manually upgrade some ICU dependencies - recursion between libsxslt and vala

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at
Sun Nov 29 21:38:57 UTC 2020

> $ xsltproc dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libicui18n.65.dylib Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/xsltproc Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap 

This shows that icu was upgraded to version 67, but that port is still linked against 65.

Usually a rev-bump would have taken care of this, but you’re doing some occasionally hanky things, and might run into a situation where you have to fix it yourself. So either let rev-upgrade do it’s thing, or uninstall xsltproc and rebuild it from scratch against the current ICU.

Now if vala builds but won’t destroot — that is something else altogether. You have to run things with “-v” to see what the error is.

You do have to expect a little bit of self-care when you’re trying to run the current gimp2 +quartz on an OS that came out in 2006. Think of it like being on a hike in the woods, where you need to be somewhat self-reliant to survive. And  all the MacPorts and Apple OS details you will learn! To be honest, making the current OS versions work properly is like a walk in the park after fixing these kinds of issues!

You can sometimes get yourself out of a tricky situation with a temporary symlink, a transient downgrade to the previous version of something to build something you need, or some behind-the-scenes use of install_name_tool, but you do have to know what you’re up to if you’re doing that, and clean up after yourself.

If it is a systemic MacPorts issue rather than something you did yourself, it’s worth making a ticket. But usually — it’s something you did :>


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