anyone use OpenVPN or WireGuard on OS X 10.9.5?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat Nov 18 23:30:24 UTC 2023


Does anybody here use WireGuard or OpenVPN on Mac OS X 10.9.5, maybe even with Proton VPN as I'm hoping to do?

I managed to get a 2021 version of wireguard-go to build but it fails to initialise (create a "utun" interface) with a message about buffer space not available, so that avenue seems closed. Pity, because it should have given an easy way to start or stop a VPN connection via the CLI (`wg-quick up|down <profile>`).

I tried to build OpenVPN3 but that generates more errors than I care to work around, but OpenVPN2 built easily enough. I just have no idea yet how to test if it works; the Proton VPN instructions state just how to use Tunnelblick to set up a connection (and that application needs at least 10.11 IIUC). Are there similar helper apps that do work on 10.9?


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