[21267] trunk/dports/PortIndex

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Thu Jan 18 12:31:08 PST 2007

Revision: 21267
Author:   dluke at macports.org
Date:     2007-01-18 12:31:07 -0800 (Thu, 18 Jan 2007)

Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	3718 
Ports successfully parsed:	3718	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-01-18 18:20:23 UTC (rev 21266)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-01-18 20:31:07 UTC (rev 21267)
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@
 gtkglext 294
 portdir devel/gtkglext description {OpenGL Extension to GTK} name gtkglext depends_lib {port:gtk2 lib:libGL.1:XFree86} version 1.2.0 categories devel homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkglext/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers jd at lifehertz.com long_description {{OpenGL Extension to GTK}}
 gwenhywfar 428
-depends_build bin:glibtoolize:libtool description {a utility library required by aqbanking and related software} portdir devel/gwenhywfar homepage http://gwenhywfar.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_lib {lib:libssl:openssl port:gettext port:libxml2} name gwenhywfar long_description {{a utility library required by aqbanking and related software}} maintainers mas at macports.org categories {devel finance} version 2.5.0 revision 0
+depends_build bin:glibtoolize:libtool description {a utility library required by aqbanking and related software} portdir devel/gwenhywfar homepage http://gwenhywfar.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_lib {lib:libssl:openssl port:gettext port:libxml2} name gwenhywfar long_description {{a utility library required by aqbanking and related software}} maintainers mas at macports.org categories {devel finance} version 2.5.1 revision 0
 haddock 880
 depends_build port:ghc description {A Haskell Documentation Tool} portdir devel/haddock homepage http://www.haskell.org/haddock/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name haddock long_description {This is Haddock, a tool for automatically generating documentation from annotated Haskell source code. It is primarily intended for documenting libraries, but it should be useful for any kind of Haskell code. Like other systems (IDoc,HDoc), Haddock lets you write documentation annotations next to the definitions of functions and types in the source code, in a syntax that is easy on the eye when writing the source code (no heavyweight mark-up). The documentation generated by Haddock is fully hyperlinked - click on a type name in a type signature to go straight to the definition, and documentation, for that type.} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org categories devel version 0.8 revision 0
 halloc 437
@@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@
 GraphicsMagick 652
 variants {i386 darwin_8} portdir graphics/GraphicsMagick description {image processing tools collection} homepage http://www.graphicsmagick.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name GraphicsMagick depends_lib {port:libxml2 port:bzip2 port:zlib port:libpng port:tiff port:freetype} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org long_description {GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing. It provides a robust collection of tools and libraries which support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 88 major formats including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, SVG, and TIFF.} version 1.1.7 categories graphics revision 0
 ImageMagick 1087
-variants {gs lcms wmf mpeg jbig jpeg2 graphviz nox11 no-plus-plus darwin_6 darwin_8} portdir graphics/ImageMagick description {Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats} homepage http://www.imagemagick.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ImageMagick depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:bzip2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:tiff port:zlib port:freetype port:libxml2} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {A robust collection of tools and libraries to read, write, and manipulate an image in many image formats (over 87 major formats) including popular formats like TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, and GIF. With ImageMagick you can create images dynamically, making it suitable for Web applications. You can also resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image or image sequence and save your completed work in the same or differing image format. Image processing operations are available from the command line, as well as through C, C
 ++, Perl, or Java programming interfaces.} version 6.3.1-4 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
+variants {gs lcms wmf mpeg jbig jpeg2 graphviz nox11 no-plus-plus darwin_6 darwin_8} portdir graphics/ImageMagick description {Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats} homepage http://www.imagemagick.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ImageMagick depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:bzip2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:tiff port:zlib port:freetype port:libxml2} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {A robust collection of tools and libraries to read, write, and manipulate an image in many image formats (over 87 major formats) including popular formats like TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, and GIF. With ImageMagick you can create images dynamically, making it suitable for Web applications. You can also resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image or image sequence and save your completed work in the same or differing image format. Image processing operations are available from the command line, as well as through C, C
 ++, Perl, or Java programming interfaces.} version 6.3.1-7 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
 openexr 387
 variants {{darwin 7}} description {OpenEXR Graphics Library} portdir graphics/OpenEXR homepage http://www.openexr.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name openexr long_description {OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.} maintainers waqar at macports.org categories graphics version 1.4.0 revision 0
 PRICE 461
@@ -2357,7 +2357,7 @@
 wxWidgets 679
 variants darwin_8 portdir graphics/wxWidgets description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {mww at macports.org jwa at macports.org} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2.8.0 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
 wxWidgets-devel 696
-variants darwin_8 portdir graphics/wxWidgets-devel description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets-devel depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {jwa at macports.org mww at macports.org} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2007-01-04 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
+variants darwin_8 portdir graphics/wxWidgets-devel description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets-devel depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {jwa at macports.org mww at macports.org} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2007-01-18 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
 wxWindows 660
 variants {mac gtk1} portdir graphics/wxWindows description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwindows.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWindows depends_lib {lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libtiff:tiff lib:libpng:libpng lib:libfreetype.6:freetype lib:libz:zlib} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org long_description {wxWindows is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWindows will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2.4.2 categories {graphics devel} revision 1
 xaos 975
@@ -4046,8 +4046,8 @@
 description {userland implementation of the CARP} portdir net/ucarp homepage http://www.ucarp.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {lib:libiconv:libiconv lib:libintl:gettext} name ucarp long_description {UCARP allows a pair of hosts to share common virtual IP addresses in order to provide automatic failover. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP, OpenBSD's alternative to VRRP). Strong points of the CARP protocol include its very low overhead, cryptographically signed messages, interoperability between different operating systems and no need for any dedicated extra network link between redundant hosts.} maintainers mww at opendarwin.org categories net version 1.1 revision 0
 ucspi-tcp 607
 portdir net/ucspi-tcp platforms darwin description {command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications} name ucspi-tcp version 0.88 categories net homepage http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp.html revision 1 epoch 0 maintainers mww at opendarwin.org long_description {tcpserver waits for incoming connections and, for each connection, runs a program of your choice. Your program receives environment variables showing the local and remote host names, IP addresses, and port numbers. tcpclient makes a TCP connection and runs a program of your choice. It sets up the same environment variables as tcpserver.}
-unison 606
-variants {x11 aqua} portdir net/unison description {Unison File Synchronizer} homepage http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin openbsd} name unison depends_lib bin:camlp4:ocaml maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.} version 2.13.16 categories net revision 0
+unison 601
+variants {x11 aqua} portdir net/unison description {Unison File Synchronizer} homepage http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin openbsd} name unison depends_lib bin:camlp4:ocaml maintainers eridius at macports.org long_description {Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.} version 2.13.16 categories net revision 0
 upclient 263
 portdir net/upclient platforms darwin description {uptime sharing utility.} name upclient version 5.0b8 categories net homepage http://upclient.sourceforge.net/ revision 2 epoch 0 maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {{uptime sharing utility.}}
 vsftpd 440

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