[30867] trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins
source_changes at macosforge.org
source_changes at macosforge.org
Thu Nov 8 17:18:58 PST 2007
Revision: 30867
Author: markd at macports.org
Date: 2007-11-08 17:18:58 -0800 (Thu, 08 Nov 2007)
Log Message:
Replace the check_nt.c file that was mistakenly removed in last upgrade.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins/Portfile 2007-11-08 23:09:04 UTC (rev 30866)
+++ trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins/Portfile 2007-11-09 01:18:58 UTC (rev 30867)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
PortGroup perl5 1.0
name nagios-plugins
version 1.4.10
+revision 1
categories net
maintainers markd
platforms darwin
Added: trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins/files/check_nt.c
--- trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins/files/check_nt.c (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/net/nagios-plugins/files/check_nt.c 2007-11-09 01:18:58 UTC (rev 30867)
@@ -0,0 +1,1306 @@
+ *
+ * CHECK_NT.C -modified from official plugins version 1.4 beta1
+ * downloaded on Jan 30,2005
+ *
+ * Program: Windows NT plugin for Nagios
+ * License: GPL
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Yves Rubin (rubiyz at yahoo.com)
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * This requires NSClient software to run on NT (http://nsclient.ready2run.nl/)
+ *
+ * License Information:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id: check_nt.c,v 1.24 2005/04/23 11:54:01 amontibello Exp $
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+const char *progname = "check_nc_net";
+const char *revision = "$Revision: 1.24 $";
+const char *copyright = "2003-2005";
+const char *email = "nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net";
+#include "common.h"
+#include "netutils.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+enum checkvars {
+ /* ADDPASSIVE - is implemented as a switch -S */
+enum {
+ PORT = 1248
+char *server_address=NULL;
+char *volume_name=NULL;
+int server_port=PORT;
+char *value_list=NULL;
+char *req_password=NULL;
+char *service_desc=NULL;
+char *check_type=NULL;
+unsigned long lvalue_list[MAX_VALUE_LIST];
+unsigned long warning_value=0L;
+unsigned long critical_value=0L;
+int check_warning_value=FALSE;
+int check_critical_value=FALSE;
+char *critical_value_string=NULL;
+char *warning_value_string=NULL;
+enum checkvars vars_to_check = CHECK_NONE;
+int show_all=FALSE;
+int add_passive_check=FALSE;
+/*change buffer size from MAX_INPUT_BUFFER to 4096*/
+char recv_buffer[4096];
+void fetch_data (const char* address, int port, const char* sendb);
+int process_arguments(int, char **);
+void preparelist(char *string);
+void preparelist2(char *string, char c);
+int strtoularray(unsigned long *array, char *string, const char *delim);
+void print_help(void);
+void print_usage(void);
+void print_command( char * opts);
+int main(int argc, char **argv){
+/* should be int result = STATE_UNKNOWN; */
+ int return_code = STATE_UNKNOWN;
+ char *send_buffer=NULL;
+ char *output_message=NULL;
+ char *perfdata=NULL;
+ char *temp_string=NULL;
+ char *temp_string_perf=NULL;
+ char *description=NULL,*counter_unit = NULL;
+ char *minval = NULL, *maxval = NULL, *errcvt = NULL;
+ double total_disk_space=0;
+ double free_disk_space=0;
+ double percent_used_space=0;
+ double warning_used_space=0;
+ double critical_used_space=0;
+ double mem_commitLimit=0;
+ double mem_commitByte=0;
+ double fminval = 0, fmaxval = 0;
+ unsigned long utilization;
+ unsigned long uptime;
+ unsigned long age_in_minutes;
+ double counter_value = 0.0;
+ int offset=0;
+ int updays=0;
+ int uphours=0;
+ int upminutes=0;
+ int isPercent = FALSE;
+ int allRight = FALSE;
+ setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
+ bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
+ textdomain (PACKAGE);
+ if(process_arguments(argc,argv) == ERROR)
+ usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));
+ /* initialize alarm signal handling */
+ signal(SIGALRM,socket_timeout_alarm_handler);
+ /* set socket timeout */
+ alarm(socket_timeout);
+ if ( add_passive_check == TRUE ) {
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&98", req_password); /* Tells NC_Net to add to passive.cfg */
+ /*each concatination to original string is a paired set based on args entered*/
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&%s&%s", send_buffer, check_type,service_desc );
+ if (check_warning_value==TRUE ) { /* check for warning*/
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&-w&%s", send_buffer, warning_value_string );
+ }
+ if (check_critical_value==TRUE ) { /* check for critical*/
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&-c&%s", send_buffer, critical_value_string );
+ }
+ if ( value_list != NULL ) {
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&-l&%s", send_buffer, value_list );
+ }
+ if ( vars_to_check== CHECK_SERVICESTATE|| vars_to_check ==CHECK_PROCSTATE ) {
+ if (show_all==TRUE) asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&-d&SHOWALL", send_buffer );
+ else asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&-d&SHOWFAIL", send_buffer );
+ }
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+/* asprintf (&output_message, "Running addpassive check -S: %s -v: %s",service_desc,check_type );*/
+ return_code=atoi(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ temp_string=strtok(NULL,"&");
+ output_message = strdup (temp_string);
+ }
+ else /* run Switch statment*/
+ switch (vars_to_check) {
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&1", req_password);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ if (value_list != NULL && strcmp(recv_buffer, value_list) != 0) {
+ asprintf (&output_message, _("Wrong client version - running: %s, required: %s"), recv_buffer, value_list);
+ return_code = STATE_WARNING;
+ } else {
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("missing -l parameters"));
+ else if (strtoularray(lvalue_list,value_list,",")==FALSE)
+ output_message = strdup (_("wrong -l parameter."));
+ else {
+ /* -l parameters is present with only integers */
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ temp_string = strdup (_("CPU Load"));
