[39255] trunk/dports/lang

afb at macports.org afb at macports.org
Thu Aug 14 05:49:25 PDT 2008

Revision: 39255
Author:   afb at macports.org
Date:     2008-08-14 05:49:24 -0700 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008)
Log Message:
add Python 2.6b2, for the bored/adventurous

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Copied: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel (from rev 39158, trunk/dports/lang/python25)

Deleted: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/python25/Portfile	2008-08-10 10:59:36 UTC (rev 39158)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/Portfile	2008-08-14 12:49:24 UTC (rev 39255)
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-name                    python25
-version                 2.5.2
-revision                5
-set major               2
-set branch              2.5
-categories              lang
-platforms               darwin
-maintainers             mww
-description             An interpreted, object-oriented programming language
-long_description        Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented \
-                        programming language.
-homepage                http://www.python.org/
-master_sites            ${homepage}/ftp/python/${version}/ \
-                        ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/python/${version}/ \
-                        ftp://ftp.fastorama.com/mirrors/ftp.python.org/pub/python/${version}/ \
-                        ftp://ftp.python.jp/pub/python/${version}/
-distname                Python-${version}
-extract.suffix          .tgz
-checksums               md5     3f7ca8aa86c6bd275426d63b46e07992 \
-                        sha1    7a835c93a904ae4ecb2d23b5183e94d3b92f8305 \
-                        rmd160  a6e2e81910639a362f265af2e3814e7b47e2110a
-patchfiles              patch-Makefile.pre.in.diff \
-                        patch-setup.py.diff \
-                        patch-Lib-cgi.py.diff
-depends_lib             port:gettext
-configure.args          --enable-shared \
-                        --enable-framework=${prefix}/Library/Frameworks \
-                        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-                        --without-readline \
-                        --disable-tk \
-                        --enable-ipv6
-use_parallel_build      no
-post-patch {
-        reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Lib/cgi.py
-        reinplace "s|/Applications/MacPython|/Applications/MacPorts/MacPython|g" \
-                Mac/Makefile.in Mac/IDLE/Makefile.in \
-                Mac/IDLE/Makefile.in Mac/Tools/Doc/setup.py \
-                Mac/PythonLauncher/Makefile.in \
-                Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py
-        reinplace "s|xargs -0 rm -r|xargs -0 rm -rf|g" \
-                Mac/PythonLauncher/Makefile.in
-build.target            all libpython${branch}.dylib
-# TODO: From python24, do we still need this?
-# Workaround for case-sensitive file systems
-post-build {
-    if { ![file exists ${worksrcpath}/python.exe] } {
-        ln -s python ${worksrcpath}/python.exe
-    }
-test.run                yes
-test.target             test
-destroot.target         frameworkinstall maninstall
-post-destroot {
-        set framewpath ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
-        set framewdir  ${framewpath}/Versions/${branch}
-        foreach dir { lib include } {
-            file rename ${destroot}${framewdir}/${dir}/python${branch} ${destroot}${prefix}/${dir}
-            ln -s ${prefix}/${dir}/python${branch} ${destroot}${framewdir}/${dir}/python${branch}
-        }
-        file rename ${destroot}${framewdir}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
-        ln -s ${prefix}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib ${destroot}${framewdir}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib
-        file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/python.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/python${branch}.1
-        # delete symlinks without version suffix, use python_select instead to choose version
-        foreach bin { python pythonw idle pydoc smtpd.py python-config } {
-            file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${bin}
-        }
-        foreach bin [list python${branch} pythonw${branch} idle${branch} pydoc${branch} smtpd${branch}.py python${branch}-config] {
-            file rename -force ${destroot}${framewdir}/bin/${bin} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
-            ln -s ${prefix}/bin/${bin} ${destroot}${framewdir}/bin/${bin}
-        }
-        foreach dir { Headers Resources Python Versions/Current } {
-            file delete ${destroot}${framewpath}/${dir}
-        }
-        # install select file for python_select
-        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/select/python
-        xinstall -m 644 ${filespath}/python[string map {. {}} ${branch}] ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/select/python/
-post-activate {
-    ui_msg "\nTo fully complete your installation and make python $branch the default, please run
-\n\tsudo port install python_select \
-\n\tsudo python_select $name\n"
-platform darwin 7 {
-        # there is no SystemStubs on 10.3
-        post-patch {
-                reinplace "s|-lSystemStubs||g" \
-                        configure configure.in
-        }
-        post-configure {
-                reinplace "s|-lSystemStubs||g" \
-                        Makefile.pre.in Makefile.pre Makefile
-        }
-        # To avoid GCC incompatibility issue. See http://nxg.me.uk/note/2004/restFP/ (by ebgssth at gmail.com, ticket #13322)
-        configure.ldflags-append "-lcc_dynamic"
-platform darwin 8 {
-        # TODO: would configure.compiler be more appropriate?
-        configure.args-append           --with-cxx=/usr/bin/g++-4.0
-platform darwin 9 {
-        configure.cppflags-append       -D__DARWIN_UNIX03
-variant universal {
-        configure.args-append           --enable-universalsdk
-livecheck.check         regex
-livecheck.url           ${homepage}download/releases/
-livecheck.regex         Python (${branch}.\[0-9\]+)

