[29255] trunk/dports/PortIndex

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Wed Sep 19 00:34:38 PDT 2007

Revision: 29255
Author:   dluke at macports.org
Date:     2007-09-19 00:34:37 -0700 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007)

Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	4254 
Ports successfully parsed:	4254	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-09-19 07:17:02 UTC (rev 29254)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-09-19 07:34:37 UTC (rev 29255)
@@ -2030,8 +2030,8 @@
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-mag description {GNOME magnifier.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-mag depends_lib lib:libspi:at-spi long_description {{GNOME magnifier.}} maintainers {rhwood openmaintainer at macports.org} version 0.14.4 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-media 530
 variants universal depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-media description {A collection of utilities for simple multimedia handling.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-media depends_lib {port:gnome-panel port:dbus port:dbus-glib} long_description {The GNOME media utilities provide simple applications for basic multimedia tasks, such as CD playback, volume control or audio recording.} maintainers {rhwood openmaintainer at macports.org} version 2.18.0 categories gnome revision 1
-gnome-menus 400
-variants universal depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-menus description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-menus depends_lib {port:glib2 port:py25-gtk2} long_description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} maintainers {rhwood openmaintainer at macports.org} version 2.18.2 categories gnome revision 0
+gnome-menus 399
+variants universal depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-menus description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-menus depends_lib {port:glib2 port:py25-gtk} long_description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} maintainers {rhwood openmaintainer at macports.org} version 2.18.2 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-mime-data 479
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-mime-data description {This module contains the base MIME and Application database for GNOME.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-mime-data depends_lib {lib:libiconv:libiconv bin:perl:perl5.8 lib:libgettextlib:gettext port:p5-xml-parser} long_description {This module contains the base MIME and Application database for GNOME.} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org version 2.4.3 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-mud 387
@@ -2074,8 +2074,8 @@
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-vfs-monikers description {Bonobo components for gnome-vfs.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-vfs-monikers depends_lib {port:gnome-vfs port:libbonobo} long_description {Programs using bonobo can use the gnome-vfs-monikers to access gnome-vfs.} maintainers {rhwood openmaintainer at macports.org} version 2.15.3 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-vfsmm 434
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-vfsmm description {gnome-vfsmm provides C++ wrappers for gnome-vfs.} homepage http://www.gtkmm.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-vfsmm depends_lib {lib:libgconfmm-2:gconfmm lib:libgnomevfs-2:gnome-vfs lib:libiconv.2:libiconv} long_description {{gnome-vfsmm provides C++ wrappers for gnome-vfs.}} maintainers {rhwood openmaintainer at macports.org} version 2.18.0 categories gnome revision 0
-gnome-warpad 664
-variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-warpad description {A 'VGA Planets' client for the GNOME platform.} homepage http://gwp.lunix.com.ar/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-warpad depends_lib {bin:gnome-session:gnome-session bin:pygtk-codegen-2.0:py25-gtk2 lib:libiconv.2:libiconv} long_description {A 'VGA Planets' client for the GNOME platform. VGA Planets is a turn-based space strategy game that can be played by 11 players at once. This game is being played since Fidonet times, and have lots of fans that still play on those old DOS clients, it's time for a GNU/Linux one.} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org version 0.3.2 categories gnome revision 0
+gnome-warpad 623
+variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-warpad description {A 'VGA Planets' client for the GNOME platform.} homepage http://gwp.lunix.com.ar/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-warpad depends_lib {port:gnome-session port:py25-gtk port:libiconv} long_description {A 'VGA Planets' client for the GNOME platform. VGA Planets is a turn-based space strategy game that can be played by 11 players at once. This game is being played since Fidonet times, and have lots of fans that still play on those old DOS clients, it's time for a GNU/Linux one.} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org version 0.3.2 categories gnome revision 0
 gnomeicu 698
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnomeicu description {GnomeICU is one of the most popular ICQ programs in the world.} homepage http://gnomeicu.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnomeicu depends_lib {lib:libgnet:gnet lib:libgdbm:gdbm bin:gnome-session:gnome-session} long_description {GnomeICU is one of the most popular UN*X-based ICQ programs in the world. Internet chatting has quickly become one of the most popular uses of the Internet - second only to Email. Instant messaging allows users to communicate in real time with friends, family members, and coworkers in an efficient, unobtrusive manner.} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org version 0.99 categories gnome revision 0
 gnomesu 413
@@ -6304,8 +6304,8 @@
 variants universal portdir python/py25-gdbm description {Python bindings to the GNU dbm library} homepage http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-gdbm.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:gdbm} name py25-gdbm maintainers mww at macports.org long_description {{Python bindings to the GNU dbm library}} categories {python databases} version 2.5.1 revision 0
 py25-genshi 411
 variants universal portdir python/py25-genshi description {} homepage http://genshi.edgewall.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python25 name py25-genshi maintainers stechert at macports.org long_description {ToscaWidgets is a web widget toolkit for Python to aid in the creation, packaging and distribution of common view elements normally used in the web.} categories python version 0.4.2 revision 0
-py25-gnome 409
-variants universal portdir python/py25-gnome description {gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name py25-gnome depends_lib {port:libzvt port:py25-gtk2 port:py25-orbit} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {{gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.}} version 2.20.0 categories {python gnome} revision 0
+py25-gnome 408
+variants universal portdir python/py25-gnome description {gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name py25-gnome depends_lib {port:libzvt port:py25-gtk port:py25-orbit} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {{gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.}} version 2.20.0 categories {python gnome} revision 0
 py25-gobject 614
 variants universal depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir python/py25-gobject description {Python bindings for GObject.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 name py25-gobject depends_lib {port:glib2 port:libxslt port:python25} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {PyGObject provides a convenient wrapper for the GObject+ library for use in Python programs, and takes care of many of the boring details such as managing memory and type casting. When combined with PyGTK, PyORBit and gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured Gnome applications.} version 2.14.0 categories {python gnome} revision 0
 py25-gtk 450

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