+ temp_string_perf = strdup (" ");
+ /* loop until one of the parameters is wrong or not present */
+ while (lvalue_list[0+offset]> (unsigned long)0 &&
+ lvalue_list[0+offset]<=(unsigned long)17280 &&
+ lvalue_list[1+offset]> (unsigned long)0 &&
+ lvalue_list[1+offset]<=(unsigned long)100 &&
+ lvalue_list[2+offset]> (unsigned long)0 &&
+ lvalue_list[2+offset]<=(unsigned long)100) {
+ /* Send request and retrieve data */
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&2&%lu",req_password,lvalue_list[0+offset]);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ utilization=strtoul(recv_buffer,NULL,10);
+ /* Check if any of the request is in a warning or critical state */
+ if(utilization >= lvalue_list[2+offset])
+ return_code=STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if(utilization >= lvalue_list[1+offset] && return_code<STATE_WARNING)
+ return_code=STATE_WARNING;
+ asprintf(&output_message,_(" %lu%% (%lu min average)"), utilization, lvalue_list[0+offset]);
+ asprintf(&temp_string,"%s%s",temp_string,output_message);
+ asprintf(&perfdata,_(" '%lu min avg Load'=%lu%%;%lu;%lu;0;100"), lvalue_list[0+offset], utilization,
+ lvalue_list[1+offset], lvalue_list[2+offset]);
+ asprintf(&temp_string_perf,"%s%s",temp_string_perf,perfdata);
+ offset+=3; /* move across the array */
+ }
+ if (strlen(temp_string)>10) { /* we had at least one loop */
+ output_message = strdup (temp_string);
+ perfdata = temp_string_perf;
+ } else
+ output_message = strdup (_("not enough values for -l parameters"));
+ }
+ break;
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&3", req_password);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ uptime=strtoul(recv_buffer,NULL,10);
+ updays = uptime / 86400;
+ uphours = (uptime % 86400) / 3600;
+ upminutes = ((uptime % 86400) % 3600) / 60;
+ asprintf(&output_message,_("System Uptime - %u day(s) %u hour(s) %u minute(s)"),updays,uphours, upminutes);
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("missing -l parameters"));
+ else if (strlen(value_list)!=1)
+ output_message = strdup (_("wrong -l argument"));
+ else {
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&4&%s", req_password, value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ free_disk_space=atof(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ total_disk_space=atof(strtok(NULL,"&"));
+ percent_used_space = ((total_disk_space - free_disk_space) / total_disk_space) * 100;
+ warning_used_space = ( warning_value > 100 )?warning_value*1024.0*1024:(warning_value*1.0 / 100) * total_disk_space;
+ critical_used_space = ( critical_value > 100 )?critical_value*1024.0*1024:(critical_value*1.0 / 100) * total_disk_space;
+ if (free_disk_space>=0) {
+ asprintf(&temp_string,_("%s: - total: %.2f Gb - used: %.2f Gb (%.0f%%) - free %.2f Gb (%.0f%%)"),
+ value_list, total_disk_space / 1073741824, (total_disk_space - free_disk_space) / 1073741824,
+ percent_used_space, free_disk_space / 1073741824, (free_disk_space / total_disk_space)*100);
+ asprintf(&temp_string_perf,_("'%s: Used Space'=%.2fGb;%.2f;%.2f;0.00;%.2f"), value_list,
+ (total_disk_space - free_disk_space) / 1073741824, warning_used_space / 1073741824,
+ critical_used_space / 1073741824, total_disk_space / 1073741824);
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ if (check_warning_value==TRUE ) {
+ if (vars_to_check==CHECK_FREEDISKSPACE) {
+ if ( free_disk_space < warning_used_space ) { return_code=STATE_WARNING; }
+ }else { /* test useddiskspace*/
+ if ( total_disk_space - free_disk_space > warning_used_space ) { return_code=STATE_WARNING; }
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_critical_value==TRUE ) {
+ if (vars_to_check==CHECK_FREEDISKSPACE) {
+ if ( free_disk_space < critical_used_space ) { return_code=STATE_CRITICAL; }
+ }else { /* test useddiskspace*/
+ if ( total_disk_space - free_disk_space > critical_used_space ) { return_code=STATE_CRITICAL; }
+ }
+ }
+ output_message = strdup (temp_string);
+ perfdata = temp_string_perf;
+ } else {
+ output_message = strdup (_("Free disk space : Invalid drive "));
+ return_code=STATE_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No service/process specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list); /* replace , between services with & to send the request */
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&%u&%s&%s", req_password,(vars_to_check==CHECK_SERVICESTATE)?5:6,
+ (show_all==TRUE) ? "ShowAll" : "ShowFail",value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ return_code=atoi(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ temp_string=strtok(NULL,"&");
+ output_message = strdup (temp_string);
+ }
+ break;
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&7", req_password);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ mem_commitLimit=atof(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ mem_commitByte=atof(strtok(NULL,"&"));
+ percent_used_space = (mem_commitByte / mem_commitLimit) * 100;
+ warning_used_space = ((float)warning_value / 100) * mem_commitLimit;
+ critical_used_space = ((float)critical_value / 100) * mem_commitLimit;
+ /* Divisor should be 1048567, not 3044515, as we are measuring "Commit Charge" here,
+ which equals RAM + Pagefiles. */
+ asprintf(&output_message,_("Memory usage: total:%.2f Mb - used: %.2f Mb (%.0f%%) - free: %.2f Mb (%.0f%%)"),
+ mem_commitLimit / 1048567, mem_commitByte / 1048567, percent_used_space,
+ (mem_commitLimit - mem_commitByte) / 1048567, (mem_commitLimit - mem_commitByte) / mem_commitLimit * 100);
+ asprintf(&perfdata,_("'Memory usage'=%.2fMb;%.2f;%.2f;0.00;%.2f"), mem_commitByte / 1048567,
+ warning_used_space / 1048567, critical_used_space / 1048567, mem_commitLimit / 1048567);
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ if(check_critical_value==TRUE && percent_used_space >= critical_value)
+ return_code=STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if (check_warning_value==TRUE && percent_used_space >= warning_value)
+ return_code=STATE_WARNING;
+ break;
+ /*
+ Check_Counter has been rewriten for NC_Net now it processes the pref data in
+ a more consistent way to the Nagios plug-in development guidelines.
