[26857] trunk/dports/cross

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Mon Jul 9 18:49:04 PDT 2007

Revision: 26857
Author:   pguyot at kallisys.net
Date:     2007-07-09 18:49:04 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007)

Log Message:
New port: cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (gcc for Nokia Internet Tablet 770/800)

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc/Portfile	2007-07-10 01:49:04 UTC (rev 26857)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# $Id: Portfile 20558 2006-11-06 23:28:39Z blair at macports.org $
+PortSystem			1.0
+name            	arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
+version         	2005q3-2
+# Parameters for this port.
+set gccversion		2005q3
+set scratchboxversion	1.0.5
+set crossgcc-target arm-none-linux-gnueabi
+set default-languages --enable-languages="c,c++,objc"
+description     	gcc 3.x cross-compilers for arm-none-linux-gnueabi.
+long_description	gnu compilers collection version 3.x (including c++ and objc) for \
+					arm-none-linux-gnueabi, Nokia Internet Tablet version from Code Sourcery
+homepage			http://www.codesourcery.com/gnu_toolchains/arm
+platforms       	darwin
+categories      	cross devel
+maintainers     	pguyot at kallisys.net
+master_sites		macports:pguyot
+distfiles			gcc-${version}.tar.bz2 
+worksrcdir			gcc-${gccversion}
+checksums			gcc-${version}.tar.bz2 \
+						md5 8fb231e1d8573b9e14e4d518a1c781a2 \
+						sha1 99334733b0e0b2befd7f5eb9c6fac407a71f563e \
+						rmd160 8d08aa976a84e9058ae95616c25e2c5a00ac9b4c 
+# Download everything to gcc/
+dist_subdir			gcc
+depends_lib			bin:${crossgcc-target}-ar:${crossgcc-target}-binutils \
+				bin:${crossgcc-target}-as:${crossgcc-target}-binutils \
+					bin:${crossgcc-target}-ld:${crossgcc-target}-binutils \
+					bin:${crossgcc-target}-nm:${crossgcc-target}-binutils \
+					bin:${crossgcc-target}-ranlib:${crossgcc-target}-binutils \
+					port:${crossgcc-target}-runtime
+depends_build		bin:msgfmt:gettext
+use_bzip2			yes
+# Since we don't build gcc and binutils at the same time, gcc's Makefile will try to transform
+# program names as gcc's name (add -${version} with ${version} being the version of gcc).
+# But it won't work because binutils binaries don't have the ${version} suffix, and even if they
+# had, they would actually have the binutils' version suffix (and not gcc's version).
+# So let's tell gcc's Makefile not to do that mistake.
+set environment [list AR_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-ar \
+				AS_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-as \
+				LD_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-ld \
+				NM_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-nm \
+				RANLIB_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-ranlib]
+# Build in a different directory, as advised in the README file.
+pre-configure   {
+	file mkdir "${workpath}/build"
+configure.dir   ${workpath}/build
+configure.cmd   ${worksrcpath}/configure
+configure.env   CC="cc -no-cpp-precomp" \
+				${environment}
+configure.args  --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \
+				--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' \
+				--target=${crossgcc-target} \
+				--program-prefix=${crossgcc-target}- \
+				--program-suffix=-${gccversion} \
+				--with-included-gettext \
+				--with-headers=${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/usr/include \
+				--with-libs=${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/usr/lib \
+				--enable-shared \
+				--enable-threads \
+				--disable-checking \
+				--enable-symvers=gnu \
+				--enable-__cxa_atexit \
+				--disable-libssp \
+				--disable-libstdcxx-pch \
+				--with-cpu= \
+				--enable-interwork \
+				--with-gxx-include-dir=${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/include/c++/${version}/ \
+				${default-languages}
+build.dir       ${workpath}/build
+build.args		${environment}
+destroot.args	${environment}
+# Variant to include java tools.
+# I'm not exactly sure what the interest of this variant is except to measure
+# the speed of your Xserve G5 farm. Or your patience if you don't have such
+# a farm.
+variant java {
+	configure.args-delete ${default-languages}
+patch {
+	namespace eval crossgcc {}
+	# Fix the info pages and related stuff.
+	#	
+	# path: path to the doc directory (e.g. gas/doc/)
+	# makefile: path to Makefile.in (e.g. gas/doc/Makefile.in)
+	# name: name of the info page (e.g. as)
+	# suffix: suffix of the souce page (texinfo or texi)
+	proc crossgcc::fixinfo { path makefile name suffix } {
+		global crossgcc-target worksrcpath
+		# Fix the source
+		if { [ file exists ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} ] } { 
+			reinplace "s|setfilename ${name}.info|setfilename ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \
+				${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix}
+			reinplace "s|(${name})|(${crossgcc-target}-${name})|g" \
+				${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix}
+			reinplace "s|@file{${name}}|@file{${crossgcc-target}-${name}}|g" \
+				${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix}
+               		# Rename the source
+                	file rename ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} \
+                        	${worksrcpath}/${path}/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}
+		}
+		# Fix the Makefile
+		reinplace "s| ${name}.info| ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s|/${name}.info|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+                reinplace "s|/${name}.1|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.1|g" \
