[30952] trunk/dports/PortIndex
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source_changes at macosforge.org
Mon Nov 12 00:39:06 PST 2007
Revision: 30952
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2007-11-12 00:39:05 -0800 (Mon, 12 Nov 2007)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4365
Ports successfully parsed: 4365
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2007-11-12 07:16:02 UTC (rev 30951)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2007-11-12 08:39:05 UTC (rev 30952)
@@ -2443,7 +2443,7 @@
fontconfig 460
variants {universal doc vera macosx} variant_desc {doc {Install extra documentation}} portdir graphics/fontconfig description {An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows} homepage http://fontconfig.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name fontconfig depends_lib {port:libiconv port:expat port:freetype} maintainers ryandesign long_description {Fontconfig is a library for configuring and customizing font access.} version 2.4.2 categories graphics revision 1
fontforge 772
-variants {universal without_multilayer with_freetype_bytecode} portdir graphics/fontforge description {Outline and bitmap font editor/converter for many formats} homepage http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name fontforge depends_lib {lib:libX11:XFree86 port:freetype port:gettext port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:libungif port:libxml2 port:tiff port:zlib} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {FontForge allows you to edit outline and bitmap fonts. You may create new ones or modify old ones. It is also a format converter and can interconvert between PostScript (ascii & binary Type1, some Type3, some Type0), TrueType, OpenType (Type2), CID, SVG. Previously known as pfaedit.} version 20071002 categories {graphics fonts} revision 0
+variants {universal without_multilayer with_freetype_bytecode} portdir graphics/fontforge description {Outline and bitmap font editor/converter for many formats} homepage http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name fontforge depends_lib {lib:libX11:XFree86 port:freetype port:gettext port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:libungif port:libxml2 port:tiff port:zlib} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {FontForge allows you to edit outline and bitmap fonts. You may create new ones or modify old ones. It is also a format converter and can interconvert between PostScript (ascii & binary Type1, some Type3, some Type0), TrueType, OpenType (Type2), CID, SVG. Previously known as pfaedit.} version 20071110 categories {graphics fonts} revision 0
freeimage 536
variants universal description {Library for FreeImage, a dependency-less graphics library} portdir graphics/freeimage homepage http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name freeimage long_description {FreeImage is a library for developers who would like to support most popular graphics image formats. Some highlights are: extremely simple in use, not limited to the local PC (unique FreeImageIO) and Plugin driven!} maintainers ryand-ruby at zenspider.com categories graphics version 3.9.2-20070101 revision 0
ftgl 465
@@ -2457,9 +2457,11 @@
giblib 641
variants universal portdir graphics/giblib description {Utility library for lists, strings and imlib2.} homepage http://linuxbrit.co.uk/giblib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name giblib depends_lib {port:imlib2 port:freetype port:zlib} maintainers tristan at cs.dartmouth.edu long_description {giblib2 incorporates doubly linked lists, some string functions, and a wrapper for imlib2. The wrapper does two things. It gives you access to fontstyles, which can be loaded from files, saved to files or defined dynamically through the API. It also, and more importantly, wraps imlib2's context API.} version 1.2.4 categories {graphics devel} revision 0
giflib 336
-variants universal description {GIF library using patented LZW algorithm} portdir graphics/giflib homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/giflib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name giflib long_description {GIF loading and saving shared library. Uses the LZW algorithm.} maintainers nomaintainer categories graphics version 4.1.4 revision 1
+variants universal description {GIF library using patented LZW algorithm} portdir graphics/giflib homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/giflib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name giflib long_description {GIF loading and saving shared library. Uses the LZW algorithm.} maintainers nomaintainer categories graphics version 4.1.6 revision 0
gifsicle 371
portdir graphics/gifsicle variants universal description {GIF image/animation creator/editor.} name gifsicle version 1.42 categories graphics homepage http://www.lcdf.org/gifsicle/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers nigel at cofa.unsw.edu.au long_description {Gifsicle is a UNIX command-line tool for creating, editing, and getting information about GIF images and animations.}
