[43281] trunk/dports/devel/boost/Portfile
mcalhoun at macports.org
mcalhoun at macports.org
Sun Dec 7 22:28:38 PST 2008
Revision: 43281
Author: mcalhoun at macports.org
Date: 2008-12-07 22:28:38 -0800 (Sun, 07 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
boost: version update 1.35.0 -> 1.37.0
Use MacPorts zlib and bzip2.
Ensure that correct c++ compiler is used.
Add python 2.6 support.
Add variant descriptions.
Split complete variant into debug and st variants.
Attempt to fix #15664, #15671, #16378, #17338, #17405, and #13843 (maintainer timeout).
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/devel/boost/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/boost/Portfile 2008-12-08 06:26:39 UTC (rev 43280)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/boost/Portfile 2008-12-08 06:28:38 UTC (rev 43281)
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
PortSystem 1.0
name boost
-version 1.35.0
-revision 2
+version 1.37.0
categories devel
-maintainers sanchom at gmail.com
+maintainers gmail.com:sanchom
description Collection of portable C++ source libraries
long_description Boost provides free portable peer-reviewed C++ \
libraries. The emphasis is on portable libraries \
@@ -15,132 +14,161 @@
master_sites sourceforge
distname ${name}_[strsed ${version} {g/[.]/_/}]
use_bzip2 yes
-checksums md5 dce952a7214e72d6597516bcac84048b
+checksums md5 8d9f990bfb7e83769fa5f1d6f065bc92 \
+ sha1 c0d0cf9ad8d954507824aed51a3e93e6a9da1d99 \
+ rmd160 3c4cf7eb97a8fb126e564ba529ed9edec8765185
platforms darwin
use_parallel_build yes
-patchfiles patch-tools-build-v2-tools-darwin.jam \
- patch-boost-serialization-utility.hpp \
- patch-configure
+patchfiles patch-configure.diff
-depends_build bin:bjam:boost-jam
+depends_build path:bin/bjam:boost-jam
+depends_lib port:zlib port:bzip2
+build.env-append BZIP2_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include BZIP2_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib \
+ ZLIB_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include ZLIB_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib
+destroot.env-append BZIP2_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include BZIP2_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib \
+ ZLIB_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include ZLIB_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib
platform darwin 9 {
depends_build-append port:gmake
build.cmd gmake
+post-patch {
+ # --layout=system
+ # (don't put compiler name or version number in the libraries;
+ # don't put version number in the include directory)
+ # [default: off]
+ #
+ # link=shared,static (build static and dynamic libraries)
+ # [default: link=shared,static]
+ #
+ # runtime-link=shared,static
+ # (link to static and shared C and C++ runtime (e.g. use -lstdc++-static))
+ # static runtime-link libraries are of the form *-s.a or -sd.a
+ # [default: runtime-link=shared]
+ #
+ # threading=single,multi
+ # (build single- and multi-threaded libraries)
+ # multi-threaded libraries are of the form of *-mt.dylib, -mt-d.dylib, *-mt.a, *-mt-s.a, *-mt-d.a, or *-mt-ds.a
+ # [default: threading=multi]
+ #
+ # debug release
+ # (buil debug and release versions of libraries)
+ # debug libraries are of the form *-d.dylib, *-d.a, or *-ds.a
+ # [default: release]
+ #
+ set bjam_config "--layout=system link=shared,static runtime-link=shared,static"
+ if { [variant_isset st] } {
+ append bjam_config " threading=single,multi"
+ }
+ if { [variant_isset debug] } {
+ append bjam_config " debug release"
+ }
+ reinplace "s|__MACPORTS_BJAM_CONFIG__|${bjam_config}|" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+post-configure {
+ # Ensure that the coorect compiler is used
+ reinplace "s|using darwin ;|using darwin : : ${configure.cxx} ;|" ${worksrcpath}/user-config.jam
platform darwin {
post-destroot {
- # get the library version as it shows up in the library names:
- # eg. 1_35
- # this should be ...] 0 2] {_}] when 1_35_1 and later come out
- set libver [join [lrange [split ${version} {.}] 0 1] {_}]
# ensure the identification name of the dynamic libraries agree
# with their final destination path (not the destroot path that
# they've just been installed to)
- foreach lib [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *-${libver}.dylib] {
+ foreach lib [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *.dylib] {
set libtail [file tail ${lib}]
system "install_name_tool -id ${prefix}/lib/${libtail} ${lib}"
# set the install_name for every library referenced by another library
# to include the final destination path as well
- foreach lib [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *-${libver}.dylib] {
- set libtail [file tail ${lib}]
- set installed_name ${prefix}/lib/${libtail}
- foreach lib2 [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *-${libver}.dylib] {
- system "install_name_tool -change ${libtail} ${installed_name} ${lib2}"
+ foreach lib [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *.dylib] {
+ set installed_name ${prefix}/lib/${lib}
+ foreach lib2 [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *.dylib *.so] {
+ system "install_name_tool -change ${lib} ${installed_name} ${lib2}"
- # create relative symbolic links to the versioned libraries (.dylib only;
- # .a were built with unversioned extensions that are duplicate files of the
- # versioned extensions... handled next)
- foreach lib [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *-${libver}.dylib] {
- set libtail [file tail ${lib}]
- set libroot [join [lrange [split [file rootname ${lib}] {-}] 0 end-1] {-}]
- set libname [file tail ${libroot}]
- set libext [file extension ${lib}]
- set liblink "${libroot}${libext}"
- if {![catch {set libtype [file type ${liblink}]}]} {
- if {${libtype} == "link"} {
