[29342] trunk/base/portmgr/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Fri Sep 21 11:05:40 PDT 2007

Revision: 29342
Author:   jmpp at macports.org
Date:     2007-09-21 11:05:40 -0700 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007)

Log Message:

Proper error detection and reporting comes to the PortIndex2MySQL script, with macports1.0
ui initialization to catch the messages and direct them to wherever we want, finally!
Currently messages are logged to a runlog file and then piped to mail(1) on exit if any
failure occurs, so that the recipient is hinted at what went wrong in the db update job.

On a related note, the script was somewhat reorganized to make room for the error detection
& reporting to work throughout and with a new cleanup proc that handles housekeeping on exit.

This commit will finally let us run this script unattended off cron/launchd so that the ports.php
page is updated on an automated basis (and reliably ;-), woot!

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/base/portmgr/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl
--- trunk/base/portmgr/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl	2007-09-21 18:00:09 UTC (rev 29341)
+++ trunk/base/portmgr/PortIndex2MySQL.tcl	2007-09-21 18:05:40 UTC (rev 29342)
@@ -57,63 +57,137 @@
-# Error messages reciepient.
+# Load macports1.0 so that we can use some of its procs and the portinfo array.
+catch {source \
+    [file join "@TCL_PACKAGE_DIR@" macports1.0 macports_fastload.tcl]}
+package require macports
+# Runtime information log file and reciepient.
+set runlog "/tmp/portsdb.log"
+set runlog_fd [open $runlog w+]
+set lockfile "/tmp/portsdb.lock"
+set DATE [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%A %Y-%m-%d at %T"]
+set subject "PortIndex2MySQL run failure on $DATE"
 set SPAM_LOVERS macports-dev at lists.macosforge.org
-# Place holder proc for error catching and processing.
-proc bail_on_error {error_log} {
+# House keeping on exit.
+proc cleanup {} {
+    global sqlfile sqlfile_fd
+    global lockfile lockfile_fd
+    close $sqlfile_fd
+    close $lockfile_fd
+    file delete -force $sqlfile $lockfile
+# What to do when terminating execution, depending on the $exit_status condition.
+proc terminate {exit_status} {
+    global runlog runlog_fd
+    global subject SPAM_LOVERS
+    if {$exit_status} {
+        seek $runlog_fd 0 start
+        exec -- mail -s $subject $SPAM_LOVERS <@ $runlog_fd
+    }
+    close $runlog_fd
+    file delete -force $runlog
+    exit $exit_status
-# Load macports1.0 so that we can use some of its procs and the portinfo array.
-catch {source \
-    [file join "@TCL_PACKAGE_DIR@" macports1.0 macports_fastload.tcl]}
-package require macports
-# Initialize MacPorts to find the sources.conf file, wherefrom we'll
-# get the PortIndex that'll feed the database.
-#more work needs to be done than just initializing and passing the
-#ui_options array to get mportinit to output verbose/debugging info;
-#I'm currently looking into this.
+# UI instantiation to route information/error messages wherever we want.
+proc ui_channels {priority} {
+    global ui_options runlog_fd
+    switch $priority {
+        debug {
+            if {[macports::ui_isset ui_options ports_debug]} {
+                return $runlog_fd
+            } else {
+                return {}
+            }
+        }
+        info {
+            if {[macports::ui_isset ui_options ports_verbose]} {
+                return $runlog_fd
+            } else {
+                return {}
+            }
+        }
+        msg {
+            if {[macports::ui_isset ui_options ports_quiet]} {
+                return $runlog_fd
+            } else {
+                return {}
+            }
+        }
+        error {
+            return $runlog_fd
+        }
+        default {
+            return {}
+        }
+    }
+# Check if there are any stray sibling jobs before moving on, bail in such case.
+if {[file exists $lockfile]} {
+    ui_error "PortIndex2MySQL lock file found, is another job running?"
+    terminate 1
+} else {
+    set lockfile_fd [open $lockfile a]
+# Initialize macports1.0 and its UI, in order to find the sources.conf file
+# (which is what will point us to the PortIndex we're gonna use) and use
+# the runtime information.
 array set ui_options {ports_verbose yes}
+if {[catch {mportinit ui_options} errstr]} {
+    ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
+    ui_error "Failed to initialize MacPorts, $errstr"
+    terminate 1
 # Call the selfupdate procedure to make sure the MacPorts installation
 # is up-to-date and with a fresh ports tree.
+if {[catch {macports::selfupdate} errstr]} {
+    ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
+    ui_error "Failed to update the ports tree, $errstr"
+    terminate 1
 # Procedure to catch the database password from a protected file.
 proc getpasswd {passwdfile} {
     if {[catch {open $passwdfile r} passwdfile_fd]} {
         ui_error "${::errorCode}: $passwdfile_fd"
-        exit 1
+        terminate 1
     if {[gets $passwdfile_fd passwd] <= 0} {
+        close $passwdfile_fd
         ui_error "No password found in $passwdfile!"
-        exit 1
+        terminate 1
     close $passwdfile_fd
     return $passwd
 # Database abstraction variables:
-set sqlfile [file join /tmp ports.sql]
+set sqlfile "/tmp/portsdb.sql"
 set dbcmd [macports::findBinary mysql5]
 set dbhost
 set dbuser macports
-set passwdfile [file join . password_file]
+set passwdfile "./password_file"
 set dbpasswd [getpasswd $passwdfile]
 set dbname macports_ports
 # Flat text file to which sql statements are written.
 if {[catch {open $sqlfile w+} sqlfile_fd]} {
     ui_error "${::errorCode}: $sqlfile_fd"
-    exit 1
+    terminate 1
 # SQL string escaping.
 proc sql_escape {str} {
     regsub -all -- {'} $str {\\'} str
@@ -147,10 +221,12 @@
 puts $sqlfile_fd "CREATE TABLE platforms (portfile VARCHAR(255), platform VARCHAR(255));"
-# Load every port in the index through a search matching everything.
+# Load every port in the index through a search that matches everything.
 if {[catch {set ports [mportsearch ".+"]} errstr]} {
+    ui_error "${::errorInfo}"
     ui_error "port search failed: $errstr"
-    exit 1
+    cleanup
+    terminate 1
 # Iterate over each matching port, extracting its information from the
@@ -256,14 +332,16 @@
 # reading from the file descriptor for the raw sql file to assure completeness.
 if {[catch {seek $sqlfile_fd 0 start} errstr]} {
     ui_error "${::errorCode}: $errstr"
-    exit 1
+    cleanup
+    terminate 1
 if {[catch {exec -- $dbcmd --host=$dbhost --user=$dbuser --password=$dbpasswd --database=$dbname <@ $sqlfile_fd} errstr]} {
     ui_error "${::errorCode}: $errstr"
-    exit 1
+    cleanup
+    terminate 1
-# And we're done regen'ing the MacPorts dabase! (cleanup)
-close $sqlfile_fd
-file delete -force $sqlfile
+# And we're done regen'ing the MacPorts dabase! Cleanup and exit successfully.
+terminate 0

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