+gimp 842
+variants {universal macosx animation darwin_9} variant_desc {animation {Include the Gimp Animation Package (gimp-gap).}} portdir graphics/gimp description {The Gimp - Batteries Included} homepage http://www.gimp.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gimp depends_lib {port:icns-gimp port:gimp-jp2 port:gimp-lqr-plugin port:gimp-user-manual port:gtk-nodoka-engine port:gutenprint port:ufraw port:xsane port:gimp-app port:macclipboard-gimp port:macfile-gimp} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This is a META port for the gimp2 which includes help and documentation, support for icns, jp2000 and RAW formats, content-aware rescaling Gutenprint and scanner frontends and even a nice theme (Nodoka). Mac OS X users also get a Gimp.app bundle, a {"Show} in Finder\" menu and clipboard integration.} version 2.4 categories graphics revision 2
gimp-gap 335
variants universal portdir graphics/gimp-gap description {The Gimp Animation Package.} homepage http://www.gimp.org/ depends_run port:MPlayer epoch 0 platforms darwin name gimp-gap depends_lib {port:gimp2 port:XviD} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{The Gimp Animation Package.}} version 2.2.2 categories graphics revision 0
gimp-jp2 334
@@ -3477,7 +3479,7 @@
strategoxt 477
variants universal portdir lang/strategoxt description {Stratego language with the XT bundle.} homepage http://www.stratego-language.org/Stratego/StrategoXT epoch 0 platforms darwin name strategoxt depends_lib {lib:libATerm:libaterm lib:libSDF2PT:sdf2-bundle} long_description {StrategoXT is the combination of the Stratego language for strategic programming with the XT bundle of transformation tools.} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net version 0.9.4 categories lang revision 1
swi-prolog 1018
-variants {universal darwin_6 st mt} depends_build {port:gawk port:junit} portdir lang/swi-prolog description {SWI-Prolog compiler plus extra packages (stable version)} homepage http://www.swi-prolog.org/ epoch 20051223 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:readline lib:libreadline:readline lib:libncursesw:ncurses lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libmcrypt:libmcrypt lib:libX11.6:XFree86 lib:libgmp:gmp} name swi-prolog maintainers {wielemak at science.uva.nl pmoura at logtalk.org} long_description {ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, autoload, libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, C/C++-interface, Multiple threads, GNU-readline interface, coroutining, constraint programming, global variables, very fast compiler. Including packages clib (Unix process control, sockets, MIME), cpp (C++ interface), sgml (reading XML/SGML), sgml/RDF (reading RDF into triples), ODBC interface and XPCE (Graphics UI toolkit, integrated editor (Emacs-clone) and graphical debugger).} version 5.6.4
5 categories lang revision 0
+variants {universal darwin_6 st mt} depends_build {port:gawk port:junit} portdir lang/swi-prolog description {SWI-Prolog compiler plus extra packages (stable version)} homepage http://www.swi-prolog.org/ epoch 20051223 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:readline lib:libreadline:readline lib:libncursesw:ncurses lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libmcrypt:libmcrypt lib:libX11.6:XFree86 lib:libgmp:gmp} name swi-prolog maintainers {wielemak at science.uva.nl pmoura at logtalk.org} long_description {ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, autoload, libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, C/C++-interface, Multiple threads, GNU-readline interface, coroutining, constraint programming, global variables, very fast compiler. Including packages clib (Unix process control, sockets, MIME), cpp (C++ interface), sgml (reading XML/SGML), sgml/RDF (reading RDF into triples), ODBC interface and XPCE (Graphics UI toolkit, integrated editor (Emacs-clone) and graphical debugger).} version 5.6.4
6 categories lang revision 0
swi-prolog-devel 899
variants {universal darwin_6 st mt} portdir lang/swi-prolog-devel description {SWI-Prolog compiler plus extra packages (development version)} homepage http://www.swi-prolog.org/ epoch 20050503 platforms darwin name swi-prolog-devel depends_lib {lib:libreadline:readline lib:libncursesw:ncurses lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libmcrypt:libmcrypt lib:libX11.6:XFree86 lib:libgmp:gmp} maintainers pmoura at mac.com long_description {ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, autoload, libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, C/C++-interface, Multiple threads, GNU-readline interface, very fast compiler. Including packages clib (Unix process control, sockets, MIME), cpp (C++ interface), sgml (reading XML/SGML), sgml/RDF (reading RDF into triples), ODBC interface and XPCE (Graphics UI toolkit, integrated editor (Emacs-clone) and graphical debugger).} version 5.5.36 categories lang revision 0
