[43364] trunk/dports/PortIndex

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Tue Dec 9 15:51:42 PST 2008

Revision: 43364
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-09 15:51:42 -0800 (Tue, 09 Dec 2008)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5223 
Ports successfully parsed:	5223	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-12-09 23:39:51 UTC (rev 43363)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-12-09 23:51:42 UTC (rev 43364)
@@ -5490,8 +5490,8 @@
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-stacktrace description {Display a stack trace on the debug screen} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-plugin-stacktrace depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-catalyst-runtime port:p5-devel-stacktrace} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This plugin will enhance the standard Catalyst debug screen by including a stack trace of your appliation up to the point where the error occurred.} version 0.09 categories perl revision 0
 p5-catalyst-plugin-static-simple 609
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-static-simple description {Make serving static pages painless.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-plugin-static-simple depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-catalyst-runtime port:p5-mime-types} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {The Static::Simple plugin is designed to make serving static content in your application during development quick and easy, without requiring a single line of code from you.} version 0.20 categories perl revision 0
-p5-catalyst-runtime 917
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-runtime description {The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Runtime/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-runtime depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-cgi-simple port:p5-class-accessor port:p5-class-data-inheritable port:p5-class-inspector port:p5-data-dump port:p5-file-modified port:p5-html-parser port:p5-http-body port:p5-libwww-perl port:p5-http-request-ascgi port:p5-module-pluggable port:p5-path-class port:p5-text-balanced port:p5-text-simpletable port:p5-tree-simple port:p5-tree-simple-visitorfactory port:p5-uri} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {Catalyst is a modern framework for making web applications without the pain usually associated with this process. This document is a reference to the main Catalyst application.} version 5.7015 categories perl revision 0
+p5-catalyst-runtime 920
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-runtime description {The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Runtime/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-runtime depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-perl-critic port:p5-cgi-simple port:p5-class-accessor port:p5-class-data-inheritable port:p5-class-inspector port:p5-data-dump port:p5-file-modified port:p5-html-parser port:p5-http-body port:p5-libwww-perl port:p5-http-request-ascgi port:p5-module-pluggable port:p5-path-class port:p5-text-simpletable port:p5-tree-simple port:p5-tree-simple-visitorfactory port:p5-uri} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {Catalyst is a modern framework for making web applications without the pain usually associated with this process. This document is a reference to the main Catalyst application.} version 5.7015 categories perl revision 0
 p5-catalyst-view-html-template 461
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-view-html-template description {HTML::Template View Class} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-View-HTML-Template/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-view-html-template depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-catalyst-runtime port:p5-html-template} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This is the HTML::Template view class.} version 0.02 categories perl revision 0
 p5-catalyst-view-json 476
@@ -6292,6 +6292,8 @@
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-pdf-reuse description {Reuse and mass produce PDF documents} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/PDF-Reuse/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-pdf-reuse depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-compress-zlib} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Reuse and mass produce PDF documents}} version 0.33 categories perl revision 0
 p5-pdl 727
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-pdl description {Perl Data Language - scientific computing capability} homepage http://pdl.perl.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-pdl depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-text-balanced port:p5-filter port:p5-inline port:p5-extutils-f77 port:p5-astro-fits-header port:netpbm port:jpeg port:gsl port:fftw} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {The perlDL project aims to turn perl into an efficient numerical language for scientific computing. The PDL module gives standard perl the ability to COMPACTLY store and SPEEDILY manipulate the large N-dimensional data sets which are the bread and butter of scientific computing.} version 2.4.3 categories perl revision 0
+p5-perl-critic 692
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-perl-critic description {Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files)} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Perl-Critic/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-perl-critic depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-b-keywords port:p5-config-tiny port:p5-exception-class port:p5-io-string port:p5-list-moreutils port:p5-module-pluggable port:p5-ppi port:p5-string-format port:p5-version port:p5-file-homedir port:p5-perl-tidy port:p5-pod-spell port:p5-readonly port:p5-regexp-parser port:p5-module-build} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files)}} version 1.092 categories perl revision 0
 p5-perl-ldap 521
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-perl-ldap description {A client interface to LDAP servers} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/perl-ldap/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-perl-ldap depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-convert-asn1 port:p5-authen-sasl port:p5-uri port:p5-digest-md5 port:p5-io-socket-ssl port:p5-mime-base64 port:p5-xml-parser port:p5-xml-sax-writer} maintainers {markd openmaintainer} long_description {{A client interface to LDAP servers}} version 0.36 categories perl revision 0
 p5-perl-tidy 564
@@ -6318,6 +6320,8 @@
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-pod-escapes description {for resolving Pod E<...> sequences} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-Escapes/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-pod-escapes depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This module provides things that are useful in decoding Pod E<...> sequences. Presumably, it should be used only by Pod parsers and/or formatters.} version 1.04 categories perl revision 0
 p5-pod-simple 513
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-pod-simple description {framework for parsing Pod} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-Simple/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-pod-simple depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-pod-escapes} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This is a late-beta release of Pod::Simple, the module-suite for parsing Pod. There are still some gaps in the documentation, and Pod::Simple::HTML isn't yet all that it should be.} version 3.07 categories perl revision 1
+p5-pod-spell 365
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-pod-spell description {a formatter for spellchecking Pod} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-Spell/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-pod-spell depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{a formatter for spellchecking Pod}} version 1.01 categories perl revision 0
 p5-pod-tests 387
