[42996] trunk/dports/x11/xinit

jeremyhu at macports.org jeremyhu at macports.org
Tue Dec 2 20:59:43 PST 2008

Revision: 42996
Author:   jeremyhu at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-02 20:59:42 -0800 (Tue, 02 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
xinit: Version bump to 1.1.0 plus latest git updates for better Tiger support

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/x11/xinit/Portfile	2008-12-03 04:52:51 UTC (rev 42995)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xinit/Portfile	2008-12-03 04:59:42 UTC (rev 42996)
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                xinit
-version             1.0.8
+version             1.1.0
 categories          x11
 platforms           darwin
-maintainers         bbyer at macports.org
+maintainers         jeremyhu
 description         X11 startup script processor
 long_description    xinit is responsible for configuring the initial environment \
 		    when X11 starts up.
@@ -14,14 +14,35 @@
 homepage            http://www.x.org
 master_sites        ${homepage}/pub/individual/app/
-checksums           sha1 0102d2fdc0df3d24077ba826cf57640da46140af
+checksums           md5     9144097186c3d2454beffe8ac3b53c6e \
+                    sha1    c4d3d8314ddd94c4950349d23a3e387af65186da \
+                    rmd160  d2631bd7eea0ce702b2b4d380e28365dab4fef83
 use_bzip2	    yes
+use_parallel_build  yes
-depends_lib         lib:libX11:xorg-libX11
+depends_build       port:pkgconfig \
+                    port:xorg-util-macros
+depends_lib         lib:libX11.6:xorg-libX11
 configure.pkg_config_path ${x11prefix}/lib/pkgconfig
-configure.args      --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
-livecheck.check     regex
-livecheck.url       ${master_sites}
-#livecheck.regex     "${name}\\.tar\\.gz -> ${name}-(\\d+)\\.tgz"
+patchfiles          tiger_support.patch
+pre-configure {
+	system "cd ${worksrcpath} && autoreconf -fvi"
+	reinplace "s|org.x|org.macports|" ${worksrcpath}/org.x.startx.plist.cpp
+	reinplace "s|org.x|org.macports|" ${worksrcpath}/privileged_startx/org.x.privileged_startx.plist.cpp
+	reinplace "s|org.x|org.macports|" ${worksrcpath}/privileged_startx/privileged_startx_types.h
+	reinplace "s|org.x|org.macports|" ${worksrcpath}/privileged_startx/server.c
+	reinplace "s|org.x|org.macports|" ${worksrcpath}/startx.cpp
+post-destroot {
+	system "mv ${destroot}/Library/LaunchAgents/org.x.startx.plist ${destroot}/Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.startx.plist"
+	system "mv ${destroot}/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.x.privileged_startx.plist ${destroot}/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.privileged_startx.plist"
+	system "mkdir ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d"
+	system "cp ${filespath}/xinitrc.d/*.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d"
+	system "chmod 755 ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*.sh"

Added: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/tiger_support.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/tiger_support.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/tiger_support.patch	2008-12-03 04:59:42 UTC (rev 42996)
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index 78ae154..0d831f3 100644
+--- Makefile.am
++++ Makefile.am
+@@ -67,9 +67,6 @@ endif
+ DIST_SUBDIRS = privileged_startx
+-xinitrc: xinitrc.cpp Makefile
+-startx: startx.cpp Makefile
+ xinitrc_DATA = xinitrc
+ CLEANFILES = xinitrc startx $(appman_DATA) $(launchagents_DATA)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 2d09cad..86bd1f2 100644
+--- configure.ac
++++ configure.ac
+@@ -102,18 +102,17 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(launchdaemons-dir,  AS_HELP_STRING([--with-launchdaemons-dir=PATH],
+ if test "x$LAUNCHD" = "xauto"; then