swi-prolog-lite 765
@@ -3775,7 +3777,7 @@
isabelle 755
variants universal description {Isabelle is a popular generic theorem proving environment.} portdir math/isabelle homepage http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/HVG/Isabelle/ epoch 0 depends_lib {bin:poly:polyml lib:poly/ML_dbase:polyml} name isabelle long_description {Isabelle is a generic proof assistant. It allows mathematical formulas to be expressed in a formal language and provides tools for proving those formulas in a logical calculus. The main application is the formalization of mathematical proofs and in particular formal verification, which includes proving the correctness of computer hardware or software and proving properties of computer languages and protocols.} maintainers dem5302 at cs.rit.edu categories {lang ml} version 2004 revision 2
isabelle-devel 797
-variants universal portdir math/isabelle-devel description {Isabelle is a popular generic theorem proving environment} homepage http://isabelle.in.tum.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name isabelle-devel depends_lib port:polyml maintainers mww long_description {Isabelle is a generic proof assistant. It allows mathematical formulas to be expressed in a formal language and provides tools for proving those formulas in a logical calculus. The main application is the formalization of mathematical proofs and in particular formal verification, which includes proving the correctness of computer hardware or software and proving properties of computer languages and protocols. This version is a development snapshot of the upcoming 2007 release.} version 2007-11-04 categories {math lang ml} revision 0
+variants universal portdir math/isabelle-devel description {Isabelle is a popular generic theorem proving environment} homepage http://isabelle.in.tum.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name isabelle-devel depends_lib port:polyml maintainers mww long_description {Isabelle is a generic proof assistant. It allows mathematical formulas to be expressed in a formal language and provides tools for proving those formulas in a logical calculus. The main application is the formalization of mathematical proofs and in particular formal verification, which includes proving the correctness of computer hardware or software and proving properties of computer languages and protocols. This version is a development snapshot of the upcoming 2007 release.} version 2007-11-11 categories {math lang ml} revision 0
itl 720
variants universal portdir math/itl description {Iterative Template Library (based on MTL)} homepage http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/itl/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name itl depends_lib {port:blitz port:mtl} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {The Iterative Template Library (ITL) is a generic component library that provides iterative methods for solving linear systems. ITL also provides numerious preconditioners which is for MTL. ITL uses the abstract interface of matrix-vector, vector-vector, and vector-scalor operations MTL is default to serve those operations. ITL is able to use other packages such as Blitz++ and BLAS with the same abstract interface provided.} version 4.0.0-1 categories math revision 0
k3dsurf 474
@@ -4115,7 +4117,7 @@
gvpe 495
variants universal portdir net/gvpe description {GNU Virtual Private Ethernet} homepage http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gvpe/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gvpe depends_lib {port:gettext port:libiconv port:openssl} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {GVPE creates a virtual ethernet (broadcasts supported, any protocol that works with a normal ethernet should work with GVPE) by creating encrypted host-to-host tunnels between multiple endpoints.} version 2.01 categories net revision 0
hdhomerun 306
-variants universal description {HDHomeRun Software and Firmware} portdir net/hdhomerun homepage http://www.silicondust.com epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdhomerun long_description {{HDHomeRun Software and Firmware}} maintainers ecronin at gizmolabs.org categories {net multimedia} version 20070620 revision 0
+variants universal description {HDHomeRun Software and Firmware} portdir net/hdhomerun homepage http://www.silicondust.com epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdhomerun long_description {{HDHomeRun Software and Firmware}} maintainers ecronin at gizmolabs.org categories {net multimedia} version 20071015 revision 0
heimdal 736
variants universal description {Kerberos is a network authentication protocol.} portdir net/heimdal homepage http://www.pdc.kth.se/heimdal/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name heimdal long_description {Kerberos provides a means of verifying the identities of principals, (e.g., a workstation user or a network server) on an open (unprotected) network. This is accomplished without relying on authentication by the host operating system, without basing trust on host addresses, without requiring physical security of all the hosts on the network, and under the assumption that packets traveling along the network can be read, modified, and inserted at will.} maintainers landonf at macports.org categories {net security} version 1.0.1 revision 0
