[24825] users/jberry/mpwa/doc

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Sat May 5 15:04:24 PDT 2007

Revision: 24825
Author:   jberry at macports.org
Date:     2007-05-05 15:04:24 -0700 (Sat, 05 May 2007)

Log Message:
rename schema-thoughts to schema, since that's what it is now

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema-thoughts.sql
--- users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema-thoughts.sql	2007-05-05 22:04:18 UTC (rev 24824)
+++ users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema-thoughts.sql	2007-05-05 22:04:24 UTC (rev 24825)
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
--- People represents a person, potentially with a login/password
--- persons are used for maintainer, submitter, commenter?
-drop table if exists People;
-create table People (
-    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    user_name       varchar(63),
-    first_name      varchar(63),
-    last_name       varchar(63),
-    email           varchar(63)
-    -- auth_method
-    -- auth_token
--- Ports represents a port: a piece of software
-drop table if exists Ports;
-create table Ports (
-    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    name            varchar(63),
-    short_desc      text,
-    long_desc       text,
-    home_page       varchar(255)
-    -- many-many association for tags through ports_tags
-    -- many-many association for maintainers through ports_maintainers
--- ports_maintainers: many-many association between Maintainers and Ports
-drop table if exists Maintainers_Ports;
-create table Maintainers_Ports (
-    person_id       bigint not null,
-    port_id         bigint not null
--- A PortPkg is an instance of build/install rules for a port.
--- There may be many PortPkg for each Port
-drop table if exists Port_Pkgs;
-create table Port_Pkgs (
-    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    port_id         bigint not null,
-    submitted_at    datetime not null,
-    submitter_id    bigint not null, -- one-one: Person
-    submitter_notes text,
-    epoch           varchar(32),
-    version         varchar(32),
-    revision        varchar(32)
-    -- one-many association for variants
-    -- many-many association for tags through PkgTagAssoc
-    -- many-many association for dependencies through PkgDependencyAssoc
-    -- (note that both pkgs and variants, have dependency relations)
-drop table if exists Port_Pkg_Files;
-create table Port_Pkg_Files (
-    id                  bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    port_pkg_id         bigint not null,
-    file_path           varchar(2047),
-    length              bigint not null,
-    mime_type           varchar(63),
-    md5                 varchar(32),
-    sha256              varchar(64)
-drop table if exists File_Blobs;
-create table File_Blobs (
-    id                  bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    port_pkg_file_id    bigint not null,
-    sequence            int not null,
-    data                blob
--- A tag which may be attached to various items through Ports_Tags, Port_Pkgs_Tags
-drop table if exists Tags;
-create table Tags (
-    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    name            varchar(31)
-create unique index tagNames on Tags(name);
--- many-many relationship between PortPkg and Tag
-drop table if exists Port_Pkgs_Tags;
-create table Port_Pkgs_Tags (
-    port_pkg_id     bigint not null,
-    tag_id          bigint not null
--- many-many relationship between Port and Tag
-drop table if exists Ports_Tags;
-create table Ports_Tags (
-    port_id         bigint not null,
-    tag_id          bigint not null
--- Variant available to a PortPkg
-drop table if exists Variants;
-create table Variants (
-    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    port_pkg_id     bigint not null,
-    name            varchar(63),
-    description     text
-    -- many-many association for dependencies through Dependencies_Variants
-    -- conflicts expr?
--- A dependency onto onther port
-drop table if exists Dependencies;
-create table Dependencies (
-    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
-    expression      text                -- textual? dependency expression
-    -- can we point directly to the target port (or portpkg, or porturl???)
-    -- that would make it much easier to determine reverse dependencies.
-    -- maybe we have nullable fields for port, portpkg, porturl, version, revision, etc...
--- many-one relationship from Dependency to PortPkg
-drop table if exists Dependencies_Port_Pkgs;
-create table Dependencies_Port_Pkgs (
-    package_id      bigint not null,
-    dependency_id   bigint not null
--- many-one relationship from Variant to Dependency
-drop table if exists Dependencies_Variants;
-create table Dependencies_Variants (
-    variant_id      bigint not null,
-    dependency_id   bigint not null
--- Missing components:
--- ==================================
--- Votes of confidence for/against portpkgs
--- Build status reports on portpkgs
--- Build logs against portpkgs
--- Comments on portpkgs, ports?