+ 1) if no Units of mesurement use a 0 (zero) for the UOM in the check
+ and the units will be omited from the output.
+ 2) it will do MIN without a MAX
+ 3) still processes custom min and max even if it is %
+ 4) % has a default of min 0, max 100
+ 5) -w and -c are no longer causing a seg fault. old code said to always
+ process both for perf data, but it should have checked that they were in use.
+ 6) the description is only a label for perf data not a formatter...
+ */
+ if (value_list == NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No counter specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist (value_list); /* replace , between services with & to send the request */
+ temp_string = strtok (value_list, "&");
+ isPercent = (strchr (temp_string, '%') != NULL);
+ description = strtok (NULL, "&");
+ counter_unit = strtok (NULL, "&");
+ asprintf (&send_buffer, "%s&8&%s", req_password, value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ counter_value = atof (recv_buffer);
+ if (isPercent) counter_unit = strdup ("%");
+ if ( description != NULL && counter_unit == NULL )
+ counter_unit = strdup ( "0" );
+ if ( counter_unit != NULL && description != NULL)
+ {
+ if ( counter_unit[0] == '0' ) counter_unit[0] = '\0';
+ minval = strtok (NULL, "&");
+ maxval = strtok (NULL, "&");
+ if ( minval == NULL && isPercent ) asprintf(&minval,"0");
+ if ( minval != NULL ) fminval = strtod ( minval, NULL ) ;
+ if ( maxval == NULL && isPercent ) asprintf(&maxval,"100");
+ if ( maxval != NULL ) fmaxval = strtod (maxval, NULL);
+ allRight = TRUE;
+ /* Let's format the output string, finally... */
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s = %.2f %s", description, counter_value, counter_unit);
+ asprintf (&output_message,"%s | %s", output_message,
+ fperfdata (description, counter_value,
+ counter_unit, check_warning_value, warning_value,
+ check_critical_value, critical_value,
+ (minval != NULL), fminval,
+ (maxval != NULL), fmaxval ));
+ }
+ else if (isPercent)
+ asprintf(&output_message, "%s = %.2f %%",temp_string,counter_value);
+ else
+ asprintf(&output_message, "%s = %.2f",temp_string,counter_value);
+ }
+ if (critical_value > warning_value)
+ { /* Normal thresholds */
+ if (check_critical_value == TRUE && counter_value >= critical_value)
+ return_code = STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if (check_warning_value == TRUE && counter_value >= warning_value)
+ return_code = STATE_WARNING;
+ else
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* inverse thresholds */
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ if (check_critical_value == TRUE && counter_value <= critical_value)
+ return_code = STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if (check_warning_value == TRUE && counter_value <= warning_value)
+ return_code = STATE_WARNING;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No file specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list); /* replace , between services with & to send the request */
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&9&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ age_in_minutes = atoi(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ description = strtok(NULL,"&");
+ /* output message modified as per several requests */
+ /* output_message = strdup (description); */
+ if (critical_value > warning_value) { /* Normal thresholds */
+ if(check_critical_value==TRUE && age_in_minutes >= critical_value)
+ return_code=STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if (check_warning_value==TRUE && age_in_minutes >= warning_value)
+ return_code=STATE_WARNING;
+ else
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ }
+ else { /* inverse thresholds */
+ if(check_critical_value==TRUE && age_in_minutes <= critical_value)
+ return_code=STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if (check_warning_value==TRUE && age_in_minutes <= warning_value)
+ return_code=STATE_WARNING;
+ else
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ }
+ if ( return_code == STATE_OK )
+ asprintf ( &output_message,"OK: %u Minutes, %s", age_in_minutes, value_list);
+ else if ( return_code == STATE_WARNING )
+ asprintf ( &output_message,"WARNING: %u Minutes, %s", age_in_minutes, value_list);
+ else if ( return_code == STATE_CRITICAL )
+ asprintf ( &output_message,"CRITICAL: %u Minutes, %s", age_in_minutes, value_list);
+ else
+ output_message = strdup (description);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No Perfomance counter Category specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list);
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&10&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&11", req_password);
+ else {
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&11&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ }
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ return_code=atoi(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ temp_string=strtok(NULL,"&");
+ if(check_critical_value==TRUE && return_code >= critical_value)
+ return_code=STATE_CRITICAL;
+ else if (check_warning_value==TRUE && return_code >= warning_value)
+ return_code=STATE_WARNING;
+ else if (check_warning_value==TRUE || check_critical_value==TRUE)
+ return_code=STATE_OK;
+ else if ( return_code == 0 )
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ else if ( return_code != STATE_OK )
+ return_code=STATE_CRITICAL;
+ output_message = strdup (temp_string);
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No Query specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist2(value_list,'^');
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&12&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("missing -l parameters"));
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list);/* replace , between parameters with & to send the request */
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&99&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ }
+ break;
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&18", req_password);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&19", req_password);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("missing -l parameters"));
+ else {