Copied: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/Portfile (from rev 39254, trunk/dports/lang/python25/Portfile)
--- trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/Portfile	2008-08-14 12:49:24 UTC (rev 39255)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name                    python26-devel
+version                 2.6b2
+revision                0
+set major               2
+set branch              2.6
+categories              lang
+platforms               darwin
+maintainers             nomaintainer
+description             An interpreted, object-oriented programming language
+long_description        Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented \
+                        programming language.
+homepage                http://www.python.org/
+master_sites            ${homepage}/ftp/python/${branch}/ \
+                        ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/python/${version}/ \
+                        ftp://ftp.fastorama.com/mirrors/ftp.python.org/pub/python/${version}/ \
+                        ftp://ftp.python.jp/pub/python/${version}/
+distname                Python-${version}
+extract.suffix          .tgz
+checksums               md5     a2c86b37c90f43c337466d70c1bc236a \
+                        sha1    203a72c96b2f273ae1fa8faf9d6b5981352f0747 \
+                        rmd160  d66df1cc5a4a7d04821e7d33c3de992253a41fa4
+patchfiles              patch-Makefile.pre.in.diff \
+                        patch-setup.py.diff \
+                        patch-Lib-cgi.py.diff
+depends_lib             port:gettext
+configure.args          --enable-shared \
+                        --enable-framework=${prefix}/Library/Frameworks \
+                        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
+                        --without-readline \
+                        --disable-tk \
+                        --enable-ipv6
+use_parallel_build      no
+post-patch {
+        reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Lib/cgi.py
+        reinplace "s|/Applications/MacPython|/Applications/MacPorts/MacPython|g" \
+                Mac/Makefile.in Mac/IDLE/Makefile.in \
+                Mac/IDLE/Makefile.in Mac/Tools/Doc/setup.py \
+                Mac/PythonLauncher/Makefile.in \
+                Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py
+        reinplace "s|xargs -0 rm -r|xargs -0 rm -rf|g" \
+                Mac/PythonLauncher/Makefile.in
+build.target            all libpython${branch}.dylib
+# TODO: From python24, do we still need this?
+# Workaround for case-sensitive file systems
+post-build {
+    if { ![file exists ${worksrcpath}/python.exe] } {
+        ln -s python ${worksrcpath}/python.exe
+    }
+test.run                yes
+test.target             test
+destroot.target         frameworkinstall maninstall
+post-destroot {
+        set framewpath ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
+        set framewdir  ${framewpath}/Versions/${branch}
+        foreach dir { lib include } {
+            file rename ${destroot}${framewdir}/${dir}/python${branch} ${destroot}${prefix}/${dir}
+            ln -s ${prefix}/${dir}/python${branch} ${destroot}${framewdir}/${dir}/python${branch}
+        }
+        file rename ${destroot}${framewdir}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
+        ln -s ${prefix}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib ${destroot}${framewdir}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib
+        file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/python.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/python${branch}.1
+        # delete symlinks without version suffix, use python_select instead to choose version
+        foreach bin { python pythonw idle pydoc smtpd.py python-config } {
+            file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${bin}
+        }
+        foreach bin [list python${branch} pythonw${branch} idle${branch} pydoc${branch} smtpd${branch}.py python${branch}-config] {
+            file rename -force ${destroot}${framewdir}/bin/${bin} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+            ln -s ${prefix}/bin/${bin} ${destroot}${framewdir}/bin/${bin}
+        }
+        foreach dir { Headers Resources Python Versions/Current } {
+            file delete ${destroot}${framewpath}/${dir}
+        }
+        # install select file for python_select
+        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/select/python
+        xinstall -m 644 ${filespath}/python[string map {. {}} ${branch}] ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/select/python/
+post-activate {
+    ui_msg "\nTo fully complete your installation and make python $branch the default, please run
+\n\tsudo port install python_select \
+\n\tsudo python_select $name\n"
+platform darwin 7 {
+        # there is no SystemStubs on 10.3
+        post-patch {
+                reinplace "s|-lSystemStubs||g" \
+                        configure configure.in
+        }
+        post-configure {
+                reinplace "s|-lSystemStubs||g" \
+                        Makefile.pre.in Makefile.pre Makefile
+        }
+        # To avoid GCC incompatibility issue. See http://nxg.me.uk/note/2004/restFP/ (by ebgssth at gmail.com, ticket #13322)
+        configure.ldflags-append "-lcc_dynamic"
+platform darwin 8 {
+        # TODO: would configure.compiler be more appropriate?
+        configure.args-append           --with-cxx=/usr/bin/g++-4.0
+        patchfiles-append               patch-arch-tiger.diff
+platform darwin 9 {
+        configure.cppflags-append       -D__DARWIN_UNIX03
+variant universal {
+        configure.args-append           --enable-universalsdk
+livecheck.check         regex
+livecheck.url           ${homepage}download/releases/
+livecheck.regex         Python (${branch}.\[0-9\]+)

