Cannot build glib2

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun May 28 23:30:30 UTC 2023

On Mon, 24 Apr 2023, Dave Horsfall wrote:

> [ Disabling "+universal" ]
> Yes, that seems to be it; thanks.  Now, is there a way to globally 
> disable "universal" without cleaning every port and rebuilding with 
> "-universal"?

You don't have to rebuild everything, but there's no getting around reinstalling all the ports that currently have +universal, if you want them to not be universal. They may or may not have to be built depending on binary availability. The command to do that would be:

sudo port upgrade --enforce-variants installed -universal

If you want to disable universal altogether in your MacPorts installation, set universal_archs to an empty value in macports.conf. Note that this will make it impossible to install some ports that don't support your configured build_arch.

- Josh

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