[MacPorts-announce] MacPorts 2.6.0 has been released

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Sat Sep 21 03:30:06 UTC 2019

The MacPorts Project is happy to announce that the 2.6.0 version has now
been released. It is available via the usual methods:

 - selfupdate if you already have MacPorts installed
 - package installers for 10.14 [1], 10.13 [2], 10.12 [3], 10.11 [4],
   10.10 [5], 10.9 [6], 10.8 [7], 10.7 [8], 10.6 [9], 10.5 [10] and
   10.4 [11] (universal i386/ppc for 10.4 and 10.5, i386/x86_64 for
   10.6, and the rest x86_64)
 - source tarballs, both .tar.bz2 [12] and .tar.gz [13]
 - git tag [14]

The list of what's new in 2.6.0 can be found in the ChangeLog [15].

Of special note for users of 10.6-10.8: The default C++ stdlib has
changed from libstdc++ to libc++. This will enable building ports that
require C++11 and beyond much more easily. All C++-based ports using the
old stdlib will need to be rebuilt, so we recommend that you run 'sudo
port rev-upgrade' after updating to MacPorts 2.6.0.

We are currently in the process of switching the packages server over
to the new stdlib, so availability of binary packages for 10.6-10.8 will
be reduced for a time until the builds catch up. (There will initially
be no availability for a hopefully very short time until we flip the
switch to mark the archives as libc++.)

If you previously followed the LibcxxOnOlderSystems instructions on the
wiki, you should revert the changes to macports.conf that the
instructions specify. In particular, default_compilers should not be set
so that the new MacPorts version can pick the compilers itself. You also
probably want buildfromsource to be its default value ("ifneeded") so
that you will use binaries once they are available.

A big thanks to the developers for their hard work with all of the
various features and bug fixes in 2.6.0, and to all those who helped out
by reporting bugs or testing.

Detached PGP signatures for the pkg/dmgs and source tarballs have been
made with my key, which is available on the keyservers and my MacPorts
wiki page [16].

- Josh

[14] <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/releases/tag/v2.6.0>
[15] <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/v2.6.0/ChangeLog>
[16] <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/jmr>

PS, my PGP key ID is 0x01FF673FB4AAE6CD,
fingerprint C403 7936 5723 6DCF 2E58  0C02 01FF 673F B4AA E6CD

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