[27780] branches/release_1_5/base

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Tue Aug 14 00:46:52 PDT 2007

Revision: 27780
Author:   jmpp at macports.org
Date:     2007-08-14 00:46:52 -0700 (Tue, 14 Aug 2007)

Log Message:
Merged revisions 26683-26692,26695-26708,26712-26718,26720,26724-26729,26732-26736,26738-26743,26745-26752,26754-26764,26766-26803,26805,26807-26808,26810,26815-26828,26830-26841,26843-26849,26852-26862,26867-26869,26871-26902,26904-26920,26922-26936,26938-26939,26941,26943-26975,26977-27017,27019-27020,27023,27027-27042,27045-27052,27054-27064,27066-27078,27081-27109,27111-27121,27123-27126,27128-27139,27141-27198,27200,27203-27294,27298-27312,27314-27378,27380-27404,27406-27414,27416-27509,27511-27517,27529-27616,27619,27623-27641,27643,27645-27646,27648-27710,27712-27779 via svnmerge from 

  r27709 | mww at macports.org | 2007-08-12 11:13:17 -0400 (Sun, 12 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
  mtree-violation: allow files to be installed in /Applications & /Library, too (see #12434)
  r27710 | mww at macports.org | 2007-08-12 11:26:19 -0400 (Sun, 12 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
  add a warning message if a port indicates an mtree violation
  r27719 | mww at macports.org | 2007-08-12 16:58:37 -0400 (Sun, 12 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
  make violations of the layout of the ports-filesystems non-fatal (for now), only issue warnings
  r27720 | mww at macports.org | 2007-08-12 17:00:48 -0400 (Sun, 12 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
  also do not complain about "/Developer"
  r27773 | eridius at macports.org | 2007-08-14 02:14:52 -0400 (Tue, 14 Aug 2007) | 1 line
  Building a better mtree violations check
  r27779 | jmpp at macports.org | 2007-08-14 03:44:07 -0400 (Tue, 14 Aug 2007) | 1 line
  Update ChangeLog with up coming 1.5.11 information.

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Property changes on: branches/release_1_5/base
Name: svnmerge-integrated
   - /trunk/base:1-26681,26683-26803,26805,26807-26812,26814-26864,26867-27517,27529-27620,27622-27647
   + /trunk/base:1-26681,26683-26803,26805,26807-26812,26814-26864,26867-27517,27529-27620,27622-27710,27712-27779

Modified: branches/release_1_5/base/ChangeLog
--- branches/release_1_5/base/ChangeLog	2007-08-14 07:44:07 UTC (rev 27779)
+++ branches/release_1_5/base/ChangeLog	2007-08-14 07:46:52 UTC (rev 27780)
@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
+Release 1.5.11 (DAY-August-2007 at branches/release_1_5's rREV, by jmpp):
+    - Fix mtree checks which inaccurately complained about files in /Applications, /Library & /Developer;
+      mtree checks now also warn the user if a port indicates an intended violation and errors are
+      temporarily non-fatal (mww & eridius in r27709, r27710, r27719, r27720 & r27773).
 Release 1.5.1 (11-August-2007 at branches/release_1_5/base's r27646, by jmpp):
     - Remove sed rules taking care of dp based comments in the macports.conf file from the upgrade target in base/Makefile.in,

Modified: branches/release_1_5/base/src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl
--- branches/release_1_5/base/src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl	2007-08-14 07:44:07 UTC (rev 27779)
+++ branches/release_1_5/base/src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl	2007-08-14 07:46:52 UTC (rev 27780)
@@ -229,31 +229,58 @@
 		ui_debug "checking for mtree violations"
 		set mtree_violation "no"
-		# test files in ${prefix}
-		foreach f [glob -directory "${destroot}${prefix}" *] {
-			set c [file tail ${f}]
-			# ignore bin, sbin, ... and only fail on other names
-			switch ${c} {
-				bin { }
-				etc { }
-				include { }
-				lib { }
-				libexec { }
-				sbin { }
-				share { }
-				var { }
-				www { }
-				Applications { }
-				Library { }
-				default { ui_error "violation by ${prefix}/${c}"
-					set mtree_violation "yes" }
+		set prefixPaths [list bin etc include lib libexec sbin share var www Applications Developer Library]
+		set pathsToCheck [list /]
+		while {[llength $pathsToCheck] > 0} {
+			set pathToCheck [lshift pathsToCheck]
+			foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $destroot$pathToCheck .* *] {
+				if {[file tail $file] eq "." || [file tail $file] eq ".."} {
+					continue
+				}
+				if {[string equal -length [string length $destroot] $destroot $file]} {
+					# just double-checking that $destroot is a prefix, as is appropriate
+					set dfile [file join / [string range $file [string length $destroot] end]]
+				} else {
+					throw MACPORTS "Unexpected filepath `${file}' while checking for mtree violations"
+				}
+				if {$dfile eq $prefix} {
+					# we've found our prefix
+					foreach pfile [glob -nocomplain -tails -directory $file .* *] {
+						if {$pfile eq "." || $pfile eq ".."} {
+							continue
+						}
+						if {[lsearch -exact $prefixPaths $pfile] == -1} {
+							ui_warn "violation by [file join $dfile $pfile]"
+							set mtree_violation "yes"
+						}
+					}
+				} elseif {[string equal -length [expr [string length $dfile] + 1] $dfile/ $prefix]} {
+					# we've found a subpath of our prefix
+					lpush pathsToCheck $dfile
+				} else {
+					# these files are outside of the prefix
+					switch $dfile {
+						/Applications -
+						/Developer -
+						/Library { ui_debug "port installs files in $dfile" }
+						default {
+							ui_warn "violation by $dfile"
+							set mtree_violation "yes"
+						}
+					}
+				}
 		# abort here only so all violations can be observed
 		if { ${mtree_violation} != "no" } {
-			error "mtree violation!"
+			ui_warn "[format [msgcat::mc "%s violates the layout of the ports-filesystems!"] [option portname]]"
+			ui_warn "Please fix or indicate this misbehavior (if it is intended), it will be an error in future releases!"
+			# error "mtree violation!"
+	} else {
+		ui_warn "[format [msgcat::mc "%s requests to install files outside the common directory structure!"] [option portname]]"
     # Restore umask

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