_1+gcc9+lapack+native.  I guess that means the error must have been
 introduced at some point since that version was the most recent.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/61643#comment:6>
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