[36088] trunk/dports/print/ghostscript/Portfile

takanori at macports.org takanori at macports.org
Thu Apr 17 09:08:08 PDT 2008

Revision: 36088
Author:   takanori at macports.org
Date:     2008-04-17 09:08:08 -0700 (Thu, 17 Apr 2008)

Log Message:
- whitespace changes, cleanup (make 'port lint' happy)
- add livecheck support

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/print/ghostscript/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/print/ghostscript/Portfile	2008-04-17 15:15:33 UTC (rev 36087)
+++ trunk/dports/print/ghostscript/Portfile	2008-04-17 16:08:08 UTC (rev 36088)
@@ -1,56 +1,62 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-name        ghostscript
-version     8.62
-homepage    http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/
-description GPL Ghostscript, An interpreter for PostScript and PDF
-categories  print
-platforms   darwin
-maintainers takanori at macports.org
+PortSystem      1.0
-long_description    Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which \
-        is available for all common and most esoteric platforms and \
-        supports many different printers and some displays.
+name            ghostscript
+version         8.62
+categories      print
+maintainers     takanori
+description     GPL Ghostscript, An interpreter for PostScript and PDF
+long_description \
+                Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which \
+                is available for all common and most esoteric platforms and \
+                supports many different printers and some displays.
+platforms       darwin
+homepage        http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/
 master_sites    sourceforge:${name}:source \
-        sourceforge:gs-fonts:fonts
+                sourceforge:gs-fonts:fonts
+distfiles       ${distname}.tar.gz:source \
+                ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz:fonts \
+                ghostscript-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz:fonts
+patchfiles      patch-src_macos-fw.mak.diff \
+                patch-src_macosx.mak.diff \
+                patch-src_unix-aux.mak.diff
+checksums       ${distname}.tar.gz md5 1dd7f0cc9adbcd9e5d6082067cc43ebb \
+                ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz md5 6865682b095f8c4500c54b285ff05ef6 \
+                ghostscript-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz md5 1a643ae62ef166562e4d422b1a601272
-distfiles   ${distname}.tar.gz:source \
-        ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz:fonts \
-        ghostscript-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz:fonts
+depends_lib     lib:libX11.6:XFree86 \
+                port:zlib \
+                port:libiconv \
+                port:fontconfig \
+                port:expat
-patchfiles  patch-src_macos-fw.mak.diff \
-        patch-src_macosx.mak.diff \
-        patch-src_unix-aux.mak.diff
+post-patch {
+    foreach f {src/macosx.mak src/macos-fw.mak} {
+        reinplace "s|@@DESTROOT@@|${destroot}|" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
+        reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
+    }
-checksums   ${distname}.tar.gz md5 1dd7f0cc9adbcd9e5d6082067cc43ebb \
-        ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz md5 6865682b095f8c4500c54b285ff05ef6 \
-        ghostscript-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz md5 1a643ae62ef166562e4d422b1a601272
-depends_lib lib:libX11.6:XFree86 \
-        port:zlib \
-        port:libiconv \
-        port:fontconfig \
-        port:expat
 # Ticket #11901, Thanks to Christian Cornelssen (ccorn at cs.tu-berlin.de).
 # Make included JasPer uses its own headers rather than the system ones
-configure.cppflags-delete   "-I${prefix}/include"
-configure.cppflags-append   "-I${worksrcpath}/jasper/src/libjasper/include"
-configure.cppflags-append   "-I${prefix}/include"
+configure.cppflags-delete       "-I${prefix}/include"
+configure.cppflags-append       "-I${worksrcpath}/jasper/src/libjasper/include"
+configure.cppflags-append       "-I${prefix}/include"
-configure.args --disable-compile-inits \
-               --mandir='\${prefix}/share/man' \
-               --disable-cups
+configure.args  --disable-compile-inits \
+                --mandir='\${prefix}/share/man' \
+                --disable-cups
-post-destroot   {
+post-destroot {
     copy ${workpath}/fonts ${destroot}${prefix}/share/ghostscript/fonts
-variant cups {
+livecheck.distname      GPL Ghostscript
+variant cups description {enable cups support} {
     configure.args-delete --disable-cups
     configure.args-append --enable-cups
@@ -59,31 +65,23 @@
 # Added variant that build the Ghostscript framework. (Thanks, Sal!)
-variant framework {
+variant framework description {build Ghostscript.framework} {
     depends_lib-delete  port:zlib
-        post-patch {
-            foreach f {src/macosx.mak src/macos-fw.mak} {
-                reinplace "s|@@DESTROOT@@|${destroot}|" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
-                reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
-            }
-        }
-        post-build {
-            move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE
-            ln -s ${worksrcpath}/src/macosx.mak ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
-            system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make framework"
-            delete ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
-            move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
-        }
-        post-destroot {
-            xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks
-            move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE
-            ln -s ${worksrcpath}/src/macosx.mak ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
-            system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make framework_install"
-            delete ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
-            move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
-        }
+    post-build {
+        move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE
+        ln -s ${worksrcpath}/src/macosx.mak ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+        system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make framework"
+        delete ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+        move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+    }
+    post-destroot {
+        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks
+        move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE
+        ln -s ${worksrcpath}/src/macosx.mak ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+        system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make framework_install"
+        delete ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+        move ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.CONFIGURE ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+    }

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