[30671] trunk/dports/PortIndex
source_changes at macosforge.org
source_changes at macosforge.org
Sat Nov 3 00:31:35 PDT 2007
Revision: 30671
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2007-11-03 00:31:34 -0700 (Sat, 03 Nov 2007)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4351
Ports successfully parsed: 4350
Ports failed: 1
Failed to parse file aqua/Smultron/Portfile: Error evaluating variants
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2007-11-03 06:46:59 UTC (rev 30670)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2007-11-03 07:31:34 UTC (rev 30671)
@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@
variants universal description {SSHKeychain is a graphical front-end to ssh-add} portdir aqua/SSHKeychain homepage http://www.sshkeychain.org/ epoch 0 platforms macosx name SSHKeychain long_description {SSHKeychain is a graphical front-end to ssh-agent and also allows the creation of ssh tunnels. It automatically loads keys when needed, integrates with Apple Keychain and offers key-management.} maintainers themiwi at users.sourceforge.net version 0.8.2 categories {aqua sysutils} revision 0
SleepTight 492
variants universal description {provides a simple way to lock machine when it goes to sleep} portdir aqua/SleepTight homepage http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/sleeptight epoch 0 platforms macosx name SleepTight long_description {SleepTight provides a simple way to lock your machine when it goes to sleep or lock from a keyboard hotkey. SleepTight is only as secure as the Apple screensaver it launches.} maintainers waqar at macports.org categories {aqua sysutils} version 1.0.1 revision 0
-Smultron 825
-variants {universal darwin_8} description {Cocoa text editor with syntax colouring} portdir aqua/Smultron homepage http://smultron.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name Smultron long_description {Smultron is an open-source text editor written in Cocoa for Mac OS X Panther with many of the features that you might need. It features easy selection of the opened documents, line numbers, support for syntax colouring for many different languages, support for text encodings, code snippets, a toolbar, a status bar, HTML preview, multi-document find and replace with regular expressions, possibility to show invisible characters, authenticated saves, command-line utility, .Mac synchronisation of preferences and many more features.} maintainers bfulgham at macports.org version 3.1.2 categories {aqua editors} revision 0
TeXShop 562
variants {universal darwin_7} description {TeX previewer for Mac OS X} portdir aqua/TeXShop homepage http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/texshop.html epoch 0 platforms macosx name TeXShop long_description {TeXShop is a TeX previewer for Mac OS X, written in Cocoa. Since pdf is a native file format on OS X, TeXShop uses pdftex and pdflatex rather than tex and latex to typeset, these programs in the standard teTeX distribution of TeX produce pdf output instead of dvi output.} maintainers waqar at macports.org categories {editors aqua} version 2.09d revision 0
TrailBlazer 1043
@@ -2622,8 +2620,8 @@
variants universal description {produces an animated GIF file composed of a series of GIF images} portdir graphics/whirlgif homepage http://www.danbbs.dk/~dino/whirlgif/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name whirlgif long_description {{produces an animated GIF file composed of a series of GIF images}} maintainers nomaintainer categories graphics version 3.04 revision 0
wings 361
variants universal depends_build {port:esdl port:erlang} portdir graphics/wings description {Erlang 3D Modeler} homepage http://www.wings3d.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wings maintainers bfulgham at mac.com long_description {Wings 3D is a subdivision modeler inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware.} version 0.98.32a categories {graphics erlang} revision 0
-wxLua 695
-variants {universal darwin macosx aqua x11} variant_desc {aqua {Use the wxMac port of wxWidgets} x11 {Use the wxGTK port of wxWidgets}} portdir graphics/wxLua description {Lua bindings for wxWidgets} homepage http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name wxLua depends_lib {port:wxstedit port:lua port:wxWidgets} maintainers afb at macports.org long_description {wxLua is a lua scripting language wrapper around the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library. It consists of an executable for running standalone wxLua scripts and a library for extending C++ programs with a fast, small, fully embeddable scripting language.} version categories {graphics devel} revision 0
+wxLua 686
+variants {universal darwin macosx aqua x11} variant_desc {aqua {Use the wxMac port of wxWidgets} x11 {Use the wxGTK port of wxWidgets}} portdir graphics/wxLua description {Lua bindings for wxWidgets} homepage http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name wxLua depends_lib {port:wxstedit port:wxWidgets} maintainers afb at macports.org long_description {wxLua is a lua scripting language wrapper around the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library. It consists of an executable for running standalone wxLua scripts and a library for extending C++ programs with a fast, small, fully embeddable scripting language.} version categories {graphics devel} revision 1
wxWidgets 687
variants {universal darwin_8 nonmonolithic debug} portdir graphics/wxWidgets description {mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework} homepage http://www.wxwidgets.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wxWidgets depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:zlib port:libiconv port:expat port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer} maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ GUI framework for Mac OS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as its own widget set: Mac OS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using Linux and X11.} version 2.8.6 categories {graphics devel} revision 1
wxWidgets-devel 699
@@ -3369,7 +3367,7 @@
nasm 538
variants universal description {NASM is an 80x86 assembler} portdir lang/nasm homepage http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name nasm long_description {NASM is an 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity. It supports a range of object file formats including Linux a.out and ELF, COFF, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It will also output plain binary files. Its syntax is designed to be simple and easy to understand, similar to Intel's.} maintainers nomaintainer categories lang version 0.98.39 revision 0
nawk 284
-variants universal description {the one true awk} portdir lang/nawk homepage http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/awkbook/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name nawk long_description {Kernighan's canonical implementation of awk.} maintainers nomaintainer categories lang version 20050424 revision 0
+variants universal description {the one true awk} portdir lang/nawk homepage http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/awkbook/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name nawk long_description {Kernighan's canonical implementation of awk.} maintainers nomaintainer categories lang version 20070501 revision 0
newt0 539
variants {universal compat} portdir lang/newt0 description {Newt/0 is a NewtonScript compiler and interpreter.} homepage http://trac.so-kukan.com/newt/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name newt0 depends_lib port:libffi maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {Newt/0 is an opensource implementation of a NewtonScript compiler and interpreter. The language comes with Cocoa bindings. The compat variant can be used to generate NewtonScript bytecode that can then be executed on the Apple Newton.} version 0.1.2 categories lang revision 0
nhc98 763
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