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&97&%s", req_password, value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ return_code=atoi(strtok(recv_buffer,"&"));
+ temp_string=strtok(NULL,"&");
+ output_message = strdup (temp_string);
+ }
+ break;
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&17", req_password);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ if ( value_list == NULL )
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&16&all", req_password);
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list);
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&16&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ }
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ if ( value_list == NULL )
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&15", req_password);
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list);
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&15&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ }
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ /* requires -d input showall for checking against max showfail check against min */
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No Query specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist2(value_list,'^');
+ if ( show_all == FALSE ) /*&& warning_value > critical_value )*/
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&14&SHOWFAIL&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ else asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&14&SHOWALL&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ counter_value =atof(output_message);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ if ( show_all == TRUE ) { /* returned a max value*/
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s \n%f Showall ", output_message, counter_value);
+ if (check_warning_value == TRUE && counter_value >= atof(warning_value_string) ){
+ return_code = STATE_WARNING;
+ }
+ if (check_critical_value == TRUE && counter_value >= atof(critical_value_string)){
+ return_code = STATE_CRITICAL;
+ }
+ }else { /* returned a min value */
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s \n%f Showfail ", output_message, counter_value );
+ if (check_warning_value == TRUE && counter_value <= atof(warning_value_string) ){
+ return_code = STATE_WARNING;
+ }
+ if (check_critical_value == TRUE && counter_value <= atof(critical_value_string) ){
+ return_code = STATE_CRITICAL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( value_list == NULL )
+ output_message = strdup (_("-l missing, no category specified."));
+ else {
+ preparelist(value_list);
+ asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&20&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ }
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ break;
+ if (value_list==NULL)
+ output_message = strdup (_("No Query specified"));
+ else {
+ preparelist2(value_list,'^');
+ asprintf(&send_buffer, "%s&21&%s", req_password,value_list);
+ fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);
+ asprintf (&output_message, "%s", recv_buffer);
+ return_code = STATE_OK;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CHECK_NONE:
+ default:
+ usage4 (_("Please specify a variable to check"));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* reset timeout */
+ alarm(0);
+ if (perfdata==NULL)
+ printf("%s\n",output_message);
+ else
+ printf("%s | %s\n",output_message,perfdata);
+ return return_code;
+/* process command-line arguments */
+int process_arguments(int argc, char **argv){
+ int c;
+ int option = 0;
+ static struct option longopts[] =
+ {
+ {"port", required_argument,0,'p'},
+ {"timeout", required_argument,0,'t'},
+ {"critical", required_argument,0,'c'},
+ {"warning", required_argument,0,'w'},
+ {"variable", required_argument,0,'v'},
+ {"addpassive", required_argument,0,'S'},
+ {"hostname", required_argument,0,'H'},
+ {"version", no_argument, 0,'V'},
+ {"help", optional_argument,0,'h'},
+ {0,0,0,0}
+ };
+ /* no options were supplied */
+ if(argc<2) return ERROR;
+ /* change default timeout to 20 seconds */
+ socket_timeout = 20;
+ /* backwards compatibility */
+ if (! is_option(argv[1])) {
+ server_address = strdup(argv[1]);
+ argv[1]=argv[0];
+ argv=&argv[1];
+ argc--;
+ }
+ for (c=1;c<argc;c++) {
+ if(strcmp("-to",argv[c])==0)
+ strcpy(argv[c],"-t");
+ else if (strcmp("-wv",argv[c])==0)
+ strcpy(argv[c],"-w");
+ else if (strcmp("-cv",argv[c])==0)
+ strcpy(argv[c],"-c");
+ }
+ while (1){
+ c = getopt_long(argc,argv,"+hVH:S:t:c:w:p:v:l:s:d:",longopts,&option);
+ if (c==-1||c==EOF||c==1)
+ break;
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '?': /* print short usage statement if args not parsable */
+ usage2 (_("Unknown argument"), optarg);
+ case 'h': /* help */
+ if ( optarg == NULL ) {
+ print_help();
+ exit(STATE_OK);
+ }
+ else { /*print help on single command*/
+ print_command(optarg);
+ exit(STATE_OK);
+ }
+ case 'V': /* version */
+ print_revision(progname,revision);
+ exit(STATE_OK);
+ case 'H': /* hostname */
+ if (server_address) free(server_address);
+ server_address = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 's': /* password */
+ req_password = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* port */
+ if (is_intnonneg(optarg))
+ server_port=atoi(optarg);
+ else
+ die(STATE_UNKNOWN,_("Server port must be an integer\n"));
+ break;
+ case 'S': /* service_descriptio */
+ service_desc = optarg;
+ add_passive_check = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if(strlen(optarg)<4)
+ return ERROR;
+ check_type = optarg;
