[38834] trunk/dports/games/ltris/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Aug 1 01:45:34 PDT 2008

Revision: 38834
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2008-08-01 01:45:33 -0700 (Fri, 01 Aug 2008)
Log Message:
ltris: whitespace changes only

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/games/ltris/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/games/ltris/Portfile	2008-08-01 08:43:24 UTC (rev 38833)
+++ trunk/dports/games/ltris/Portfile	2008-08-01 08:45:33 UTC (rev 38834)
@@ -1,45 +1,48 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
+PortSystem              1.0
-name			ltris
-version			1.0.12
-categories		games
-platforms		darwin
-maintainers		nomaintainer
-use_parallel_build	yes
-description		Tetris clone with multiplayer and AI support.
-long_description	LTris as a tetris clone which means you have a bowl \
-				with blocks falling down. By rotating and moving the \
-				blocks you try to assemble whole lines which then \
-				disappear. LTris has three modes for this: Classic is \
-				the classical one where you play until the bowl \
-				becomes filled, Figures resets the bowl contents to a \
-				new figure for each level and adds suddenly appearing \
-				tiles and lines later on and Multiplayer where up to \
-				three players either controlled by human or CPU(!) \
-				compete and send completed lines to each other.
+name                    ltris
+version                 1.0.12
+categories              games
+platforms               darwin
+maintainers             nomaintainer
+use_parallel_build      yes
-homepage		http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=LTris
-master_sites	sourceforge:lgames
-checksums		md5     53b00c17a05c438602a52009e65ebde2 \
-				sha1    bc0b389b520053f97c6415b4d430f55784073c1b \
-				rmd160  017791be9d4e2dfc5a6b497e816b3482d22141c3
+description             Tetris clone with multiplayer and AI support.
+long_description        LTris as a tetris clone which means you have a bowl \
+                        with blocks falling down. By rotating and moving the \
+                        blocks you try to assemble whole lines which then \
+                        disappear. LTris has three modes for this: Classic is \
+                        the classical one where you play until the bowl \
+                        becomes filled, Figures resets the bowl contents to a \
+                        new figure for each level and adds suddenly appearing \
+                        tiles and lines later on and Multiplayer where up to \
+                        three players either controlled by human or CPU(!) \
+                        compete and send completed lines to each other.
-depends_lib		port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer \
-				port:gettext \
-				port:libiconv
+homepage                http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=LTris
+master_sites            sourceforge:lgames
+checksums               md5     53b00c17a05c438602a52009e65ebde2 \
+                        sha1    bc0b389b520053f97c6415b4d430f55784073c1b \
+                        rmd160  017791be9d4e2dfc5a6b497e816b3482d22141c3
+depends_lib             port:libsdl \
+                        port:libsdl_mixer \
+                        port:gettext \
+                        port:libiconv
 post-extract {
-	move ${worksrcpath}/src/sdl.h ${worksrcpath}/src/sdl_.h
+    move ${worksrcpath}/src/sdl.h ${worksrcpath}/src/sdl_.h
-patchfiles		patch-sdl_.h.diff \
-				patch-libintl.diff \
-				patch-install-mode.diff
+patchfiles              patch-sdl_.h.diff \
+                        patch-libintl.diff \
+                        patch-install-mode.diff
-configure.args	--with-highscore-path=${prefix}/var/lib/games/ \
-				--disable-sdltest
+configure.args          --with-highscore-path=${prefix}/var/lib/games/ \
+                        --disable-sdltest
 # Can be removed once MacPorts 1.7.0 is released
 if {![info exists applications_dir]} {
@@ -47,9 +50,9 @@
 platform darwin {
-	post-destroot {
-		xinstall -d ${destroot}${applications_dir}/LTris.app/Contents/MacOS
-		ln -s ${prefix}/bin/ltris \
-			${destroot}${applications_dir}/LTris.app/Contents/MacOS/LTris
-	}
+    post-destroot {
+        xinstall -d ${destroot}${applications_dir}/LTris.app/Contents/MacOS
+        ln -s ${prefix}/bin/ltris \
+            ${destroot}${applications_dir}/LTris.app/Contents/MacOS/LTris
+    }
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