[25271] trunk/dports/graphics/dcraw/Portfile

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Wed May 16 19:21:46 PDT 2007

Revision: 25271
Author:   takanori at macports.org
Date:     2007-05-16 19:21:45 -0700 (Wed, 16 May 2007)

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Untabify, etc.

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Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/dcraw/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/dcraw/Portfile	2007-05-17 02:11:39 UTC (rev 25270)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/dcraw/Portfile	2007-05-17 02:21:45 UTC (rev 25271)
@@ -1,53 +1,45 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem			1.0
-name				dcraw
-version				8.72
-categories			graphics
-maintainers			nomaintainer at macports.org
-description			Raw Digital Photo Decoding, supporting 209 cameras
-long_description	${description}
+PortSystem      1.0
+name            dcraw
+version         8.72
+categories      graphics
+maintainers     nomaintainer at macports.org
+description     Raw Digital Photo Decoding, supporting 209 cameras
+long_description \
+                ${description}
+platforms       darwin
+homepage        http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/
+master_sites    http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/archive/
+checksums       md5 1b2dbeb7cdb570ee7d8273bc7b7352d7 \
+                sha1 6e02993b2e26b80cf2882910f042dd66ae093cf9 \
+                rmd160 0365d5a4badd525ee391a4c90b07fc4cbe3f3f81
+worksrcdir      $name
+depends_lib     port:gettext \
+                port:libiconv \
+                port:jpeg \
+                port:lcms 
-platforms			darwin
+use_configure   no
-homepage			http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/
-# dcraw is provided as raw source and man page (no tarball/zipfile), so
-# a tarball is placed here to avoid the regular checksum issues when the .c
-# file is updated to a new version
-master_sites		http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/archive/
-checksums			md5 1b2dbeb7cdb570ee7d8273bc7b7352d7 \
-				sha1 6e02993b2e26b80cf2882910f042dd66ae093cf9 \
-				rmd160 0365d5a4badd525ee391a4c90b07fc4cbe3f3f81
-worksrcdir			$name
-depends_lib			port:gettext \
-				port:libiconv \
-				port:jpeg \
-				port:lcms 
-use_configure		no
 build {
-	cd ${worksrcpath}
-	system "cc -o dcraw -O3 dcraw.c -ljpeg -llcms -lintl \
-	       -I${prefix}/include -L${prefix}/lib \
-	       -DLOCALEDIR=\\\"${prefix}/share/locale/\\\""
+    cd ${worksrcpath}
+    system "cc -o dcraw -O3 dcraw.c -ljpeg -llcms -lintl -I${prefix}/include -L${prefix}/lib -DLOCALEDIR=\\\"${prefix}/share/locale/\\\""
 destroot {
-	xinstall -s -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath} dcraw ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
-	xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} dcraw.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1
-	foreach lang {eo ru fr it de pt es zh_TW zh_CN nl pl hu} {
-		if {[file exist ${worksrcpath}/dcraw_${lang}.1]} {
-			xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/${lang}/man1
-			xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} dcraw_${lang}.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/${lang}/man1/dcraw.1
-		}
-		if {[file exist ${worksrcpath}/dcraw_${lang}.po]} {
-			xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/locale/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES
-			system "msgfmt -o ${destroot}${prefix}/share/locale/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES/dcraw.mo ${worksrcpath}/dcraw_${lang}.po"
-		}
-	}
+    xinstall -s -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath} dcraw ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+    xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} dcraw.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1
+    foreach lang {eo ru fr it de pt es zh_TW zh_CN nl pl hu} {
+        if {[file exist ${worksrcpath}/dcraw_${lang}.1]} {
+            xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/${lang}/man1
+            xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} dcraw_${lang}.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/${lang}/man1/dcraw.1
+        }
+        if {[file exist ${worksrcpath}/dcraw_${lang}.po]} {
+            xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/locale/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES
+            system "msgfmt -o ${destroot}${prefix}/share/locale/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES/dcraw.mo ${worksrcpath}/dcraw_${lang}.po"
+        }
+    }
 pre-activate {

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