- file delete -force ${liblink}
- }
+ # mpi.so needs to be in a specific directory for Python to find it
+ if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/mpi.so] } {
+ # Can be removed once MacPorts 1.7.0 is released
+ if {![info exists frameworks_dir]} {
+ set frameworks_dir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks
- system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/lib;ln -s ${libtail} ${libname}${libext}"
- }
+ if { [variant_isset python24] } {
+ set spkg ${prefix}/lib/python2.4/site-packages
+ } elseif { [variant_isset python25] } {
+ set spkg ${prefix}/lib/python2.5/site-packages
+ } elseif { [variant_isset python26] } {
+ set spkg ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages
+ }
- # change the duplicated non-version-named .a libraries to
- # symbolic links to the version-named .a libraries
- foreach lib [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ *-${libver}.a] {
- set libtail [file tail ${lib}]
- set libroot [join [lrange [split [file rootname ${lib}] {-}] 0 end-1] {-}]
- set libname [file tail ${libroot}]
- set libext [file extension ${lib}]
- set liblink "${libroot}${libext}"
- # if this file is around, it is a duplicate, delete it
- if {[file exists ${liblink}]} {
- file delete -force ${liblink}
- }
- # add a symbolic link instead
- system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/lib; ln -s ${libtail} ${libname}${libext}"
+ set sodir ${spkg}/boost
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${sodir}
+ touch ${destroot}${sodir}/__init__.py
+ system "install_name_tool -id ${sodir}/mpi.so ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/mpi.so"
+ move ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/mpi.so ${destroot}${sodir}/mpi.so
- # create a symbolic link in the include directory pointing to the current
- # version of the boost include directory (e.g. boost-1_35/boost -> include/boost)
- system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/lib; ln -fs boost-${libver}/boost ${destroot}${prefix}/include/boost"
-destroot.args PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} EPREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} \
- LIBDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/lib INCLUDEDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/include \
- install
+destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
configure.args --without-libraries=python --without-icu --with-bjam=${prefix}/bin/bjam
-variant python24 conflicts python25 {
+variant python24 description {build python 2.4 support} conflicts python25 python26 {
set pyversion 2.4
- depends_lib-append lib:libpython${pyversion}:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}]
+ depends_lib-append port:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}]
configure.args-delete --without-libraries=python
- configure.args-append --with-python=python${pyversion}
+ configure.args-append --with-python=${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion}
-variant python25 conflicts python24 {
+variant python25 description {build python 2.5 support} conflicts python24 python26 {
set pyversion 2.5
- depends_lib-append lib:libpython${pyversion}:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}]
+ depends_lib-append port:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}]
configure.args-delete --without-libraries=python
- configure.args-append --with-python=python${pyversion}
+ configure.args-append --with-python=${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion}
-variant icu {
+variant python26 description {build python 2.6 support} conflicts python24 python25 {
+ set pyversion 2.6
+ depends_lib-append port:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}]
+ configure.args-delete --without-libraries=python
+ configure.args-append --with-python=${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion}
+variant icu description {enable Unicode/ICU support in Regex} {
depends_lib-append port:icu
configure.args-delete --without-icu
configure.args-append --with-icu=${prefix}
-variant graphml {
+variant graphml description {enable GraphML support} {
depends_lib-append port:expat
- configure.env-append EXPAT_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include EXPAT_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib
build.env-append EXPAT_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include EXPAT_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib
+ destroot.env-append EXPAT_INCLUDE=${prefix}/include EXPAT_LIBPATH=${prefix}/lib
-variant openmpi {
+variant openmpi description {build mpi support} {
depends_lib-append port:openmpi
post-configure {
- set config [open user-config.jam a]
- puts ${config} "using mpi : ${prefix}/bin/openmpicxx ;"
+ set config [open ${worksrcpath}/user-config.jam a]
+ puts ${config} "\nusing mpi : ${prefix}/bin/openmpicxx ;"
close ${config}
-variant docs {
+variant docs description {install documentation} {
post-destroot {
# Install HTML documentation
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
@@ -150,11 +178,10 @@
file copy ${worksrcpath}/more ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/tools ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/libs ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+ file copy ${worksrcpath}/wiki ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-# Should no longer conflict with icu in version 1.35.1, see:
-# http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/1928
-variant complete conflicts icu description {Build all library types (debug, static, single-threaded)} {
- patchfiles-append patch-build-type-Jamroot
+variant debug description {build debug libraries} {}
+variant st description {build single-threaded libraries} {}
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