+ 	unset LAUNCHD
+-	case $host_os in
+-		darwin8*)
+-			LAUNCHD=no
+-		;;
+-		*)
+-			AC_CHECK_PROG(LAUNCHD, [launchd], [yes], [no])
+-		;;
+-	esac
++	AC_CHECK_PROG(LAUNCHD, [launchd], [yes], [no])
+ fi
+ if test "x$LAUNCHD" = "xyes" ; then
+ 	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LAUNCHD, 1, [launchd support available])
++	case $host_os in
++		darwin8*)
++		;;
++	esac
+ else
+         launchagentsdir=""
+         launchdaemonsdir=""
+@@ -121,6 +120,7 @@ fi
+ AC_SUBST([launchagentsdir])
+ AC_SUBST([launchdaemonsdir])
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(LAUNCHD, [test "x$LAUNCHD" = "xyes"])
+ # Checks for pkg-config packages
+diff --git a/org.x.startx.plist.cpp b/org.x.startx.plist.cpp
+index 42c9f70..4bcedcf 100644
+--- org.x.startx.plist.cpp
++++ org.x.startx.plist.cpp
+@@ -21,5 +21,7 @@
+ 		</dict>
+ 	<key>ServiceIPC</key>
+ 		<true/>
++	<key>EnableTransactions</key>
++		<true/>
+ </dict>
+ </plist>
+diff --git a/privileged_startx/Makefile.am b/privileged_startx/Makefile.am
+index 6a143ca..2d68544 100644
+--- privileged_startx/Makefile.am
++++ privileged_startx/Makefile.am
+@@ -34,9 +34,12 @@ xinitrc_PROGRAMS = privileged_startx
+ privstartx_SCRIPTS = 10-tmpdirs 20-font_cache
+ AM_CPPFLAGS = -DXINITDIR=\"$(xinitrcdir)\" -DSCRIPTDIR=\"$(privstartxdir)\" -DBINDIR=\"$(bindir)\"
+ CPP_FILES_FLAGS = -DXINITDIR="$(xinitrcdir)" -DSCRIPTDIR="$(privstartxdir)" -DBINDIR="$(bindir)"
+ dist_privileged_startx_SOURCES = \
+ 	server.c \
+ 	client.c \
+@@ -70,5 +73,5 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
+ 	privileged_startx.defs \
+ 	privileged_startx_types.h
+-$(BUILT_SOURCES): privileged_startx.defs
+-	mig -sheader privileged_startxServer.h privileged_startx.defs
++$(BUILT_SOURCES): $(srcdir)/privileged_startx.defs
++	mig -sheader privileged_startxServer.h $(srcdir)/privileged_startx.defs
+diff --git a/privileged_startx/client.c b/privileged_startx/client.c
+index 2a24a70..a33dd02 100644
+--- privileged_startx/client.c
++++ privileged_startx/client.c
+@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
++#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
+ #include "privileged_startx.h"
+ int client_main(void) {
+@@ -42,7 +44,11 @@ int client_main(void) {
+     kr = bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, BOOTSTRAP_NAME, &mp);
+     if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "bootstrap_look_up(): %s\n", bootstrap_strerror(kr));
++        fprintf(stderr, "bootstrap_look_up(): %ul\n", (unsigned long)kr);
+         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+     }
+diff --git a/privileged_startx/org.x.privileged_startx.plist.cpp b/privileged_startx/org.x.privileged_startx.plist.cpp
+index e878dc3..7400cc4 100644
+--- privileged_startx/org.x.privileged_startx.plist.cpp
++++ privileged_startx/org.x.privileged_startx.plist.cpp
+@@ -4,18 +4,25 @@
+ <dict>
+ 	<key>Label</key>
+ 		<string>org.x.privileged_startx</string>
+-	<key>MachServices</key>
+-		<dict>
+-			<key>org.x.privileged_startx</key>
+-				<true/>
+-		</dict>
+ 	<key>ProgramArguments</key>
+ 		<array>
+ 			<string>XINITDIR/privileged_startx</string>
+ 			<string>-d</string>
+ 			<string>SCRIPTDIR</string>
+ 		</array>
++	<key>KeepAlive</key>
++		<true/>
++	<key>MachServices</key>
++		<dict>
++			<key>org.x.privileged_startx</key>
++				<true/>
++		</dict>
+ 	<key>TimeOut</key>
+-		<integer>60</integer>
++		<integer>120</integer>
++	<key>EnableTransactions</key>
++		<true/>
+ </dict>
+ </plist>
+diff --git a/privileged_startx/server.c b/privileged_startx/server.c
+index 7afd424..6dd4f2b 100644
+--- privileged_startx/server.c
++++ privileged_startx/server.c
+@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <launch.h>
+ #include <asl.h>
+-#include <pthread.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include "privileged_startx.h"