Copied: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files (from rev 39254, trunk/dports/lang/python25/files)

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/patch-Lib-cgi.py.diff
--- trunk/dports/lang/python25/files/patch-Lib-cgi.py.diff	2008-08-14 12:31:42 UTC (rev 39254)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/patch-Lib-cgi.py.diff	2008-08-14 12:49:24 UTC (rev 39255)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 +++ Lib/cgi.py	2007-08-21 15:36:54.000000000 +0200
 @@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
 -#! /usr/local/bin/python
-+#! __PREFIX__/bin/python2.5
++#! __PREFIX__/bin/python2.6
 -# NOTE: the above "/usr/local/bin/python" is NOT a mistake.  It is
 -# intentionally NOT "/usr/bin/env python".  On many systems

Added: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/patch-arch-tiger.diff
--- trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/patch-arch-tiger.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/patch-arch-tiger.diff	2008-08-14 12:49:24 UTC (rev 39255)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# arch(1) before Leopard doesn't take any arguments
+--- ./Mac/IDLE/Makefile.in.orig	2008-08-10 14:58:29.000000000 +0200
++++ ./Mac/IDLE/Makefile.in	2008-08-10 15:24:09.000000000 +0200
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ IDLE.app:  \
+ 		$(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonSource.icns \
+ 		$(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonCompiled.icns Info.plist
+ 	rm -fr IDLE.app
+-	$(RUNSHARED) arch -ppc -i386 $(BUILDPYTHON) $(BUNDLEBULDER) \
+ 		--builddir=. \
+ 		--name=IDLE \
+ 		--link-exec \
+--- ./Mac/Makefile.in.orig	2008-08-10 14:58:29.000000000 +0200
++++ ./Mac/Makefile.in	2008-08-10 15:24:52.000000000 +0200
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ install_IDLE:
+ 	cd IDLE && make install
+ install_BuildApplet:
+-	$(RUNSHARED) arch -ppc -i386 $(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/scripts/BuildApplet.py \
++	$(RUNSHARED) $(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/scripts/BuildApplet.py \
+ 		--destroot "$(DESTDIR)" \
+ 		--python=$(prefix)/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)`test -f "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)-32" && echo "-32"`  \
+ 		--output "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)/Build Applet.app" \
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ installmacsubtree:
+ 	done
+ 	$(RUNSHARED) $(BUILDPYTHON) -Wi -tt $(compileall) -d $(MACTOOLSDEST) -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(MACTOOLSDEST)
+ 	$(RUNSHARED) $(BUILDPYTHON) -O -Wi -tt $(compileall) -d $(MACTOOLSDEST) -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(MACTOOLSDEST)

Deleted: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/python25
--- trunk/dports/lang/python25/files/python25	2008-08-14 12:31:42 UTC (rev 39254)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/python25	2008-08-14 12:49:24 UTC (rev 39255)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@

Added: trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/python26
--- trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/python26	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/python26-devel/files/python26	2008-08-14 12:49:24 UTC (rev 39255)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-------------- next part --------------
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