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-pod-tests description {Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-Tests/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-pod-tests depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD}} version 0.18 categories perl revision 0
 p5-podtohtml 399
@@ -6380,6 +6384,8 @@
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-string-crc32 description {Perl interface for cyclic redundency check generation} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/String-CRC32/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-string-crc32 depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Perl interface for cyclic redundency check generation}} version 1.4 categories perl revision 0
 p5-string-ediff 394
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-string-ediff description {Produce common sub-string indices for two strings} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/String-Ediff/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-string-ediff depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Produce common sub-string indices for two strings}} version 0.08 categories perl revision 0
+p5-string-format 465
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-string-format description {sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/String-Format/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-string-format depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions}} version 1.14 categories perl revision 0
 p5-string-shellquote 502
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-string-shellquote description {Quote strings for passing through the shell} homepage http://search.cpan.org/~rosch/String-ShellQuote-1.03/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-string-shellquote depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers tcnj.edu:hagedorn long_description {This module contains some functions which are useful for quoting strings which are going to pass through the shell or a shell-like object.} version 1.03 categories perl revision 0
 p5-sub-exporter 470
@@ -6432,8 +6438,8 @@
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-deep description {Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Deep/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-deep depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-tester port:p5-test-nowarnings} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures}} version 0.103 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-differences 576
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-differences description {Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Differences/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-differences depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-text-diff} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {When the code you're testing returns multiple lines, records or data structures and they're just plain wrong, an equivalent to the Unix diff utility may be just what's needed.} version 0.4801 categories perl revision 0
-p5-test-exception 597
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-exception description {Convenience methods for testing exception-based code} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Exception/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-exception depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-simple port:p5-test-harness port:p5-sub-uplevel} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This module provides a few convenience methods for testing exception based code. It is built with Test::Builder and plays happily with Test::Simple, Test::More and friends.} version 0.27 categories perl revision 0
+p5-test-exception 576
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-exception description {Convenience methods for testing exception-based code} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Exception/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-exception depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-simple port:p5-sub-uplevel} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This module provides a few convenience methods for testing exception based code. It is built with Test::Builder and plays happily with Test::Simple, Test::More and friends.} version 0.27 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-expect 407
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-expect description {Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Expect/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-expect depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs.}} version 0.30 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-harness 577
@@ -6452,12 +6458,14 @@
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-nowarnings description {Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-NoWarnings/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-nowarnings depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-tester} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing}} version 0.084 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-object 405
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-object description {Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Object/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-object depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers}} version 0.07 categories perl revision 0
+p5-test-perl-critic 427
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-perl-critic description {Use Perl::Critic in test programs} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Perl-Critic/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-perl-critic depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-perl-critic port:p5-module-build} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Use Perl::Critic in test programs}} version 1.01 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-pod 393
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-pod description {check for POD errors in files} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Pod/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-pod depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-pod-simple port:p5-test-simple} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{check for POD errors in files}} version 1.26 categories perl revision 1
 p5-test-pod-coverage 444
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-pod-coverage description {Check for pod coverage in a distribution} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Pod-Coverage/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-pod-coverage depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-pod-coverage port:p5-test-simple} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Check for pod coverage in a distribution}} version 1.08 categories perl revision 0
-p5-test-simple 381
-description {Basic utilities for writing perl tests} portdir perl/p5-test-simple homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Simple/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-simple depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-harness} maintainers sal at email.arc.nasa.gov long_description {{Basic utilities for writing perl tests}} version 0.86 categories perl revision 0
+p5-test-simple 360
+description {Basic utilities for writing perl tests} portdir perl/p5-test-simple homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Simple/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-simple depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers sal at email.arc.nasa.gov long_description {{Basic utilities for writing perl tests}} version 0.86 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-subcalls 393
 variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-subcalls description {Track the number of times subs are called} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-SubCalls/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-subcalls depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Track the number of times subs are called}} version 1.08 categories perl revision 0
 p5-test-taint 340
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