hfsrsync 373
@@ -5765,7 +5767,7 @@
py-blosxom 539
variants universal portdir python/py-blosxom description {python weblog engine using standard text files} homepage http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib port:python24 name py-blosxom maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Pyblosxom is a weblog engine that uses standard text files located on your filesystem as a database of weblog entries. The concept is simple, managing content is as easy as editing a text file with your favourite text editor.} categories python version 1.2.1 revision 0
py-boto 418
-variants universal portdir python/py-boto description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python24 name py-boto maintainers {ramercer at gmail.com openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 0.9b revision 0
+variants universal portdir python/py-boto description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python24 name py-boto maintainers {gmail.com:ramercer openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 0.9d revision 0
py-bsddb 381
variants {universal db3} portdir python/py-bsddb description {Python bindings to the db4 and db3 library} homepage http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-dbm.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python24 port:db44} name py-bsddb maintainers mww long_description {{Python bindings to the db4 and db3 library}} categories {python databases} version 2.4.4 revision 0
py-bzip2 381
@@ -6397,7 +6399,7 @@
py25-biopython 530
variants universal portdir python/py25-biopython description {python tools for computational molecular biology} homepage http://www.biopython.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:py25-numeric port:py25-mx-base port:py25-reportlab} name py25-biopython maintainers mww long_description {python tools for computational molecular biology: parsers for various file formats, interfaces for programs, tools for performing common operations on sequences, etc.} categories {python science} version 1.44 revision 0
py25-boto 422
-variants universal portdir python/py25-boto description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python25 name py25-boto maintainers {ramercer at gmail.com openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 0.9b revision 0
+variants universal portdir python/py25-boto description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python25 name py25-boto maintainers {gmail.com:ramercer openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 0.9d revision 0
py25-bsddb 365
variants universal portdir python/py25-bsddb description {Python bindings to the db44 library} homepage http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-dbm.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:db44} name py25-bsddb maintainers mww long_description {{Python bindings to the db44 library}} categories {python databases} version 2.5.1 revision 0
py25-bz2 328
@@ -7421,7 +7423,7 @@
rpm 875
variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python24 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3} name rpm maintainers n3npq at mac.com long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 4.4.9 revision 5
rpm-devel 904
-variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python24 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm-devel description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3} name rpm-devel maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 5.0 revision 0
+variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python25 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm-devel description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3} name rpm-devel maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 5.0 revision 0
rpm2html 936
variants {universal template} depends_build {bin:autoconf:autoconf bin:automake:automake} variant_desc {template {Use separate template file instead of hard-coded markup}} portdir sysutils/rpm2html description {Translates an RPM database and dependency information into HTML} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/rpm2html/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name rpm2html depends_lib {lib:librpm:rpm lib:libxml2:libxml2 port:zlib port:bzip2} maintainers afb at macports.org long_description {The rpm2html utility automatically generates web pages that describe a set of RPM packages. The goals of rpm2html are to identify the dependencies between various packages, and to find the package(s) that will provide the resources needed to install a given package. Rpm2html analyzes the provides and requires of the given set of RPMs, and then shows the dependency cross-references using hypertext links.} categories sysutils version 1.9.5 revision 0