Copied: users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema.sql (from rev 24823, users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema-thoughts.sql)
--- users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ users/jberry/mpwa/doc/schema.sql	2007-05-05 22:04:24 UTC (rev 24825)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+-- People represents a person, potentially with a login/password
+-- persons are used for maintainer, submitter, commenter?
+drop table if exists People;
+create table People (
+    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    user_name       varchar(63),
+    first_name      varchar(63),
+    last_name       varchar(63),
+    email           varchar(63)
+    -- auth_method
+    -- auth_token
+-- Ports represents a port: a piece of software
+drop table if exists Ports;
+create table Ports (
+    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    name            varchar(63),
+    short_desc      text,
+    long_desc       text,
+    home_page       varchar(255)
+    -- many-many association for tags through ports_tags
+    -- many-many association for maintainers through ports_maintainers
+-- ports_maintainers: many-many association between Maintainers and Ports
+drop table if exists Maintainers_Ports;
+create table Maintainers_Ports (
+    person_id       bigint not null,
+    port_id         bigint not null
+-- A PortPkg is an instance of build/install rules for a port.
+-- There may be many PortPkg for each Port
+drop table if exists Port_Pkgs;
+create table Port_Pkgs (
+    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    port_id         bigint not null,
+    submitted_at    datetime not null,
+    submitter_id    bigint not null, -- one-one: Person
+    submitter_notes text,
+    epoch           varchar(32),
+    version         varchar(32),
+    revision        varchar(32)
+    -- one-many association for variants
+    -- many-many association for tags through PkgTagAssoc
+    -- many-many association for dependencies through PkgDependencyAssoc
+    -- (note that both pkgs and variants, have dependency relations)
+drop table if exists Port_Pkg_Files;
+create table Port_Pkg_Files (
+    id                  bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    port_pkg_id         bigint not null,
+    file_path           varchar(2047),
+    length              bigint not null,
+    mime_type           varchar(63),
+    md5                 varchar(32),
+    sha256              varchar(64)
+drop table if exists File_Blobs;
+create table File_Blobs (
+    id                  bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    port_pkg_file_id    bigint not null,
+    sequence            int not null,
+    data                blob
+-- A tag which may be attached to various items through Ports_Tags, Port_Pkgs_Tags
+drop table if exists Tags;
+create table Tags (
+    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    name            varchar(31)
+create unique index tagNames on Tags(name);
+-- many-many relationship between PortPkg and Tag
+drop table if exists Port_Pkgs_Tags;
+create table Port_Pkgs_Tags (
+    port_pkg_id     bigint not null,
+    tag_id          bigint not null
+-- many-many relationship between Port and Tag
+drop table if exists Ports_Tags;
+create table Ports_Tags (
+    port_id         bigint not null,
+    tag_id          bigint not null
+-- Variant available to a PortPkg
+drop table if exists Variants;
+create table Variants (
+    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    port_pkg_id     bigint not null,
+    name            varchar(63),
+    description     text
+    -- many-many association for dependencies through Dependencies_Variants
+    -- conflicts expr?
+-- A dependency onto onther port
+drop table if exists Dependencies;
+create table Dependencies (
+    id              bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
+    expression      text                -- textual? dependency expression
+    -- can we point directly to the target port (or portpkg, or porturl???)
+    -- that would make it much easier to determine reverse dependencies.
+    -- maybe we have nullable fields for port, portpkg, porturl, version, revision, etc...
+-- many-one relationship from Dependency to PortPkg
+drop table if exists Dependencies_Port_Pkgs;
+create table Dependencies_Port_Pkgs (
+    package_id      bigint not null,
+    dependency_id   bigint not null
+-- many-one relationship from Variant to Dependency
+drop table if exists Dependencies_Variants;
+create table Dependencies_Variants (
+    variant_id      bigint not null,
+    dependency_id   bigint not null
+-- Missing components:
+-- ==================================
+-- Votes of confidence for/against portpkgs
+-- Build status reports on portpkgs
+-- Build logs against portpkgs
+-- Comments on portpkgs, ports?

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