[27969] trunk/dports/archivers/dact/Portfile

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Thu Aug 16 13:53:23 PDT 2007

Revision: 27969
Author:   nox at macports.org
Date:     2007-08-16 13:53:23 -0700 (Thu, 16 Aug 2007)

Log Message:
 * Updated to 0.8.41.
 * Algorithm modules are now loadable bundles.
 * Added sha1 and rmd160 checksums and livecheck.
 * Added standard documentation installation.
 * Disabled universal variant.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/archivers/dact/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/archivers/dact/Portfile	2007-08-16 20:43:54 UTC (rev 27968)
+++ trunk/dports/archivers/dact/Portfile	2007-08-16 20:53:23 UTC (rev 27969)
@@ -1,29 +1,73 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
+PortSystem		1.0
 name			dact
-version			0.8.39
+version			0.8.41
 categories		archivers
 platforms		darwin
-maintainers		nomaintainer at macports.org
+maintainers		nomaintainer
 description		dynamic adaptive compression tool
-long_description	DACT attempts to create very efficient compressed files by \
-			attempting to use many different algorithms on each block until it \
-			finds the best for every block in the file.
+long_description \
+				DACT attempts to create very efficient compressed files by \
+				attempting to use many different algorithms on each block until it \
+				finds the best for every block in the file.
 homepage		http://www.rkeene.org/oss/dact/
 master_sites	http://www.rkeene.org/files/oss/dact/release/
-checksums		md5 e99e881c65b101b03e5fb02445d8fb50
+checksums		md5 f6b33e18e9680c08835e93f8673dea8d \
+				sha1 a87db20ae7bf4ffd1b5d37c7e3be70c84661e379 \
+				rmd160 015544501df128da869f837b64579de53028a163
 depends_lib		port:libmcrypt port:zlib port:bzip2 port:lzo
-configure.args	--mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man
-configure.env	CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib
+post-patch {
+	cd ${worksrcpath}
-destroot.destdir	prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
+	# checking how to create shared objects... cant
+	# configure: error: We are unable to make shared objects.
-platform darwin 8 {
-	configure.env-append	CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 CPP=/usr/bin/cpp-4.0
+	reinplace "s/ -bind_at_load//" configure
+	# Lodable objects are bundles on OS X
+	reinplace "s/=\\.so/=\\.bundle/g" Makefile.in
+	reinplace -E "s/\[\[:<:\]\]so\[\[:>:\]\]/bundle/g" Makefile.in Makefile.dep
+	reinplace -E "/AS_MODULE/s/(SHOBJLDFLAGS)/\\1:dynamiclib=bundle/" Makefile.in
+	reinplace -E "/for/s/\\(MODS\\)/(ALGO:.c=.bundle)/" Makefile.in
+	# ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format with the -multi_module option
+	# module_shr.o definition of common _modules (size 1024)
+	# net_shr.o definition of common _dact_urls (size 3072)
+	# ui_shr.o definition of common _dact_ui_statusvar (size 128)
+	reinplace -E "s/^(void)/static \\1/" module.c
+	reinplace -E "/^extern void/d" module.h
+	reinplace -E "s/^(struct.*;)\$/static \\1/" net.c
+	reinplace -E "s/^(char.*;)\$/static \\1/" ui.c
+configure.args	--mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man \
+				--disable-chkvers
+destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
+post-destroot {
+	system "install_name_tool -id ${prefix}/lib/lib${name}.dylib \
+		${destroot}${prefix}/lib/lib${name}.dylib"
+	set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}-${version}
+	xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}
+	xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} AUTHORS ChangeLog LICENSE README TODO TODO.ideas \
+		${destroot}${docdir}
+# gcc: -E, -S, -save-temps and -M options are not allowed with multiple -arch flags
+universal_variant no
+livecheck.check	regex
+livecheck.url	${homepage}
+livecheck.regex	${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)

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