[21142] trunk/dports/PortIndex

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Sat Jan 6 12:31:37 PST 2007

Revision: 21142
Author:   dluke at macports.org
Date:     2007-01-06 12:31:36 -0800 (Sat, 06 Jan 2007)

Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	3712 
Ports successfully parsed:	3712	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-01-06 16:58:05 UTC (rev 21141)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-01-06 20:31:36 UTC (rev 21142)
@@ -950,10 +950,10 @@
 variants {ghc nhc98} portdir devel/hmake description {A Make Tool for Haskell Programs} homepage http://www.haskell.org/hmake/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name hmake depends_lib lib:libreadline.5:readline maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org long_description {hmake is a compilation manager for Haskell programs.} version 3.13 categories devel revision 0
 hs-Crypto 582
 depends_build port:ghc description {The Haskell Cryptographic Library.} portdir devel/hs-Crypto homepage http://www.haskell.org/crypto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-Crypto long_description {The Haskell Cryptographic Library collects together existing Haskell cryptographic functions into one cabalized package, together with HUnit tests, QuickCheck property tests, examples showing how to interwork with other cryptographic implementations and examples showing how to handle other ASN.1 definitions.} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org categories devel version 3.0.3 revision 0
-hs-Edison 690
-depends_build port:ghc portdir devel/hs-Edison description {A library of purely functional data structures for Haskell} homepage http://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/edison.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-Edison depends_lib port:hs-EdisonAPI maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org long_description {Edison is a library of purely function data structures for Haskell originally written by Chris Okasaki. Conceptually, it consists of two things: 1. A set of type classes defining data the following data structure abstractions: sequences, collections and associative collections, 2. Multiple concrete implementations of each of the abstractions.} version categories devel revision 1
-hs-EdisonAPI 666
-depends_build port:ghc description {A library of purely functional data structures for Haskell} portdir devel/hs-EdisonAPI homepage http://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/edison.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-EdisonAPI long_description {Edison is a library of purely function data structures for Haskell originally written by Chris Okasaki. Conceptually, it consists of two things: 1. A set of type classes defining data the following data structure abstractions: sequences, collections and associative collections, 2. Multiple concrete implementations of each of the abstractions.} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org categories devel version revision 1
+hs-Edison 688
+depends_build port:ghc portdir devel/hs-Edison description {A library of purely functional data structures for Haskell} homepage http://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/edison.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-Edison depends_lib port:hs-EdisonAPI maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org long_description {Edison is a library of purely function data structures for Haskell originally written by Chris Okasaki. Conceptually, it consists of two things: 1. A set of type classes defining data the following data structure abstractions: sequences, collections and associative collections, 2. Multiple concrete implementations of each of the abstractions.} version 1.2.1 categories devel revision 0
+hs-EdisonAPI 664
+depends_build port:ghc description {A library of purely functional data structures for Haskell} portdir devel/hs-EdisonAPI homepage http://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~rdocki01/edison.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-EdisonAPI long_description {Edison is a library of purely function data structures for Haskell originally written by Chris Okasaki. Conceptually, it consists of two things: 1. A set of type classes defining data the following data structure abstractions: sequences, collections and associative collections, 2. Multiple concrete implementations of each of the abstractions.} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org categories devel version 1.2.1 revision 0
 hs-NewBinary 368
 depends_build port:ghc description {The New Binary library for Haskell.} portdir devel/hs-NewBinary homepage http://www.n-heptane.com/nhlab/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-NewBinary long_description {A module for fast binary I/O in haskell. Features bit level I/O and byte level I/O} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org categories devel version 2005-12-11 revision 0
 hs-plugins 510
@@ -2344,8 +2344,8 @@
 depends_build {port:esdl port:erlang} description {Erlang 3D Modeler} portdir graphics/wings homepage http://www.wings3d.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wings long_description {Wings 3D is a subdivision modeler inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware.} maintainers bfulgham at mac.com categories {graphics erlang} version 0.98.32a revision 0
 wxWidgets 679
 variants darwin_8 portdir graphics/wxWidgets description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {mww at macports.org jwa at macports.org} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2.8.0 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
-wxWidgets-devel 695
-variants darwin_8 portdir graphics/wxWidgets-devel description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets-devel depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {jwa at macports.org mww at macports.org} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2.8.0-rc1 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
+wxWidgets-devel 696
+variants darwin_8 portdir graphics/wxWidgets-devel description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets-devel depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {jwa at macports.org mww at macports.org} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2007-01-04 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
