Build servers going offline due to inclement weather

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Sat Feb 20 06:54:11 UTC 2021

Thank you for the information, and for your work!

Question: if someone changed their configuration as you mentioned to get Portfiles from GitHub, would they EVER (in principle) see a version of a Portfile that would NEVER make it to the rsync server (if/when the buildmaster etc was up)?  In other words, I might change my configuration (so as to be less affected by similar future outages) if I'm not risking getting a Portfile that's different from what I'd get otherwise (just sooner, sometimes), and assuming there's no other downside to me from change.

> On Feb 20, 2021, at 01:05, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2021, at 21:38, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> While in principle most updates that fetch source might still work, I've seen few if any since the outage began, and I'm curious about that. Haven't seen a fetch failure, just no updates showing up.
> The buildmaster is also responsible for sending the updated set of ports to the rsync server along with newly generated portindexes. Since the buildmaster is down, any port updates that have been committed over the past days have not been sent to the rsync server so you don't see them in `port outdated' (unless you have configured your MacPorts installation's sources.conf to get the Portfiles from GitHub rather than from rsync -- normally only MacPorts developers do that).
> As of Friday the power grid is stable and energy conservation is no longer required so I'll be bringing the build servers back up and you should see updates appearing normally within the next few hours.

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