+ if(!strcmp(optarg,"CLIENTVERSION"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_CLIENTVERSION;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"CPULOAD"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_CPULOAD;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"UPTIME"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_UPTIME;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"USEDDISKSPACE"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_USEDDISKSPACE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"SERVICESTATE"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_SERVICESTATE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"PROCSTATE"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_PROCSTATE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"MEMUSE"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_MEMUSE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"COUNTER"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_COUNTER;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"FILEAGE"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_FILEAGE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"INSTANCES"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_INSTANCES;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"EVENTLOG"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_EVENTLOG;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"WMICHECK"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_WMICHECK;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"FREEDISKSPACE"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_FREEDISKSPACE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"CONFIG"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_CONFIG;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMCONFIG"))
+ vars_to_check=ENUM_CONFIG;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMPASSIVE"))
+ vars_to_check=ENUM_PASSIVE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"DELPASSIVE"))
+ vars_to_check=CONFIG_DELPASSIVE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMPROCESS"))
+ vars_to_check=ENUM_PROCESS;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMSERVICE"))
+ vars_to_check=ENUM_SERVICE;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"WMICOUNTER"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_WMICOUNTER;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMCOUNTER"))
+ vars_to_check=ENUM_COUNTER;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMCOUNTERDESC"))
+ vars_to_check=ENUM_COUNTERDESC;
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"WMICAT"))
+ vars_to_check=CHECK_WMICAT;
+ else
+ return ERROR;
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* value list */
+ value_list = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'w': /* warning threshold */
+ warning_value_string = optarg;
+ warning_value=strtoul(optarg,NULL,10);
+ check_warning_value=TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'c': /* critical threshold */
+ critical_value_string = optarg;
+ critical_value=strtoul(optarg,NULL,10);
+ check_critical_value=TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* Display select for services; Cooser for smallest in WMICOUNTER*/
+ if (!strcmp(optarg,"SHOWALL"))
+ show_all = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 't': /* timeout */
+ socket_timeout=atoi(optarg);
+ if(socket_timeout<=0)
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vars_to_check==CHECK_NONE)
+ return ERROR;
+ if (req_password == NULL)
+ req_password = strdup (_("None"));
+ return OK;
+void fetch_data (const char *address, int port, const char *sendb) {
+ int result;
+ /* process_tcp_request2 may be used instead but not compatible with ns_client*/
+ result=process_tcp_request(address, port, sendb, recv_buffer,sizeof(recv_buffer));
+ if(result!=STATE_OK)
+ die (result, _("could not fetch information from server\n"));
+ if (!strncmp(recv_buffer,"ERROR",5))
+ die (STATE_UNKNOWN, "Client - %s\n",recv_buffer);/*changed from NSClient to be inclsive of NC_Net*/
+int strtoularray(unsigned long *array, char *string, const char *delim) {
+ /* split a <delim> delimited string into a long array */
+ int idx=0;
+ char *t1;
+ for (idx=0;idx<MAX_VALUE_LIST;idx++)
+ array[idx]=0;
+ idx=0;
+ for(t1 = strtok(string,delim);t1 != NULL; t1 = strtok(NULL, delim)) {
+ if (is_numeric(t1) && idx<MAX_VALUE_LIST) {
+ array[idx]=strtoul(t1,NULL,10);
+ idx++;
+ } else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void preparelist(char *string) {
+ /* Replace all , with & which is the delimiter for the request */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; (size_t)i < strlen(string); i++)
+ if (string[i] == ',') {
+ string[i]='&';
+ }
+void preparelist2(char *string, char c) {
+ /* Replace all delimiter c with & which is the delimiter for the request */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; (size_t)i < strlen(string); i++)
+ if (string[i] == c) {
+ string[i]='&';
+ }
+void print_help(void)
+ print_revision(progname,revision);
+ printf ("Copyright (c) 2000 Yves Rubin (rubiyz at yahoo.com)\n");
+ printf (COPYRIGHT, copyright, email);
+ printf (_("This plugin collects data from the NSClient or NC_Net service running on a\n\
+Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 server.\n\n"));
+ print_usage();
+ printf (_("\nOptions:\n\
+-H, --hostname=HOST\n\
+ Name of the host to check\n\
+-p, --port=INTEGER\n\
+ Optional port number (default: %d)\n\
+-s <password>\n\
+ Password needed for the request\n\
+-w, --warning=INTEGER\n\
+ Threshold which will result in a warning status\n\
+-c, --critical=INTEGER\n\
+ Threshold which will result in a critical status\n\
+-t, --timeout=INTEGER\n\
+ Seconds before connection attempt times out (default: %d)\n\
+-h, --help=STRING\n\
+ Print this help screen\n\
+-V, --version\n\
+ Print version information\n"), PORT, 20);
+ printf (_("\
+-v, --variable=STRING\n\
+ Variable to check. Valid variables are:\n\
+ Use --help=<check_variable_name> -- to list help for that command.\n"));
+ printf (_("\
+ CLIENTVERSION = Get the Check_nt version Number\n\
+ CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes.\n\
+ UPTIME = Get the uptime of the machine.\n\
+ USEDDISKSPACE = check Size(in Megs) or percentage of disk use.\n\
+ FREEDISKSPACE = check Size(in Megs) or percentage of disk free.\n\
+ MEMUSE = Memory use.\n\
+ SERVICESTATE = Check the state of one or several services.\n\
+ PROCSTATE = Check if one or several process are running.\n\
+ COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000.\n\
+ FILEAGE = Checks how old a file is .\n\
+ INSTANCES = Check any performance counter Category for availible instances.\n\
+ EVENTLOG = Check any Event Log in Windows for any entry.\n\
+ WMICHECK = performs a WMI query on Windows server.\n\
+ WMICOUNTER = Checks -w -c against a specific querry\n\
+ WMICAT = Runs WMI Query and outputs Concatinated results\n\
+ CONFIG = push a configuration variable change to NC_Net via active checks.\n\
