[31427] trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl
jmpp at macports.org
jmpp at macports.org
Thu Nov 22 16:29:21 PST 2007
Revision: 31427
Author: jmpp at macports.org
Date: 2007-11-22 16:29:20 -0800 (Thu, 22 Nov 2007)
Log Message:
* Rework the script to execute less expensive stuff first and thus bail out early with minimal fuss if needed;
* Resort to puts(n) rather than ui_error for error reporting before we initialize macports1.0 through mportinit;
* Catch around the sourcing and loading of the macports1.0 files & Tcl package, report error if needed;
* Provide an absolute example path for the password file;
* Do not use 'IF NOT EXISTS' when creating the log table if we are dropping it right before: if the table creation instruction fails, we might want to know about it;
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl
--- trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl 2007-11-22 22:53:37 UTC (rev 31426)
+++ trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl 2007-11-23 00:29:20 UTC (rev 31427)
@@ -58,12 +58,6 @@
-# Load macports1.0 so that we can use some of its procs and the portinfo array.
-catch {source \
- [file join "@TCL_PACKAGE_DIR@" macports1.0 macports_fastload.tcl]}
-package require macports
# Runtime information log file and reciepient.
set runlog "/tmp/portsdb.log"
set runlog_fd [open $runlog w+]
@@ -73,6 +67,7 @@
set subject "PortIndex2MySQL run failure on $DATE"
set SPAM_LOVERS macports-dev at lists.macosforge.org
# House keeping on exit.
proc cleanup {args} {
foreach file_to_clean $args {
@@ -96,6 +91,32 @@
+# We first initialize the runlog with a proper mail subject.
+puts $runlog_fd "Subject: $subject"
+# Check if there are any stray sibling jobs before moving on, bail in such case.
+if {[file exists $lockfile]} {
+ puts $runlog_fd "PortIndex2MySQL lock file found, is another job running?"
+ terminate 1
+} else {
+ set lockfile_fd [open $lockfile a]
+# Load macports1.0 so that we can use some of its procs and the portinfo array.
+if {[catch { source [file join "@TCL_PACKAGE_DIR@" macports1.0 macports_fastload.tcl] } errstr]} {
+ puts $runlog_fd "${::errorInfo}"
+ puts $runlog_fd "Failed to locate the macports1.0 Tcl package file: $errstr"
+ cleanup lockfile
+ terminate 1
+if {[catch { package require macports } errstr]} {
+ puts $runlog_fd "${::errorInfo}"
+ puts $runlog_fd "Failed to load the macports1.0 Tcl package: $errstr"
+ cleanup lockfile
+ terminate 1
# UI instantiation to route information/error messages wherever we want.
proc ui_channels {priority} {
global runlog_fd
@@ -130,40 +151,18 @@
-# We first initialize the runlog with a proper mail subject:
-puts $runlog_fd "Subject: $subject"
-# Check if there are any stray sibling jobs before moving on, bail in such case.
-if {[file exists $lockfile]} {
- ui_error "PortIndex2MySQL lock file found, is another job running?"
- terminate 1
-} else {
- set lockfile_fd [open $lockfile a]
# Initialize macports1.0 and its UI, in order to find the sources.conf file
# (which is what will point us to the PortIndex we're gonna use) and use
# the runtime information.
array set ui_options {ports_verbose yes}
if {[catch {mportinit ui_options} errstr]} {
- ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
- ui_error "Failed to initialize MacPorts, $errstr"
+ puts $runlog_fd "${::errorInfo}"
+ puts $runlog_fd "Failed to initialize MacPorts: $errstr"
cleanup lockfile
terminate 1
-# Call the selfupdate procedure to make sure the MacPorts installation
-# is up-to-date and with a fresh ports tree.
-if {[catch {macports::selfupdate} errstr]} {
- ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
- ui_error "Failed to update the ports tree, $errstr"
- cleanup lockfile
- terminate 1
# Procedure to catch the database password from a protected file.
proc getpasswd {passwdfile} {
if {[catch {open $passwdfile r} passwdfile_fd]} {
@@ -188,11 +187,10 @@
set dbcmd [macports::findBinary mysql5]
set dbhost localhost
set dbuser macports
-set passwdfile "./password_file"
+set passwdfile "/opt/local/share/macports/resources/portmgr/password_file"
set dbpasswd [getpasswd $passwdfile]
set dbname macports
# Flat text file to which sql statements are written.
if {[catch {open $sqlfile w+} sqlfile_fd]} {
ui_error "${::errorCode}: $sqlfile_fd"
@@ -200,6 +198,25 @@
terminate 1
+# Call the selfupdate procedure to make sure the MacPorts installation
+# is up-to-date and with a fresh ports tree.
+if {[catch {macports::selfupdate} errstr]} {
+ ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
+ ui_error "Failed to update the ports tree, $errstr"
+ cleanup lockfile
+ terminate 1
+# Load every port in the index through a search that matches everything.
+if {[catch {set ports [mportsearch ".+"]} errstr]} {
+ ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
+ ui_error "port search failed: $errstr"
+ cleanup sqlfile lockfile
+ terminate 1
# SQL string escaping.
proc sql_escape {str} {
regsub -all -- {'} $str {\\'} str
@@ -211,7 +228,7 @@
# Initial creation of database tables: log, portfiles, categories, maintainers, dependencies, variants and platforms.
# Do we need any other?
puts $sqlfile_fd "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS log;"
-puts $sqlfile_fd "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log (activity VARCHAR(255), activity_time TIMESTAMP(14));"
+puts $sqlfile_fd "CREATE TABLE log (activity VARCHAR(255), activity_time TIMESTAMP(14));"
puts $sqlfile_fd "INSERT INTO log VALUES ('update', NOW());"
puts $sqlfile_fd "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS portfiles;"
@@ -233,14 +250,6 @@
puts $sqlfile_fd "CREATE TABLE platforms (portfile VARCHAR(255), platform VARCHAR(255));"
-# Load every port in the index through a search that matches everything.
-if {[catch {set ports [mportsearch ".+"]} errstr]} {
- ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
- ui_error "port search failed: $errstr"
- cleanup sqlfile lockfile
- terminate 1
# Iterate over each matching port, extracting its information from the
# portinfo array.
foreach {name array} $ports {
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