[43033] trunk/dports/sysutils/MacPorts/Portfile

blb at macports.org blb at macports.org
Wed Dec 3 13:49:23 PST 2008

Revision: 43033
Author:   blb at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-03 13:49:22 -0800 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
sysutils/MacPorts - whitespace changes

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/sysutils/MacPorts/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/sysutils/MacPorts/Portfile	2008-12-03 21:44:57 UTC (rev 43032)
+++ trunk/dports/sysutils/MacPorts/Portfile	2008-12-03 21:49:22 UTC (rev 43033)
@@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem    1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
-name    MacPorts
-version    1.6.0
+name                MacPorts
+version             1.6.0
-categories    sysutils
-platforms    darwin freebsd
-maintainers    macports-mgr at lists.macosforge.org
+categories          sysutils
+platforms           darwin freebsd
+maintainers         macports-mgr at lists.macosforge.org
-description    The MacPorts Infrastructure
-long_description    MacPorts provides the infrastructure that allows easy installation and management \
-                    of freely available software on Mac OS X 10.3 or newer systems.
+description         The MacPorts Infrastructure
+long_description \
+   MacPorts provides the infrastructure that allows easy installation and \
+   management of freely available software on Mac OS X 10.3 or newer systems.
-homepage    http://www.macports.org
-master_sites    macports:${distname}
+homepage            http://www.macports.org
+master_sites        macports:${distname}
-checksums    md5 67e61ebf25389ccee8ab09b859397c83 \
-             sha1 e47667954c265ff6dc73a3330085cbe14246b011 \
-             rmd160 3cdc362a8f7c9ec9ba2e14c57d4ad45e16d35c04
+checksums           md5 67e61ebf25389ccee8ab09b859397c83 \
+                    sha1 e47667954c265ff6dc73a3330085cbe14246b011 \
+                    rmd160 3cdc362a8f7c9ec9ba2e14c57d4ad45e16d35c04
-# Readline is disabled by default to avoid support issues with people who have a readline in
-# /usr/local. Since this portfile is presumably used in a clean environment, enable it here.
-configure.args --enable-readline
+# Readline is disabled by default to avoid support issues with people who
+# have a readline in /usr/local. Since this portfile is presumably used in a
+# clean environment, enable it here.
+configure.args      --enable-readline
 # Some of MacPort's default flags don't play well when we're building
 # MacPorts itself: nuke them
 post-pkg {
     if {[file exists ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.pkg/Contents/Resources/English.lproj]} {
         set resources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.pkg/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
@@ -240,3 +241,4 @@
                      ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nls/zh_TW.Big5 \
                      ${destroot}${prefix}/var/macports/distfiles \
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