rsnapshot 579
@@ -7440,8 +7442,8 @@
variants universal description {POSIX.1-2001 compliant implementation of find} portdir sysutils/sfind homepage http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/research/cc/berlios/employees/joerg.schilling/private/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name sfind long_description {sfind is a highly portable and fully POSIX.1-2001 compliant implementation of the find utility.} maintainers nomaintainer categories sysutils version 1.0 revision 1
skey 275
portdir sysutils/skey variants universal description {OpenBSD One Time Passwords (OTP)} platforms {darwin freebsd netbsd} name skey version 1.1.5 categories {sysutils security} revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{OpenBSD One Time Passwords (OTP)}}
-sleepnow 549
-variants universal description {command-line tool to put Mac OS X machine to sleep} portdir sysutils/sleepnow homepage http://www.snoize.com/SleepNow/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name sleepnow long_description {SleepNow is a Mac OS X command-line tool which puts the machine to sleep, just as though someone had used the Sleep menu command while sitting in front of the machine. The advantage is that SleepNow can be run while logged in to the machine from anywhere on the net.} maintainers nomaintainer categories sysutils version 20040616 revision 0
+sleepnow 540
+variants universal description {put your Mac to sleep from the command-line} portdir sysutils/sleepnow homepage http://www.snoize.com/SleepNow/ epoch 0 platforms macosx name sleepnow long_description {SleepNow is a Mac OS X command-line tool which puts the machine to sleep, just as though someone had used the Sleep menu command while sitting in front of the machine. The advantage is that SleepNow can be run while logged in to the machine from anywhere on the net.} maintainers ryandesign version 20070603 categories sysutils revision 0
sleepwatcher 590
variants {universal server} description {monitors sleep, wakeup and idleness of a Mac} portdir sysutils/sleepwatcher homepage http://www.bernhard-baehr.de/ epoch 0 platforms macosx name sleepwatcher long_description {SleepWatcher monitors sleep, wakeup and idleness of a Mac. It can be used to execute a Unix command when the Mac or the display of the Mac goes to sleep mode or wakes up or after a given time without user interaction. It also can send the Mac to sleep mode or retrieve the time since last user activity.} maintainers ryandesign version 2.0.5 categories sysutils revision 0
sleuthkit 1081
@@ -7545,7 +7547,7 @@
makejvf 353
variants universal portdir tex/makejvf description {Japanese Virtual Font file maker.} homepage http://www.ascii.co.jp/pb/ptex/base/sources.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name makejvf depends_lib port:gettext long_description {{Japanese Virtual Font file maker.}} maintainers takanori at macports.org version 1.1a categories {tex print japanese} revision 0
pTeX 711
-variants {no_hiragino no_otf babel euc sjis utf8 nox11 motif xaw xaw3d nextaw darwin_9} depends_build {bin:bash:bash port:nkf} portdir tex/pTeX description {Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment} homepage http://www.nn.iij4u.or.jp/~tutimura/tex/ptetex.html depends_run {port:texi2html port:texinfo} epoch 20071004 platforms darwin name pTeX depends_lib {bin:gs:ghostscript bin:perl:perl5.8 lib:libX11:XFree86 lib:libXm:openmotif port:fontconfig port:freetype port:gd2 port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:ncurses port:t1lib port:zlib} maintainers takanori at macports.org long_description {{Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment}} categories {tex print textproc japanese} version 20071004 revision 0
+variants {no_hiragino no_otf babel euc sjis utf8 nox11 motif xaw xaw3d nextaw darwin_9} depends_build {bin:bash:bash port:nkf} portdir tex/pTeX description {Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment} homepage http://www.nn.iij4u.or.jp/~tutimura/tex/ptetex.html depends_run {port:texi2html port:texinfo} epoch 20071030 platforms darwin name pTeX depends_lib {bin:gs:ghostscript bin:perl:perl5.8 lib:libX11:XFree86 lib:libXm:openmotif port:fontconfig port:freetype port:gd2 port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:ncurses port:t1lib port:zlib} maintainers takanori at macports.org long_description {{Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment}} categories {tex print textproc japanese} version 20071030 revision 0
ptex-sfmacros 444
variants universal depends_build {port:lha port:nkf} portdir tex/ptex-sfmacros description {Tategumi/Tateyoko/Kunten packages written by Shinsaku Fujita.} homepage http://homepage3.nifty.com/xymtex/fujitas2/texlatex/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ptex-sfmacros depends_lib port:pTeX maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Tategumi/Tateyoko/Kunten packages written by Shinsaku Fujita.}} version 0 categories {tex print japanese} revision 0
