[43143] trunk/dports/PortIndex
portindex at macports.org
portindex at macports.org
Fri Dec 5 14:52:01 PST 2008
Revision: 43143
Author: portindex at macports.org
Date: 2008-12-05 14:52:01 -0800 (Fri, 05 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 5204
Ports successfully parsed: 5204
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-12-05 22:51:24 UTC (rev 43142)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-12-05 22:52:01 UTC (rev 43143)
@@ -7868,6 +7868,8 @@
variants universal portdir python/py26-pyobjc description {bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C} homepage http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-pyobjc maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {The PyObjC project aims to provide a bridge between the Python and Objective-C programming languages. The bridge is intended to be fully bidirectional, allowing the Python programmer to take full advantage of the power provided by various Objective-C based toolkits and the Objective-C programmer transparent access to Python based functionality.} categories {python devel} version 1.4 revision 0
py26-pyobjc2 716
variants universal portdir python/py26-pyobjc2 description {bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C} homepage http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-setuptools port:py26-py2app-devel} name py26-pyobjc2 maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {The PyObjC project aims to provide a bridge between the Python and Objective-C programming languages. The bridge is intended to be fully bidirectional, allowing the Python programmer to take full advantage of the power provided by various Objective-C based toolkits and the Objective-C programmer transparent access to Python based functionality.} categories {python devel} version 2.0 revision 0
+py26-pyobjc2-cocoa 432
+variants universal portdir python/py26-pyobjc2-cocoa description {cocoa wrappers for py26-pyobjc2} homepage http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-pyobjc2} name py26-pyobjc2-cocoa maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {This port provides the CoreFoundation, Foundation and AppKit wrappers for use with py26-pyobjc2.} categories {python devel} version 2.0 revision 0
py26-setuptools 546
variants universal portdir python/py26-setuptools description {distutils enhancement for build and distribution} homepage http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-setuptools maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages.} categories {python devel} version 0.6c9 revision 0
py26-twisted 587
@@ -9718,10 +9720,10 @@
variants universal portdir www/pathalizer description {visualize the paths most users take when browsing a website} homepage http://pathalizer.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_run {bin:gs:ghostscript bin:dot:graphviz port:netpbm} platforms darwin name pathalizer maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Pathalizer is a tool to visualize the paths most users take when browsing a website. This information can then be used to decide how to improve the navigation of the site, and which parts are most worth improving and keeping up to date.} version 0.7 categories www revision 0
php4 1416
variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 macosx no_web apache apache2 apache20 mysql3 mysql4 mysql5 postgresql8 ldap gmp dbase imap pspell xslt readline t1lib} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {no_web {Don't include any web server support} apache {Add Apache 1 web server module} apache2 {Add Apache 2.2 web server module (default)} apache20 {Add Apache 2.0 web server module} mysql3 {MySQL 3 functions} mysql4 {MySQL 4 functions} mysql5 {MySQL 5 functions} postgresql8 {add support for PostgreSQL databases} ldap {enable LDAP support} gmp {Add GNU MP functions} dbase {Add dBase file format support} imap {enable operatin with IMAP protocol} pspell {Add pspell spell-checking functions} xslt {a processor independent API to XSLT transformations} readline {Add GNU readline functions} t1lib {Add PostScript Type 1 font support with t1lib}} portdir www/php4 description {PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor} homepage http://www.php.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:li
biconv port:expat port:gettext port:zlib port:openssl port:tiff port:libxml2 port:libtool port:mhash port:libmcrypt port:curl port:gd2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:apache2} name php4 maintainers {jwa ryandesign} long_description {PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.} categories {www php lang} version 4.4.9 revision 3