+@@ -51,6 +50,10 @@ union MaxMsgSize {
+     union __ReplyUnion__privileged_startx_subsystem rep; 
+ };
++#include <pthread.h>
++static void* idle_thread(void* param __attribute__((unused)));
+ /* globals to trigger idle exit */
+ #define DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT 60 /* 60 second timeout, then the server exits */
+@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ struct idle_globals {
+ };
+ struct idle_globals idle_globals;
+ #ifndef SCRIPTDIR
+ #define SCRIPTDIR="/usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/privileged_startx.d"
+@@ -69,13 +73,46 @@ struct idle_globals idle_globals;
+ /* Default script dir */
+ const char *script_dir = SCRIPTDIR;
+-static void* idle_thread(void* param __attribute__((unused)));
++static mach_port_t checkin_or_register(char *bname) {
++    kern_return_t kr;
++    mach_port_t mp;
++    /* If we're started by launchd or the old mach_init */
++    kr = bootstrap_check_in(bootstrap_port, bname, &mp);
++    if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS)
++        return mp;
++    /* We probably were not started by launchd or the old mach_init */
++    kr = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &mp);
++    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
++        fprintf(stderr, "mach_port_allocate(): %s\n", mach_error_string(kr));
++        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    kr = mach_port_insert_right(mach_task_self(), mp, mp, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
++    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
++        fprintf(stderr, "mach_port_insert_right(): %s\n", mach_error_string(kr));
++        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    kr = bootstrap_register(bootstrap_port, bname, mp);
++    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
++        fprintf(stderr, "bootstrap_register(): %s\n", mach_error_string(kr));
++        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    return mp;
+ int server_main(const char *dir) {
+     mach_msg_size_t mxmsgsz = sizeof(union MaxMsgSize) + MAX_TRAILER_SIZE;
+     mach_port_t mp;
+     kern_return_t kr;
+     long idle_timeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT;
+     launch_data_t config = NULL, checkin = NULL;
+     checkin = launch_data_new_string(LAUNCH_KEY_CHECKIN);
+@@ -85,6 +122,13 @@ int server_main(const char *dir) {
+         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+     }
++    if(dir) {
++        script_dir = dir;
++        asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG,
++                "script directory set: %s", script_dir);
++    }
+     launch_data_t tmv;
+     tmv = launch_data_dict_lookup(config, LAUNCH_JOBKEY_TIMEOUT);
+     if (tmv) {
+@@ -93,12 +137,6 @@ int server_main(const char *dir) {
+                 "idle timeout set: %ld seconds", idle_timeout);
+     }
+-    if(dir) {
+-        script_dir = dir;
+-        asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG,
+-                "script directory set: %s", script_dir);
+-    }
+     launch_data_t svc;
+     svc = launch_data_dict_lookup(config, LAUNCH_JOBKEY_MACHSERVICES);
+     if (!svc) {
+@@ -114,6 +152,10 @@ int server_main(const char *dir) {
+     }
+     mp = launch_data_get_machport(svc);
++    mp = checkin_or_register("org.x.privileged_startx");
+     if (mp == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+         asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "NULL mach service: %s",
+                 BOOTSTRAP_NAME);
+@@ -129,12 +171,14 @@ int server_main(const char *dir) {
+         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+     }
+     /* spawn a thread to monitor our idle timeout */
+     pthread_t thread;
+     idle_globals.mp = mp;
+     idle_globals.timeout = idle_timeout;