+ ENUMCONFIG = Prints NC_Net's configuration.\n\
+ ENUMPASSIVE = Print out list of service descriptions from passive.cfg\n\
+ DELPASSIVE = Deletes a passive check from NC_Net passive.cfg.\n\
+ ENUMCOUNTER = Enumerates performance counters.\n\
+ ENUMCOUNTERDESC = Prints the internal detailed description of a performance counter.\n\
+ ENUMSERVICE = Print out list of all services\n\
+ ENUMPROCESS = Prints all running processes.\n\n\
+ ADDPASSIVE = Add a passive check to passive.cfg.\n\
+ DO NOT use -v ADDPASSIVE \n\
+ Instead run the desired passive check as an active check from the command line.\n\
+ then after you tested the command add the switch -S <service description> \n\
+ (NOTE this is a capital S) \n"));
+ printf (_("\
+-S --addpassive=STRING\n\
+ the STRING should be the Nagios service description. (unique for each host)\n\
+ This option is used primarily to add a passive check to NC_Net's passive.cfg.\n\
+ Active checks do not require the service description. \n\
+ When this option is added to a service check it will send the check as an addition \n\
+ to the passive.cfg. This test will verify the check will return an OK result. \n\
+ If the check does not return OK the check will not be added or modified to passive.cfg\n"));
+ printf (_("Notes:\n\
+ - NC_Net should be running. \n\
+ (http://www.shatterit.com/NC_Net).\n"));
+ }
+void print_usage(void)
+ printf("\
+ Usage: %s -H host -v variable [-p port] [-w warning] [-c critical] \n\
+ [-l params] [-d SHOWALL] [-t timeout] [-S Service_description]\n", progname);
+void print_command_CLIENTVERSION(void){
+ printf (_("\
+ CLIENTVERSION = Get the NSClient version\n\
+ If -l <version> is specified, will return warning if versions differ.\n"));
+void print_command_CPULOAD(void){
+ printf (_("\
+ CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes.\n\
+ Request a -l parameter with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l <minutes range>,<warning threshold>,<critical threshold>.\n\
+ <minute range> should be less than 24*60.\n\
+ Thresholds are percentage and up to 10 requests can be done in one shot.\n\
+ ie: -l 60,90,95,120,90,95\n"));
+void print_command_UPTIME(void){ printf (_("\
+ UPTIME = Get the uptime of the machine.\n\
+ No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_USEDDISKSPACE(void){ printf (_("\
+ USEDDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use.\n\
+ Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n\
+ Thresholds can be specified (in precentage used) with -w and -c.\n\
+ When the warning or critical value is less than 100 it is evaluated as a percentage of space.\n\
+ When the warning or critical value are above 100 they are evaluated as MegaBytes.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_FREEDISKSPACE(void){ printf (_("\
+ FREEDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use.\n\
+ Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n\
+ Thresholds can be specified (in megabytes free) with -w and -c.\n\
+ When the warning or critical value is less than 100 it is evaluated as a percentage of space.\n\
+ When the warning or critical value are above 100 they are evaluated as bytes.\n\
+ Warning and critical are Integers and therfore limited to numbers less than 4 gigs.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_MEMUSE(void){ printf (_("\
+ MEMUSE = Memory use.\n\
+ Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_SERVICESTATE(void){ printf (_("\
+ SERVICESTATE = Check the state of one or several services.\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,...\n\
+ You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services\n\
+ in the returned string.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_PROCSTATE(void){ printf (_("\
+ PROCSTATE = Check if one or several process are running.\n\
+ Same syntax as SERVICESTATE.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_COUNTER(void){ printf (_("\
+ COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000.\n\
+ This check accepts -w and -c\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l \"\\\\<performance object>\\\\counter\"[,\"<Label>\"][,<UOM>][,<MIN>][,<MAX>]\n\
+ from the command line single \\ works.\n\
+ COUNTER NOW OVERLOADED To also use the following format\n\
+ -l \"^COUNTERCATEGORY^INSTANCE^CounterNAME\"[,\"<Label>\"][,<UOM>][,<MIN>][,<MAX>]\n\
+ -l \"^COUNTERCATEGORY^CounterNAME\"[,\"<Label>\"][,<UOM>][,<MIN>][,<MAX>]\n\
+ Must have performance category and instance encapsulated in \\\n\
+ the first parameter is the counter that is sent to NC_Net.\n\
+ the rest of the parameters are for performance data only.\n\
+ older version of NC_Net used the label for formating\n\
+ the counter should be in the format of:\n\
+ \"\\category(Instance)\\counter\"\n\
+ please keep this in Quotes for consistancy \n\
+ category is the performance counter category \n\
+ Instance is in parenthases if no instance for the category then leave out.\n\
+ Do not use empty parenthases.\n\
+ the counter is the performance counter's countner.\n\
+ Automatic detection of %% is done only against the performance counter\n\
+ it is no longer done against the entier -l option.\n\
+ label is the label for performance data\n\
+ If the label is omited then the performance counter object will be used.\n\
+ UOM - Unit of Measurment -if no UOM use a zero 0, \n\
+ a zero tells check_nt to ignore the UOM in the output.\n\
+ examples of UOM- s,us,ms,%%,B,KB,MB,TB,c \n\
+ c- is for continous counter. \n\
+ Min and Max are optional but are used by third party program (RRD) for graphing.\n\
+ Some examples:\n\
+ -l \"\\Process(_Total)\\Thread Count\",\"Thread Count\",MB,0,1000 -w 5 -c 700\n\
+ Thread Count = 534.00 MB | 'Thread Count'=534.000000MB;5.000000;700.000000;0.000000;1000.000000\n\
+ -l \"\\Paging File(_Total)\\%% Usage\"\n\
+ \\Paging File(_Total)\\%% Usage = 36.61 %%\n\
+ -l \"\\paging file(_total)\\%% usage\"\n\
+ \\paging File(_total)\\%% usage = 36.61 %%\n\
+ -l \"\\paging file(_total)\\%% usage\",\"test1\"\n\
+ test1 = 36.60 % | test1=36.599730%;;;0.000000;100.000000\n\
+ -l \"\\paging file(_total)\\%% usage\",\"test1\",%%,20\n\
+ test1 = 36.60 % | test1=36.599730%;;;20.000000;100.000000\n\
+ -l \"\\Server\\Server Sessions\",\"test SS\",%%\n\
