[23427] trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry
source_changes at macosforge.org
source_changes at macosforge.org
Sat Mar 31 18:16:08 PDT 2007
Revision: 23427
Author: jann at macports.org
Date: 2007-03-31 18:16:07 -0700 (Sat, 31 Mar 2007)
Log Message:
Update agg to 2.5
Modified Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry/Portfile 2007-04-01 01:13:22 UTC (rev 23426)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry/Portfile 2007-04-01 01:16:07 UTC (rev 23427)
@@ -1,65 +1,52 @@
# $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-name antigraingeometry
-version 2.3
-revision 8
-categories graphics devel
-maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org
-description A high quality rendering engine for C++
+PortSystem 1.0
+name antigraingeometry
+version 2.5
+categories graphics devel
+maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org
+description A high quality rendering engine for C++
long_description \
- Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is a general purpose graphical toolkit \
- written completely in standard and platform independent C++. It can be \
- used in many areas of computer programming where high quality 2D \
- graphics is an essential part of the project. For example, if you \
- render 2D geographic maps AGG is a must. AGG uses only C++ and standard \
- C runtime functions, such as memcpy, sin, cos, sqrt, etc. The basic \
- algorithms don't even use C++ Standard Template Library. Thus, AGG can \
- be used in a very large number of applications, including embedded \
- systems.
+ Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is a general purpose graphical toolkit \
+ written completely in standard and platform independent C++. It can be \
+ used in many areas of computer programming where high quality 2D \
+ graphics is an essential part of the project. For example, if you \
+ render 2D geographic maps AGG is a must. AGG uses only C++ and standard \
+ C runtime functions, such as memcpy, sin, cos, sqrt, etc. The basic \
+ algorithms don't even use C++ Standard Template Library. Thus, AGG can \
+ be used in a very large number of applications, including embedded \
+ systems.
-platforms darwin
+platforms darwin
-homepage http://www.antigrain.com/
-master_sites ${homepage}
-distname agg23
+homepage http://www.antigrain.com/
+master_sites ${homepage}
+distname agg-${version}
-checksums md5 c4785f783fd09e5bea9974360c5e4544 \
- sha1 5d2b2961b18352057a9026a9c5873c42a7a9db0c \
- rmd160 5a83d92dc4a116174aadba3f5350d034aff08fa9
+checksums md5 ddc67cbdc7d51e1ec984c2ac2724c08a \
+ sha1 9d49403027cd2444aa72c557c58c236b201adf43 \
+ rmd160 62cfda6a73e49d82e2fc857544564d493d655c3d
-depends_lib port:freetype lib:libX11:XFree86
+depends_lib port:freetype lib:libX11:XFree86
-patchfiles patch-Makefile.am
+use_autoconf yes
+use_automake yes
+automake.args --foreign --add-missing --ignore-deps
-use_autoconf yes
-use_automake yes
-automake.args --foreign --add-missing --ignore-deps
pre-configure {
- cd ${worksrcpath}
- if {[variant_isset darwin]} {
- system "aclocal -I /usr/share/aclocal"
- system "glibtoolize --force"
- } else {
- system "aclocal"
- system "libtoolize --force"
- }
+ cd ${worksrcpath}
+ system "autoheader"
+ if {[variant_isset darwin]} {
+ system "aclocal -I /usr/share/aclocal"
+ system "glibtoolize --force"
+ } else {
+ system "aclocal"
+ system "libtoolize --force"
+ }
+configure.env CXXFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include
-post-destroot {
- xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
- xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} README.txt readme \
- ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
- file copy ${worksrcpath}/tutorial \
- ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
# Empty so it gets set for pre-configure
variant darwin {
Deleted: trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry/files/patch-Makefile.am
--- trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry/files/patch-Makefile.am 2007-04-01 01:13:22 UTC (rev 23426)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/antigraingeometry/files/patch-Makefile.am 2007-04-01 01:16:07 UTC (rev 23427)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.am.orig Mon Aug 16 05:32:13 2004
-+++ Makefile.am Sat Oct 23 17:28:01 2004
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--SUBDIRS = gpc src font_freetype include examples
-+SUBDIRS = gpc src font_freetype include
- pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
- pkgconfig_DATA = libagg.pc
-------------- next part --------------
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