+     gettimeofday(&idle_globals.lastmsg, NULL);
+     pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &idle_thread, NULL);
+     /* Main event loop */
+     kr = mach_msg_server(privileged_startx_server, mxmsgsz, mp, 0);
+@@ -161,8 +205,10 @@ kern_return_t do_privileged_startx(mach_port_t test_port __attribute__((unused))
+     const char * path_argv[2] = {script_dir, NULL};
+     /* Store that we were called, so the idle timer will reset */
+     gettimeofday(&idle_globals.lastmsg, NULL);
+     /* script_dir contains a set of files to run with root privs when X11 starts */
+     ftsp = fts_open(path_argv, FTS_PHYSICAL, ftscmp);
+@@ -222,6 +268,7 @@ kern_return_t do_privileged_startx(mach_port_t test_port __attribute__((unused))
+ }
+ kern_return_t do_idle_exit(mach_port_t test_port __attribute__((unused))) {
+     struct timeval now;
+     gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+@@ -231,8 +278,12 @@ kern_return_t do_idle_exit(mach_port_t test_port __attribute__((unused))) {
+     }
+     return KERN_SUCCESS;
++    return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ static void *idle_thread(void* param __attribute__((unused))) {
+     for(;;) {
+         struct timeval now;
+@@ -248,3 +299,4 @@ static void *idle_thread(void* param __attribute__((unused))) {
+     }
+     return NULL;
+ }
+diff --git a/startx.cpp b/startx.cpp
+index 8ffdc70..fb23f18 100644
+--- startx.cpp
++++ startx.cpp
+@@ -84,21 +84,25 @@ serverargs=""
+ #ifdef __APPLE__
++if [ "x$X11_PREFS_DOMAIN" = x ] ; then
++    X11_PREFS_DOMAIN="org.x.X11"
+ XCOMM Initialize defaults (this will cut down on "safe" error messages)
+-if ! defaults read org.x.X11 cache_fonts >& /dev/null ; then
+-    defaults write org.x.X11 cache_fonts -bool true
++if ! defaults read $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN cache_fonts >& /dev/null ; then
++    defaults write $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN cache_fonts -bool true
+ fi
+-if ! defaults read org.x.X11 no_auth >& /dev/null ; then
+-    defaults write org.x.X11 no_auth -bool false
++if ! defaults read $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN no_auth >& /dev/null ; then
++    defaults write $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN no_auth -bool false
+ fi
+-if ! defaults read org.x.X11 nolisten_tcp >& /dev/null ; then
+-    defaults write org.x.X11 nolisten_tcp -bool true
++if ! defaults read $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN nolisten_tcp >& /dev/null ; then
++    defaults write $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN nolisten_tcp -bool true
+ fi
+ XCOMM First, start caching fonts
+-if [ x`defaults read org.x.X11 cache_fonts` = x1 ] ; then
++if [ x`defaults read $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN cache_fonts` = x1 ] ; then
+     if [ -x /usr/X11/bin/font_cache ] ; then
+         /usr/X11/bin/font_cache &
+     elif [ -x /usr/X11/bin/font_cache.sh ] ; then
+@@ -114,13 +118,13 @@ if [ -x XINITDIR/privileged_startx ] ; then
+ 	XINITDIR/privileged_startx
+ fi
+-if [ x`defaults read org.x.X11 no_auth` = x0 ] ; then
++if [ x`defaults read $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN no_auth` = x0 ] ; then
+     enable_xauth=1
+ else
+     enable_xauth=0
+ fi
+-if [ x`defaults read org.x.X11 nolisten_tcp` = x1 ] ; then
++if [ x`defaults read $X11_PREFS_DOMAIN nolisten_tcp` = x1 ] ; then
+     defaultserverargs="$defaultserverargs -nolisten tcp"
+ fi
+@@ -133,19 +137,6 @@ defaultdisplay=":$d"
+ enable_xauth=1
+ #endif
+-if [ -f $userclientrc ]; then
+-    defaultclientargs=$userclientrc
+-elif [ -f $sysclientrc ]; then
+-    defaultclientargs=$sysclientrc
+-#if defined(__SCO__) || defined(__UNIXWARE__)
+-elif [ -f $scouserclientrc ]; then
+-    defaultclientargs=$scouserclientrc
+-elif [ -f $scosysclientrc ]; then
