[24774] trunk/dports/net/iperf/Portfile

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Thu May 3 13:22:31 PDT 2007

Revision: 24774
Author:   pmq at macports.org
Date:     2007-05-03 13:22:30 -0700 (Thu, 03 May 2007)

Log Message:
Take maintainership from nomaintainer at .
Simplify master_sites.
Whitespace cleanup.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/iperf/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/iperf/Portfile	2007-05-03 19:33:33 UTC (rev 24773)
+++ trunk/dports/net/iperf/Portfile	2007-05-03 20:22:30 UTC (rev 24774)
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-name		iperf
-version		1.7.0
-revision	0
-categories	net
-maintainers	nomaintainer at macports.org
-description	A tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth 
-long_description	\
-	Iperf is a tool for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth, \
-	reminiscent of ttcp and nettest. It has been written to overcome the \
-	shortcomings of those aging tools. Iperf can also test UDP \
-	bandwidth, loss, and jitter.
-homepage	http://dast.nlanr.net/Projects/Iperf/
-platforms	darwin
-master_sites	http://dast.nlanr.net/Projects/Iperf/
-checksums	md5 3e4aea85822bcf10ed14040f4b26bd26
-distname	${name}-${version}-source
-worksrcdir		${name}-${version}
-patchfiles	Makefile.diff
+name		  iperf
+version		  1.7.0
+categories	  net
+platforms	  darwin
+maintainers	  pmq at macports.org
+description	  A tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth
+long_description  Iperf is a tool for measuring maximum TCP and UDP \
+		  bandwidth, reminiscent of ttcp and nettest. It has \
+		  been written to overcome the shortcomings of those \
+		  aging tools. Iperf can also test UDP bandwidth, \
+		  loss, and jitter.
+homepage	  http://dast.nlanr.net/Projects/Iperf
+master_sites	  ${homepage}
+checksums	  md5 3e4aea85822bcf10ed14040f4b26bd26
+distname	  ${name}-${version}-source
+worksrcdir	  ${name}-${version}
+patchfiles	  Makefile.diff
 post-patch {
-	reinplace "s|@install_prefix@|${destroot}${prefix}/bin|g" "${worksrcpath}/Makefile"	
+    reinplace "s|@install_prefix@|${destroot}${prefix}/bin|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
 configure.dir	${worksrcpath}/cfg

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