 wxWindows 660
 variants {mac gtk1} portdir graphics/wxWindows description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwindows.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWindows depends_lib {lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libtiff:tiff lib:libpng:libpng lib:libfreetype.6:freetype lib:libz:zlib} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org long_description {wxWindows is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWindows will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2.4.2 categories {graphics devel} revision 1
 xaos 975
@@ -4917,7 +4917,7 @@
 denemo 613
 portdir print/denemo description {Denemo is a unique score editor} homepage http://denemo.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_run port:qtplay platforms darwin name denemo depends_lib port:librsvg maintainers yves at opendarwin.org long_description {Denemo is a unique score editor which exports notation to LilyPond and ABC music formats. It also acts as a frontend for Csound score files. Denemo is different from most graphic music editors, this is partly because it was created to help edit Lilypond notation and partly because of its unique design philosophy.} version 0.7.5 categories {print audio x11} revision 0
 dvipdfmx 917
-portdir print/dvipdfmx description {Multi-byte aware replacement for dvipdf} homepage http://project.ktug.or.kr/dvipdfmx/ epoch 0 depends_run port:ghostscript platforms darwin name dvipdfmx depends_lib {lib:libkpathsea:teTeX lib:libpng:libpng lib:libz:zlib} long_description {The DVIPDFMx project provides an eXtended version of the dvipdfm, a DVI format to PDF translator developed by Mark A. Wicks. The primary goal of this project is to support multi-byte character encodings and large character sets for East Asian languages by CID-keyed font technology. The secondary goal is to support as many features as pdfTeX developed by Hˆn Th Thˆnh. This project is a combined work of the dvipdfm-jpn project by Shunsaku Hirata and its modified one, dvipdfm-kor by Jin-Hwan Cho. This port includes Omega font metric for Japanese Adobe fonts.} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net version 20050831 categories print revision 1
+portdir print/dvipdfmx description {Multi-byte aware replacement for dvipdf} homepage http://project.ktug.or.kr/dvipdfmx/ epoch 0 depends_run port:ghostscript platforms darwin name dvipdfmx depends_lib {lib:libkpathsea:teTeX lib:libpng:libpng lib:libz:zlib} long_description {The DVIPDFMx project provides an eXtended version of the dvipdfm, a DVI format to PDF translator developed by Mark A. Wicks. The primary goal of this project is to support multi-byte character encodings and large character sets for East Asian languages by CID-keyed font technology. The secondary goal is to support as many features as pdfTeX developed by Hˆn Th Thˆnh. This project is a combined work of the dvipdfm-jpn project by Shunsaku Hirata and its modified one, dvipdfm-kor by Jin-Hwan Cho. This port includes Omega font metric for Japanese Adobe fonts.} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net version 20061211 categories print revision 0
 enscript 471
 variants mediaA4 description {Replacement for Adobe's 'enscript' program} portdir print/enscript homepage http://people.ssh.fi/mtr/genscript/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin sunos} name enscript long_description {GNU enscript is a drop-in replacement for the enscript program. Enscript converts ASCII files to PostScript and stores generated output to a file or sends it directly to the printer.} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org categories print version 1.6.4 revision 1
 espgs 591
@@ -5574,8 +5574,8 @@
 description {Python interface to the (included) WordNet database} portdir python/py-wordnet homepage http://pywordnet.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name py-wordnet depends_lib {{path:${prefix}/bin/python2.4:python24}} long_description {PyWordNet is a Python interface to the WordNet database of word meanings and lexical relationships. Version 1.7.1 or WordNet - the most recent version of WordNet working with py-wordnet - is included.} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org version 1.4 categories python revision 1
 py-work 575
 description {object oriented python web framework} portdir python/py-work homepage http://pywork.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name py-work depends_lib {{path:${prefix}/bin/python2.4:python24}} long_description {PyWork is a full object oriented python web framework. It provides the web application developer with the proper classes and configuration files to build, object oriented web applications in python, through the concept of Pull HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Controller).} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org version 0.4.8 categories {python www} revision 0
-py-wxpython 655
-description {Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI} portdir python/py-wxpython homepage http://www.wxpython.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python24 port:wxWidgets} name py-wxpython long_description {wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWindows cross platform GUI library, which is written in C++.} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org categories {python graphics} version revision 0
+py-wxpython 678
+description {Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI} portdir python/py-wxpython homepage http://www.wxpython.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:wxWidgets-devel} name py-wxpython long_description {wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWindows cross platform GUI library, which is written in C++.} maintainers {mww at macports.org jwa at macports.org} categories {python graphics} version revision 0
 py-xar 316
 description {Python bindings for xar} portdir python/py-xar homepage http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/xar/python.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name py-xar depends_lib {port:xar port:py-pyrex} long_description {{Python bindings for xar}} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org version 20051101 categories python revision 0
 py-xattr 714

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