[24716] trunk/dports/java
source_changes at macosforge.org
source_changes at macosforge.org
Tue May 1 01:05:03 PDT 2007
Revision: 24716
Author: jann at macports.org
Date: 2007-05-01 01:05:03 -0700 (Tue, 01 May 2007)
Log Message:
New port
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/dports/java/pulse/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/java/pulse/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/java/pulse/Portfile 2007-05-01 08:05:03 UTC (rev 24716)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name pulse
+version 1.2.18
+categories java
+maintainers simon at redhillconsulting.com.au
+description Pulse automated build server
+long_description Pulse is an automated build or continuous integration server. \
+ Pulse regularly checks out your project's source code from your \
+ SCM, builds the project and reports on the results. A project \
+ build typically involves compiling the source code and running \
+ tests to ensure the quality of the code. By automating this \
+ process, pulse allows you to constantly monitor the health of \
+ your project.
+homepage http://www.zutubi.com/products/pulse/
+master_sites http://www.zutubi.com/download/
+checksums md5 6da10683325bf7239827e2ff842600d1
+depends_lib bin:java:kaffe
+set osuser pulse
+set osgroup pulse
+set home ${prefix}/share/java/pulse
+set bin ${home}/bin
+set executable ${bin}/pulse
+set dbdir ${prefix}/var/db/pulse
+use_configure no
+startupitem.create yes
+startupitem.init "PULSE_HOME=${home}\nPATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/lib/postgresql82/bin:$PATH"
+startupitem.start "su ${osuser} -c \"${executable} start\""
+startupitem.stop "su ${osuser} -c \"${executable} shutdown\""
+build {}
+destroot {
+ # Create the Pulse user
+ addgroup ${osgroup}
+ set gid [existsgroup ${osgroup}]
+ adduser ${osuser} shell=/bin/sh gid=${gid} home=${dbdir} realname=Pulse\ Server
+ # Ensure we have the needed directories
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${home}
+ # Copy the files
+ system "cp -R ${worksrcpath}/ ${destroot}${home}"
+ # Keep empty directories
+ destroot.keepdirs-append ${destroot}${home}/logs ${destroot}${home}/versions
+ # Fix ownership of some directories pulse really needs to write to
+ system "chown -R ${osuser}:${osgroup} ${destroot}${home}/logs"
+ system "chown -R ${osuser}:${osgroup} ${destroot}${home}/versions"
+ # Add a symlink from bin directory to the pulse script
+ system "ln -fs ${executable} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/pulse"
+post-install {
+ ui_msg "#"
+ ui_msg "# The script ${executable} has been installed to facilitate starting and"
+ ui_msg "# stopping ${name} as a true daemon process. It must be run as ${osuser}."
+ ui_msg "# For example:"
+ ui_msg "#"
+ ui_msg "# sudo su pulse -c "${executable} start"
+ ui_msg "#"
+ ui_msg "# This script assumes it is run from ${home}. To run from outside this"
+ ui_msg "# directory, you must set the value of PULSE_HOME to the absolute path"
+ ui_msg "# of this directory. For example:"
+ ui_msg "#"
+ ui_msg "# PULSE_HOME=${home} sudo su pulse -c "${executable} start"
+ ui_msg "#"
+ ui_msg "# You will also need To create the directory ${dbdir} if it does not"
+ ui_msg "# already exist:"
+ ui_msg "#"
+ ui_msg "# sudo mkdir -p ${dbdir}"
+ ui_msg "# sudo chown ${osuser}:${osgroup} ${dbdir}"
+ ui_msg "#"
Property changes on: trunk/dports/java/pulse/Portfile
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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