-php5 1886
-variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 macosx no_web apache apache2 fastcgi gmp dbase imap pspell tidy mssql snmp macports_snmp mysql3 mysql4 mysql5 oracle postgresql82 postgresql83 sqlite ipc pcntl pear readline sockets t1lib} depends_build {port:pkgconfig port:autoconf213} variant_desc {no_web {Don't include any web server support} apache {Add Apache 1 web server module} apache2 {Add Apache 2.2 web server module (default)} fastcgi {Add FastCGI web server binary} gmp {Add GNU MP functions} dbase {Add dBase file format support} imap {enable operation with IMAP protocol} pspell {Add pspell spell-checking functions} tidy {add Tidy support} mssql {add support for MS-SQL server} snmp {use Apple snmp} macports_snmp {use MacPorts snmp} mysql3 {build MySQL 3 support} mysql4 {build MySQL 4 support} mysql5 {build MySQL 5 support} oracle {Add Oracle oci8 database functions with the Oracle Instant Client} postgresql82 {provide postgresql82 support} postgresql83 {provide postgresql83 sup
port} sqlite {build sqlite support} ipc {build IPC support} pcntl {provide process control} pear {add pear stuff} readline {Add GNU readline functions} sockets {Add socket communication functions} t1lib {Add PostScript Type 1 font support with t1lib}} portdir www/php5 description {PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor} homepage http://www.php.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:libtool port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:openssl port:zlib port:bzip2 port:libiconv port:expat port:gettext port:tiff port:mhash port:libmcrypt port:curl port:pcre port:gd2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype path:apache2/bin/apxs:apache2} name php5 maintainers {ryandesign jwa} long_description {PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for developing web sites, but can also be used for command-line scripting.} categories {www lang php} version 5.2.7 revision 0
-php5-devel 1959
-variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 macosx no_web apache apache2 fastcgi gmp dbase imap pspell tidy mssql snmp macports_snmp mysql3 mysql4 mysql5 mysqlnd oracle postgresql82 postgresql83 sqlite ipc pcntl pear readline sockets t1lib} depends_build {port:pkgconfig port:autoconf213} variant_desc {no_web {Don't include any web server support} apache {Add Apache 1 web server module} apache2 {Add Apache 2.2 web server module (default)} fastcgi {Add FastCGI web server binary} gmp {Add GNU MP functions} dbase {Add dBase file format support} imap {enable operation with IMAP protocol} pspell {Add pspell spell-checking functions} tidy {add Tidy support} mssql {add support for MS-SQL server} snmp {use Apple snmp} macports_snmp {use MacPorts snmp} mysql3 {build MySQL 3 support} mysql4 {build MySQL 4 support} mysql5 {build MySQL 5 support} mysqlnd {build MySQL Native Driver support for MySQL 4.1 and up} oracle {Add Oracle oci8 database functions with the Oracle Instant Client} postgresq
l82 {provide postgresql82 support} postgresql83 {provide postgresql83 support} sqlite {build sqlite support} ipc {build IPC support} pcntl {provide process control} pear {add pear stuff} readline {Add GNU readline functions} sockets {Add socket communication functions} t1lib {Add PostScript Type 1 font support with t1lib}} portdir www/php5-devel description {PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor} homepage http://qa.php.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:libtool port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:openssl port:zlib port:bzip2 port:libiconv port:expat port:gettext port:tiff port:mhash port:libmcrypt port:curl port:pcre port:gd2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:apache2} name php5-devel maintainers {ryandesign jwa} long_description {PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for developing web sites, but can also be used for command-line scripting.} categories {www lang php} version 5.3.0alpha1 revision 1
+php5 1877
+variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 macosx no_web apache apache2 fastcgi gmp dbase imap pspell tidy mssql snmp macports_snmp mysql3 mysql4 mysql5 oracle postgresql82 postgresql83 sqlite ipc pcntl pear readline sockets t1lib} depends_build {port:pkgconfig port:autoconf213} variant_desc {no_web {Don't include any web server support} apache {Add Apache 1 web server module} apache2 {Add Apache 2.2 web server module (default)} fastcgi {Add FastCGI web server binary} gmp {Add GNU MP functions} dbase {Add dBase file format support} imap {enable operation with IMAP protocol} pspell {Add pspell spell-checking functions} tidy {add Tidy support} mssql {add support for MS-SQL server} snmp {use Apple snmp} macports_snmp {use MacPorts snmp} mysql3 {build MySQL 3 support} mysql4 {build MySQL 4 support} mysql5 {build MySQL 5 support} oracle {Add Oracle oci8 database functions with the Oracle Instant Client} postgresql82 {provide postgresql82 support} postgresql83 {provide postgresql83 sup