+                        ${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s|^${name}.info|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s| ${name}.pod| ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.pod|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s|/${name}.pod|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.pod|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s|^${name}.pod|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.pod|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s| ${name}.${suffix}| ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s|/${name}.${suffix}|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		reinplace "s|^${name}.${suffix}|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \
+			${worksrcpath}/${makefile}
+		# Fix install-info's dir.
+		# (note: this may be effectless if there was no info dir to be fixed)
+		reinplace "s|--info-dir=\$(DESTDIR)\$(infodir)|--dir-file=\$(DESTDIR)\$(infodir)/${crossgcc-target}-gcc-dir|g" \
+			"${worksrcpath}/${makefile}"
+	}
+	# Fix the gettext files and related stuff.
+	#	
+	# module: name of the module (e.g. gas)
+	proc crossgcc::fixgettext { module } {
+		global crossgcc-target worksrcpath
+		if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in" ] } {
+			reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}- at PACKAGE@|g" \
+				"${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in"
+		}
+		if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/doc/Makefile.in" ] } {
+			reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}- at PACKAGE@|g" \
+				"${worksrcpath}/${module}/doc/Makefile.in"
+		}
+		if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/po/Make-in" ] } {
+			reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}- at PACKAGE@|g" \
+				"${worksrcpath}/${module}/po/Make-in"
+		}
+	}
+	# gcc/doc/cpp.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in cpp texi
+	# gcc/doc/cppinternals.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in cppinternals texi
+	# gcc/doc/gcc.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in gcc texi
+        crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/cp/ gcc/cp/Make-lang.in gcc texi
+        crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/cp/ gcc/cp/Make-lang.in g++ texi
+	# gcc/doc/gccint.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in gccint texi
+	# gcc/f/g77.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/f/ gcc/f/Make-lang.in g77 texi
+	# gcc/java/gcj.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/java/ gcc/java/Make-lang.in gcj texi
+	# fastjar/fastjar.texi
+	crossgcc::fixinfo fastjar/ fastjar/Makefile.in fastjar texi
+	# gettext stuff.
+	crossgcc::fixgettext gcc
+	crossgcc::fixgettext fastjar
+pre-destroot {
+	# gcc needs the cross directory structure to be present
+	# in order to fill it during installation.
+	file mkdir "${destroot}/${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/bin"
+	file mkdir "${destroot}/${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/lib"
+post-destroot {
+	namespace eval crossgcc {}
+	# Rename a man page if it exists.
+	#
+	# section: section of the man page (e.g. 1)
+	# manpage: name of the man page (e.g. cpp)
+	proc crossgcc::rename_man_page { section manpage } {
+		global crossgcc-target destroot prefix
+		set manpage_path "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man${section}/${manpage}.${section}"
+		if { [ file exists ${manpage_path} ] } {
+			file rename ${manpage_path} \
+				"${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man${section}/${crossgcc-target}-${manpage}.${section}"
+		}
+	}
+	# Stuff I don't want (either because they're in the system
+	# or because they would conflict with other FSF ports)
+	# (it's easier for maintainability purposes to fix things here)
+	# aliases for locales (should be on the system)
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/locale/locale.alias"
+	# FSF propaganda (should already be there or would conflict)
+	file delete -force "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man7"
+	# (host) libiberty
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/libiberty.a"
+	# aliases for charsets (should already be there)
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/charset.alias"
+	# Remove man pages for tools that are not built as part of cross-gcc
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man1/rmic.1"
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man1/rmiregistry.1"
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man1/jv-convert.1"
+	file delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man1/gij.1"
+	# For some reason, some man pages are not prefixed while they should have been
+	# (to avoid conflicting).
+	crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 cpp
+	crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 gcjh
+	crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 gcov
+	crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 jcf-dump
+	crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 jv-scan
+	# There is a bug in gcc/Makefile::install-driver
+	# For cross compilers, $(GCC_INSTALL_NAME) is equal to
+	# $(target_noncanonical)-gcc-$(version)
+	# and hence the driver isn't installed.
+	xinstall -c "${workpath}/build/gcc/xgcc" \
+		"${destroot}/${prefix}/bin/${crossgcc-target}-gcc-${version}"

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