+-    defaultclientargs=$scosysclientrc
+ #if defined(__SCO__) || defined(__UNIXWARE__)
+ XCOMM SCO -t option: do not start an X server
+@@ -202,11 +193,23 @@ done
+ XCOMM process client arguments
+ if [ x"$client" = x ]; then
++    client=$defaultclient
+     XCOMM if no client arguments either, use rc file instead
+     if [ x"$clientargs" = x ]; then
+-	client="$defaultclientargs"
+-    else
+-	client=$defaultclient
++        if [ -f "$userclientrc" ]; then
++            client=$userclientrc
++        elif [ -f "$sysclientrc" ]; then
++            client=$sysclientrc
++#if defined(__SCO__) || defined(__UNIXWARE__)
++        elif [ -f "$scouserclientrc" ]; then
++            client=$scouserclientrc
++        elif [ -f "$scosysclientrc" ]; then
++            client=$scosysclientrc
++        fi
++        clientargs=$defaultclientargs
+     fi
+ fi
+@@ -217,9 +220,9 @@ if [ x"$server" = x ]; then
+     XCOMM if no server arguments or display either, use defaults
+     if [ x"$serverargs" = x -a x"$display" = x ]; then
+ 	XCOMM For compatibility reasons, only use xserverrc if there were no server command line arguments
+-	if [ -f $userserverrc ]; then
++	if [ -f "$userserverrc" ]; then
+ 	    server=$userserverrc
+-	elif [ -f $sysserverrc ]; then
++	elif [ -f "$sysserverrc" ]; then
+ 	    server=$sysserverrc
+ 	fi
+@@ -268,11 +271,15 @@ if [ x"$enable_xauth" = x1 ] ; then
+     XCOMM create a file with auth information for the server. ':0' is a dummy.
+     xserverauthfile=$HOME/.serverauth.$$
+-    trap "rm -f $xserverauthfile" HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP KILL BUS TERM
+-    xauth -q -f $xserverauthfile << EOF
++    trap "rm -f '$xserverauthfile'" HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP KILL BUS TERM
++    xauth -q -f "$xserverauthfile" << EOF
+ add :$dummy . $mcookie
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++    serverargs=${serverargs}" -auth '"${xserverauthfile}"'"
+     serverargs=${serverargs}" -auth "${xserverauthfile}
+     XCOMM now add the same credentials to the client authority file
+     XCOMM if '$displayname' already exists do not overwrite it as another
+@@ -287,7 +294,7 @@ EOF
+         removelist="$displayname $removelist"
+         else
+             dummy=$(($dummy+1));
+-            XAUTH -q -f $xserverauthfile << EOF
++            XAUTH -q -f "$xserverauthfile" << EOF
+ add :$dummy . $authcookie
+         fi
+@@ -298,10 +305,16 @@ fi
+ if [ "$REMOTE_SERVER" = "TRUE" ]; then
+         exec SHELL_CMD ${client}
+ else
+-        XINIT $client $clientargs -- $server $display $serverargs
++        XINIT "$client" $clientargs -- "$server" $display $serverargs
+ fi
+ #else
+-XINIT $client $clientargs -- $server $display $serverargs
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++eval XINIT \"$client\" $clientargs -- \"$server\" $display $serverargs
++XINIT "$client" $clientargs -- "$server" $display $serverargs
+ #endif
+ if [ x"$enable_xauth" = x1 ] ; then
+@@ -309,7 +322,7 @@ if [ x"$enable_xauth" = x1 ] ; then
+         XAUTH remove $removelist
+     fi
+     if [ x"$xserverauthfile" != x ]; then
+-        rm -f $xserverauthfile
++        rm -f "$xserverauthfile"
+     fi
+ fi
+diff --git a/xinit.c b/xinit.c
+index 523cfd5..d25de9d 100644
+--- xinit.c
++++ xinit.c
+@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
+ #include <setjmp.h>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
++#include <vproc.h>
+ #if !defined(SIGCHLD) && defined(SIGCLD)
+ #endif
+@@ -250,6 +257,11 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
+ 	int client_args_given = 0, server_args_given = 0;
+ 	int start_of_client_args, start_of_server_args;
+ 	struct sigaction sa;
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++	vproc_transaction_t vt;
+ #ifdef __UNIXOS2__
+ 	envsave = envp;	/* circumvent an EMX problem */