rtf2latex 515
@@ -7619,7 +7621,7 @@
catdoc 755
variants universal portdir textproc/catdoc description {Convert MS Word/Excel documents to plain ASCII or TeX.} homepage http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/ epoch 0 depends_run bin:wish:tk platforms darwin name catdoc maintainers julian at hal-9k.de long_description {catdoc is program which reads one or more Microsoft word files and outputs text, contained insinde them to standard output. Therefore it does same work for .doc files, as unix cat command for plain ASCII files. It is now accompanied by xls2csv - program which converts Excel spreadsheet into comma-separated value file. Newest addition to catdoc suite is catppt - a program, which extracts readable text from the PowerPoint files.} version 0.94.2 categories textproc revision 0
chasen 748
-variants {universal ipadic} depends_build port:nkf portdir textproc/chasen description {Japanese morphological analysis system} homepage http://chasen-legacy.sourceforge.jp/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name chasen depends_lib {port:darts port:libiconv} maintainers takanori at macports.org long_description {ChaSen is a tool to analyze a text according to a set of dictionaries that specifies grammer, part of speech of words, and so on. Because ChaSen itself has no dictionaries, we need explicit dictionaries to use. IPADIC is such a set of dictionaries that specifies Japanese language. This version of chasen treats encoding of input as EUC-JP, and its output is encoded as EUC-JP by default.} version 2.4.1 categories {textproc japanese} revision 0
+variants {universal ipadic} depends_build port:nkf portdir textproc/chasen description {Japanese morphological analysis system} homepage http://chasen-legacy.sourceforge.jp/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name chasen depends_lib {port:darts port:libiconv} maintainers takanori at macports.org long_description {ChaSen is a tool to analyze a text according to a set of dictionaries that specifies grammer, part of speech of words, and so on. Because ChaSen itself has no dictionaries, we need explicit dictionaries to use. IPADIC is such a set of dictionaries that specifies Japanese language. This version of chasen treats encoding of input as EUC-JP, and its output is encoded as EUC-JP by default.} version 2.4.2 categories {textproc japanese} revision 0
chef 224
portdir textproc/chef variants universal platforms {darwin freebsd} description {trunsletes inpoot text intu sveedeesh} name chef version 19930426 categories {textproc amusements} revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers nomaintainer
chmdump 377
@@ -8003,7 +8005,7 @@
cgilib 380
variants universal description {CGI Library} portdir www/cgilib homepage http://www.infodrom.org/projects/cgilib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cgilib long_description {A simple library whose purpose is to provide an easy to use interface to CGI if you need to write your program in C instead of perl.} maintainers markd at macports.org categories {www devel} version 0.5 revision 3
cgit 513
-variants universal portdir www/cgit description {A fast web interface for the git source code management system} homepage http://hjemli.net/git/cgit/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cgit depends_lib {port:git-core port:openssl port:zlib port:iconv} maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} long_description {cgit is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the git scm, using a builtin cache to decrease server io-pressure. It can run on any CGI-capable web server.} version 0.6.2 categories {www devel} revision 0
+variants universal portdir www/cgit description {A fast web interface for the git source code management system} homepage http://hjemli.net/git/cgit/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cgit depends_lib {port:git-core port:openssl port:zlib port:iconv} maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} long_description {cgit is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the git scm, using a builtin cache to decrease server io-pressure. It can run on any CGI-capable web server.} version 0.7.1 categories {www devel} revision 0
cheetah 640
variants universal description {very minimal web server} portdir www/cheetah homepage http://www.neuro-tech.net/archives/000044.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name cheetah long_description {cheetah is a very minimal web server for testing small local sites, or to continue to serve some content while configuring your primary web server. It has very few features (and is single-threaded with optional fork support), except that it will serve files in a directory under a user-specified port, does not require root access and can serve Last Modified information to aid caching.} maintainers nomaintainer categories www version 1.7 revision 0
clearsilver 593
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