+ test SS = 1.00 %% | 'test SS'=1.000000%%;;;\n\
+ -l \"\\Server\\Server Sessions\",\"Server Sessions\",0,0,50 -w 20 -c 45\n\
+ Server Sessions = 1.00 c | 'Server Sessions'=1.000000;20.000000;45.000000;0.000000;50.000000\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_FILEAGE(void){ printf (_("\
+ FILEAGE = Checks how old a file is .\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l \"<File path>\\\\<File Name>\"\n\
+ Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_INSTANCES(void){ printf (_("\
+ INSTANCES = Check any performance counter Category for availible instances.\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l <Perfomance Counter Category>,<Perfomance Counter Category>,...\n\
+ Does not use -w or -c,\n\
+ returns a list of Instances for each Category in the list of categories.\n\
+ example:\n\
+ -l \"Memory,Process,Print Queue\"\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_EVENTLOG(void){printf (_("\
+ EVENTLOG = Check any Event Log in Windows for any entry.\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l \"<Event Log>,<Event Type>,<minutes range>,\n\
+ <Source Filter list>,<Message Filter List>,<Event ID Filter List>\"\n\
+ <Event Log> - any, System, Application, Security \n\
+ or any other non-standard Event Log. 'any' will check all logs.\n\
+ <Event Type> - any, Information, Warning, Error,\n\
+ or other non-standard Event Type. 'any' will check all Types.\n\
+ <minutes range> - Maximum age in minutes of event entries to check.\n\
+ Use 0 to check all event Entries in log.\n\
+ <Source Filter List> Use 0 to diable the Source Filter.\n\
+ Otherwise enter a comma seperated list \n\
+ with the first element being the number of items in the list.\n\
+ Use a negitive number to Exclude matching entries.\n\
+ Use a positive number to Include only matching entries.\n\
+ <Message Filter List> Use 0 to diable the Message Filter.\n\
+ (Message Filter accepts Regular Expressions) \n\
+ Otherwise enter a comma seperated list \n\
+ with the first element being the number of items in the list.\n\
+ Use a negitive number to Exclude matching entries.\n\
+ Use a Positive number to Include only matching entries.\n\
+ <Event ID Filter List> Use 0 to diable the Event ID Filter.\n\
+ Otherwise enter a comma seperated list with the first element\n\
+ being the number of items in the list.\n\
+ Use a negitive sign to Exclude matching entries.\n\
+ Use a positive number to Include only matching entries.\n\
+ Examples:\n\
+ The Following examples will list all events in the System Event Log\n\
+ that have a source of eventlog and have the word start or stop\n\
+ withing the event message.\n\
+ -l \"System,any,0,1,eventlog,2,start,stop,0\"\n\
+ -l \"System,any,0,1,eventlog,1,(start|stop),0\"\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_WMICAT(void) { printf (_("\
+ WMICAT = Performs a WMI query on a Windows server\n\
+ and returns a concatinated result of the querry as output.\n\
+ This check always returns OK if the query is valid.\n\
+ This check return Warning or Critical if the query fails.\n\
+ This check uses the -l in the same format as WMICHECK.\n\
+ for more details of the -l syntex run --help=WMICHECK\n"));
+void print_command_WMICHECK(void){ printf (_("\
+ WMICHECK = performs a WMI query on Windows server.\n\
+ NOTE: the -l parameter must be within quotes \" \n\
+ WMI needs to be installed on pre 2000, and Win 9x \n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only \n\
+ Buffer may run out of space before full output is printed\n\
+ USE WMICOUNTER for active check of WMI value (\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l \"<Namespace>[ [^<Select>|^<FULL SELECT>][^<CLass>][^<condition>] ]\"\n\
+ basicly this command does a query to WMI. \n\
+ the syntex is fairly loose and the return string typicly has linefeeds in it.\n\
+ basic command is -l \"Namespace^Full select statment\" \n\
+ the select stament can also be tokenized into seperate parameters as displayed in these examples:\n\
+ Example inputs- \n\
+ * - list all namespaces \n\
+ namespace^* - list all classes in namespace \n\
+ namespace^ full querry statment - enter a full querry statment as second parameter\n\
+ namespace^*^class - list all instances in class \n\
+ namespace^select^class - list specific selected data from all class instances \n\
+ \n\
+ -l command structure overview\n\
+ namespace^select^class^where - \n\
+ examples: \n\
+ * \n\
+ cimv2^* \n\
+ cimv2^SELECT Size,Name From win32_logicaldisk where name = 'c:' \n\
+ cimv2^size,name^win32_logicaldisk \n\
+ cimv2^size,name^win32_logicaldisk^name= 'c:' \n\
+ Note: win32_logicaldisk access the floppy drives durring processing.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_CONFIG(void){ printf (_("\
+ CONFIG = push a configuration variable change to NC_Net via active checks.\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l \"<NC_Net variable>,<Value> \"\n\
+ Changes a configuration value to the current running config of NC_Net\
+ This can be used to modify all vairibles that are assesable via startup.cfg\
+ Use this option with care because it may induce problems (not all dynamic changes have been configured yet\
+ To make NC_Net regect this command set lock_active_config to true\
+ "));
+ }
+void print_command_ENUMCONFIG(void){ printf (_("\
+ ENUMCONFIG = Prints NC_Net's configuration.\n\
+ No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_ENUMPASSIVE(void){ printf (_("\
+ ENUMPASSIVE = Print out list of service descriptions from passive.cfg\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n\
+ No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_DELPASSIVE(void){ printf (_("\
+ DELPASSIVE = Deletes a passive check from NC_Net passive.cfg.\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l <Service description>\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_ENUMCOUNTER(void){ printf (_("\
+ ENUMCOUNTER = Enumerates performance counters.\n\
+ No warning or critical threshold\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n\
+ if -l is ommited the return list will be of perfomance counter Categories. Otherwise\n\
+ -l <performance counter Category>[,<performance counter Category>]\n\
+ returns a list of counters for the specified categories.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_ENUMCOUNTERDESC(void){ printf (_("\