+@@ -426,6 +438,13 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
+ 	signal(SIGALRM, sigAlarm);
+ 	signal(SIGUSR1, sigUsr1);
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++	vt = vproc_transaction_begin(NULL);
+ 	if (startServer(server) > 0
+ 	 && startClient(client) > 0) {
+ 		pid = -1;
+@@ -434,6 +453,13 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
+ 			)
+ 			pid = wait(NULL);
+ 	}
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++	vproc_transaction_end(NULL, vt);
+ 	signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
+ 	signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
+ 	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
+@@ -464,15 +490,23 @@ waitforserver(void)
+ 	int	ncycles	 = 120;		/* # of cycles to wait */
+ 	int	cycles;			/* Wait cycle count */
++#ifdef __APPLE__
++	/* For Apple, we don't get signaled by the server when it's ready, so we just
++	 * want to sleep now since we're going to sleep later anyways and this allows us
++	 * to avoid the awkard, "why is there an error message in the log" questions
++	 * from users.
++         */
++	sleep(2);
+ 	for (cycles = 0; cycles < ncycles; cycles++) {
+ 		if ((xd = XOpenDisplay(displayNum))) {
+ 			return(TRUE);
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+-#define MSG "X server to begin accepting connections"
+-		    if (!processTimeout (1, MSG)) 
++		    if (!processTimeout (1, "X server to begin accepting connections")) 
+ 		      break;
+-#undef MSG
+ 		}
+ 	}

Added: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/10-fontdir.sh
--- trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/10-fontdir.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/10-fontdir.sh	2008-12-03 04:59:42 UTC (rev 42996)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ -x /usr/X11/bin/xset ] ; then
+        fontpath="/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/OTF,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/,/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
+        [ -e "$HOME"/.fonts/fonts.dir ] && fontpath="$fontpath,$HOME/.fonts"
+        [ -e "$HOME"/Library/Fonts/fonts.dir ] && fontpath="$fontpath,$HOME/Library/Fonts"
+        [ -e /Library/Fonts/fonts.dir ] && fontpath="$fontpath,/Library/Fonts"
+        [ -e /System/Library/Fonts/fonts.dir ] && fontpath="$fontpath,/System/Library/Fonts"
+        /usr/X11/bin/xset fp= "$fontpath"
+        unset fontpath

Property changes on: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/10-fontdir.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/98-user.sh
--- trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/98-user.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/98-user.sh	2008-12-03 04:59:42 UTC (rev 42996)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if [ -d "${HOME}/.xinitrc.d" ] ; then
+        for f in "${HOME}"/.xinitrc.d/*.sh ; do
+                [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
+        done
+        unset f

Property changes on: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/98-user.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/99-quartz-wm.sh
--- trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/99-quartz-wm.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/99-quartz-wm.sh	2008-12-03 04:59:42 UTC (rev 42996)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ -n "${USERWM}" -a -x "${USERWM}" ] && exec "${USERWM}"
+[ -x /usr/bin/quartz-wm ] && exec /usr/bin/quartz-wm
+[ -x /usr/X11/bin/quartz-wm ] && exec /usr/X11/bin/quartz-wm
+[ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/quartz-wm ] && exec /usr/X11R6/bin/quartz-wm

Property changes on: trunk/dports/x11/xinit/files/xinitrc.d/99-quartz-wm.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *
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