Noah port (and alternatives?)

Ces VLC cesarillovlc at
Sun Jun 28 21:08:39 UTC 2020


I'm looking for a Linux user mode emulation on Mac, and I just found Noah
on github, and then realized there's already a port for it. From what I've
read, it seems it's quite experimental (BTW: there were some merged PRs a
few days ago, that are not included in the 0.5.1 tag that the port is
downloading right now).

Said this, do you know of any other attempt at Linux user-mode emulation on
Mac, or is Noah the only project you've seen about this? (note that qemu
has user mode emulation, but, AFAIK, it requires the host system and the
guest system to be the same, making it useful only for running binaries for
other architectures in the same OS).

If you don't know of any other alternatives or attempts, maybe I should
consider improving Noah, but I'd prefer not to reinvent the wheel...

Kind regards,

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