+ ENUMCOUNTERDESC = Prints a performance counter's internal detailed description.\n\
+ No warning or critical threshold\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n\
+ -l <performance counter Category>[,<performance counter>]\n\
+ -l is comma seperated. If Counter is ommited it will print the description of the Category.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_ENUMSERVICE(void){ printf (_("\
+ ENUMSERVICE = Print out list of all services\n\
+ No warning or critical threshold.\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n\
+ Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
+ -l <type>,[short]\n\
+ <type> is the type of Services to enumerate:\n\
+ all - enumerate all found services\n\
+ short - list short names only (default will print descriptive names)\n\
+ running - list all runnning services\n\
+ stopped - list all NOT running services\n\
+ automatic- list all services setup for automatic startup type\n\
+ manual - list all services setup for manual startup type\n\
+ disabled - list all services that are disabled.\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_ENUMPROCESS(void){ printf (_("\
+ ENUMPROCESS = Prints all running processes.\n\
+ No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n\
+ this command should be run from commandline only\n"));
+ }
+void print_command_ADDPASSIVE(void){ printf (_("\
+ ADDPASSIVE = Add a passive check to passive.cfg.\n\
+ DO NOT use -v ADDPASSIVE \n\
+ Instead run the desired passive check as an active check from the command line.\n\
+ then after you tested the command add the switch -S <service description> \n\
+ (NOTE this is a capital S) \n"));
+ printf (_("\
+-S --addpassive=STRING\n\
+ the STRING should be the Nagios service description. (unique for each host)\n\
+ This option is used primarily to add a passive check to NC_Net's passive.cfg.\n\
+ Active checks do not require the service description. \n\
+ When this option is added to a service check it will send the check as an addition \n\
+ to the passive.cfg. This test will verify the check will return an OK result. \n\
+ If the check does not return OK the check will not be added or modified to passive.cfg\n"));
+void print_command_WMICOUNTER(void){ printf (_("\
+ WMICOUNTER = Checks -w or -c against a WMI query result.\n\
+ This requires the -d showall to check for max value ( critical if result greater than -c-w)\n\
+ The -d SHOWFAIL will check against a min value (critical if result less than -c -w )\n\
+ Then the results will be compared to the warning and critical values.\n\
+ WMI has a lot of System data stored within it.\n\
+ For more information of using WMI see the WMI Development Kit (Free) available from Microsoft.\n\
+ This check uses the same structure as the WMICHECK. \n\
+ Before using this WMICounter validate that the query work correctly using WMICHECK. \n\
+ It is preferred that each query resolves only to a single object instance being returned.\n\
+ However if more than one object is found the largest value will be returned \n\
+ and compared to the warning and critical values. \n\
+ (using WMICOUNTER against multiple objects can be handy \n\
+ for comparing if any surpass the trigger values.) \n\
+ -d showfail is used internally in check_nt and NC_Net for this service check.\n\
+ It is used to indicate that the smallest value should be returned instead of the largest.\n\
+ You can explicity declare that the check will return an alert when less than the -c or -w \n\
+ By using -d SHOWFAIL\n\
+ Care should be used when returning the smallest in case the query has some zeros values being returned.\n\
+ All values will be converted to doubles during processing, \n\
+ this is to simplify the fact that the result can be of any type (double, integer, long, percent) \n"));
+ }
+void print_command( char * optarg) {
+ /* this function calls specific help topics based on -h <arg> */
+ if(strlen(optarg)<4)
+ return;
+ if(!strcmp(optarg,"CLIENTVERSION"))
+ print_command_CLIENTVERSION();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"CPULOAD"))
+ print_command_CPULOAD();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"UPTIME"))
+ print_command_UPTIME();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"USEDDISKSPACE"))
+ print_command_USEDDISKSPACE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"SERVICESTATE"))
+ print_command_SERVICESTATE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"PROCSTATE"))
+ print_command_PROCSTATE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"MEMUSE"))
+ print_command_MEMUSE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"COUNTER"))
+ print_command_COUNTER();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"FILEAGE"))
+ print_command_FILEAGE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"INSTANCES"))
+ print_command_INSTANCES();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"EVENTLOG"))
+ print_command_EVENTLOG();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"WMICHECK"))
+ print_command_WMICHECK();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"FREEDISKSPACE"))
+ print_command_FREEDISKSPACE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"CONFIG"))
+ print_command_CONFIG();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMCONFIG"))
+ print_command_ENUMCONFIG();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMPASSIVE"))
+ print_command_ENUMPASSIVE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"DELPASSIVE"))
+ print_command_DELPASSIVE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMPROCESS"))
+ print_command_ENUMPROCESS();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMSERVICE"))
+ print_command_ENUMSERVICE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"WMICOUNTER"))
+ print_command_WMICOUNTER();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMCOUNTER"))
+ print_command_ENUMCOUNTER();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ADDPASSIVE"))
+ print_command_ADDPASSIVE();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"ENUMCOUNTERDESC"))
+ print_command_ENUMCOUNTERDESC();
+ else if(!strcmp(optarg,"WMICAT"))
+ print_command_WMICAT();
+ else
+ return;
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