[23080] trunk/dports/python/py-gobject

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Sat Mar 24 10:34:37 PDT 2007

Revision: 23080
Author:   yves at macports.org
Date:     2007-03-24 10:34:37 -0700 (Sat, 24 Mar 2007)

Log Message:
Add patch for object-init segfault related to ticket:11118

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/python/py-gobject/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/python/py-gobject/Portfile	2007-03-24 17:22:35 UTC (rev 23079)
+++ trunk/dports/python/py-gobject/Portfile	2007-03-24 17:34:37 UTC (rev 23080)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name               py-gobject
 version		       2.12.3
+revision           1
 categories         python gnome
 maintainers        yves at macports.org
 description        Python bindings for GObject.
@@ -19,4 +20,6 @@
 use_bzip2       yes
 checksums       md5 009986021225b7ea6e0ba848707785af
-depends_lib     port:glib2 port:python24
+patchfiles      pygobject-init-v3.diff
+depends_lib     port:glib2 port:libxslt port:python24

Added: trunk/dports/python/py-gobject/files/pygobject-init-v3.diff
--- trunk/dports/python/py-gobject/files/pygobject-init-v3.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/python/py-gobject/files/pygobject-init-v3.diff	2007-03-24 17:34:37 UTC (rev 23080)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Index: gobject/pygobject.h
+--- gobject/pygobject.h	(revision 639)
++++ gobject/pygobject.h	(working copy)
+@@ -274,53 +274,107 @@
+             PyEval_RestoreThread(_save);        \
+     } G_STMT_END
+-#define init_pygobject() G_STMT_START { \
+-    PyObject *gobject = PyImport_ImportModule("gobject"); \
+-    if (gobject != NULL) { \
+-        PyObject *mdict = PyModule_GetDict(gobject); \
+-        PyObject *cobject = PyDict_GetItemString(mdict, "_PyGObject_API"); \
+-        if (PyCObject_Check(cobject)) \
+-            _PyGObject_API = (struct _PyGObject_Functions *)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(cobject); \
+-        else { \
+-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, \
+-                            "could not find _PyGObject_API object"); \
+-	    return; \
+-        } \
+-    } else { \
+-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, \
+-                        "could not import gobject"); \
+-        return; \
+-    } \
++ * pygobject_init:
++ * @req_major: minimum version major number, or -1
++ * @req_minor: minimum version minor number, or -1
++ * @req_micro: minimum version micro number, or -1
++ * 
++ * Imports and initializes the 'gobject' python module.  Can
++ * optionally check for a required minimum version if @req_major,
++ * @req_minor, and @req_micro are all different from -1.
++ * 
++ * Returns: a new reference to the gobject module on success, NULL in
++ * case of failure (and raises ImportError).
++ **/
++static inline PyObject *
++pygobject_init(int req_major, int req_minor, int req_micro)
++    PyObject *gobject, *cobject;
++    gobject = PyImport_ImportModule("gobject");
++    if (!gobject) {
++        if (PyErr_Occurred())
++        {
++            PyObject *type, *value, *traceback;
++            PyObject *py_orig_exc;
++            PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback);
++            py_orig_exc = PyObject_Repr(value);
++            Py_XDECREF(type);
++            Py_XDECREF(value);
++            Py_XDECREF(traceback);
++            PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError,
++                         "could not import gobject (error was: %s)",
++                         PyString_AsString(py_orig_exc));
++            Py_DECREF(py_orig_exc);
++        } else {
++            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
++                            "could not import gobject (no error given)");
++        }
++        return NULL;
++    }
++    cobject = PyObject_GetAttrString(gobject, "_PyGObject_API");
++    if (cobject && PyCObject_Check(cobject))
++        _PyGObject_API = (struct _PyGObject_Functions *) PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(cobject);
++    else {
++        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
++                        "could not import gobject (could not find _PyGObject_API object)");
++        Py_DECREF(gobject);
++        return NULL;
++    }
++    if (req_major != -1)
++    {
++        int found_major, found_minor, found_micro;
++        PyObject *version;
++        version = PyObject_GetAttrString(gobject, "pygobject_version");
++        if (!version)
++            version = PyObject_GetAttrString(gobject, "pygtk_version");
++        if (!version) {
++            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
++                            "could not import gobject (version too old)");
++            Py_DECREF(gobject);
++            return NULL;
++        }
++        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(version, "iii",
++                              &found_major, &found_minor, &found_micro)) {
++            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
++                            "could not import gobject (version has invalid format)");
++            Py_DECREF(version);
++            Py_DECREF(gobject);
++            return NULL;
++        }
++        Py_DECREF(version);
++        if (req_major != found_major ||
++            req_minor >  found_minor ||
++            (req_minor == found_minor && req_micro > found_micro)) {
++            PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError,
++                         "could not import gobject (version mismatch, %d.%d.%d is required, "
++                         "found %d.%d.%d)", req_major, req_minor, req_micro,
++                         found_major, found_minor, found_micro);
++            Py_DECREF(gobject);
++            return NULL;
++        }
++    }
++    return gobject;
++/* deprecated macro, use pygobject_init() instead. */
++#define init_pygobject() G_STMT_START {         \
++    if (!pygobject_init(-1, -1, -1))            \
++        return;                                 \
+-#define init_pygobject_check(req_major, req_minor, req_micro) G_STMT_START { \
+-    PyObject *gobject, *mdict, *version;                                     \
+-    int found_major, found_minor, found_micro;                               \
+-    init_pygobject();                                                        \
+-    gobject = PyImport_ImportModule("gobject");                              \
+-    mdict = PyModule_GetDict(gobject);                                       \
+-    version = PyDict_GetItemString(mdict, "pygobject_version");              \
+-    if (!version)                                                            \
+-        version = PyDict_GetItemString(mdict, "pygtk_version");              \
+-    if (!version) {                                                          \
+-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,                                   \
+-                         "PyGObject version too old");                       \
+-        return;                                                              \
+-    }                                                                        \
+-    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(version, "iii",                                    \
+-                          &found_major, &found_minor, &found_micro))         \
+-        return;                                                              \
+-    if (req_major != found_major ||                                          \
+-        req_minor >  found_minor ||                                          \
+-        (req_minor == found_minor && req_micro > found_micro)) {	     \
+-        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError,                                      \
+-                     "PyGObject version mismatch, %d.%d.%d is required, "    \
+-                     "found %d.%d.%d.", req_major, req_minor, req_micro,     \
+-                     found_major, found_minor, found_micro);                 \
+-        return;                                                              \
+-    }                                                                        \
++/* deprecated macro, use pygobject_init() instead. */
++#define init_pygobject_check(req_major, req_minor, req_micro) G_STMT_START {    \
++    if (!pygobject_init(req_major, req_minor, req_micro))                       \
++        return;                                                                 \
+ #endif /* !_INSIDE_PYGOBJECT_ */

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