port} sqlite {build sqlite support} ipc {build IPC support} pcntl {provide process control} pear {add pear stuff} readline {Add GNU readline functions} sockets {Add socket communication functions} t1lib {Add PostScript Type 1 font support with t1lib}} portdir www/php5 description {PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor} homepage http://www.php.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:libtool port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:openssl port:zlib port:bzip2 port:libiconv port:expat port:gettext port:tiff port:mhash port:libmcrypt port:curl port:pcre port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype path:apache2/bin/apxs:apache2} name php5 maintainers {ryandesign jwa} long_description {PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for developing web sites, but can also be used for command-line scripting.} categories {www lang php} version 5.2.7 revision 1
+php5-devel 1950
+variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 macosx no_web apache apache2 fastcgi gmp dbase imap pspell tidy mssql snmp macports_snmp mysql3 mysql4 mysql5 mysqlnd oracle postgresql82 postgresql83 sqlite ipc pcntl pear readline sockets t1lib} depends_build {port:pkgconfig port:autoconf213} variant_desc {no_web {Don't include any web server support} apache {Add Apache 1 web server module} apache2 {Add Apache 2.2 web server module (default)} fastcgi {Add FastCGI web server binary} gmp {Add GNU MP functions} dbase {Add dBase file format support} imap {enable operation with IMAP protocol} pspell {Add pspell spell-checking functions} tidy {add Tidy support} mssql {add support for MS-SQL server} snmp {use Apple snmp} macports_snmp {use MacPorts snmp} mysql3 {build MySQL 3 support} mysql4 {build MySQL 4 support} mysql5 {build MySQL 5 support} mysqlnd {build MySQL Native Driver support for MySQL 4.1 and up} oracle {Add Oracle oci8 database functions with the Oracle Instant Client} postgresq
l82 {provide postgresql82 support} postgresql83 {provide postgresql83 support} sqlite {build sqlite support} ipc {build IPC support} pcntl {provide process control} pear {add pear stuff} readline {Add GNU readline functions} sockets {Add socket communication functions} t1lib {Add PostScript Type 1 font support with t1lib}} portdir www/php5-devel description {PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor} homepage http://qa.php.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:libtool port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:openssl port:zlib port:bzip2 port:libiconv port:expat port:gettext port:tiff port:mhash port:libmcrypt port:curl port:pcre port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:apache2} name php5-devel maintainers {ryandesign jwa} long_description {PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for developing web sites, but can also be used for command-line scripting.} categories {www lang php} version 5.3.0alpha3 revision 0
php5-eaccelerator 1139
variants {universal shared_memory sessions content_caching disassembler} variant_desc {shared_memory {Enable shared memory access functions [only enable in trusted environments]} sessions {Enable session handler [only enable in trusted environments]} content_caching {Enable content caching support [may be obsoleted in a future version of eAccelerator]} disassembler {Include a disassembler}} portdir www/php5-eaccelerator description {php5 extension for PHP acceleration, optimization, and dynamic content caching} homepage http://eaccelerator.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd openbsd} name php5-eaccelerator depends_lib port:php5 maintainers melix.net:alakazam long_description {eAccelerator is a free open-source PHP accelerator, optimizer, and dynamic content cache. It increases the performance of PHP scripts by caching them in their compiled state, so that the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also optimizes scripts to speed up their execution. eAcc
elerator typically reduces server load and increases the speed of your PHP code by 1-10 times.} version categories {www net devel} revision 0
php5-memcache 593
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