[43420] trunk/dports/PortIndex

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Wed Dec 10 12:51:57 PST 2008

Revision: 43420
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-10 12:51:57 -0800 (Wed, 10 Dec 2008)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5227 
Ports successfully parsed:	5227	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-12-10 20:49:53 UTC (rev 43419)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-12-10 20:51:57 UTC (rev 43420)
@@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@
 gnome 637
 variants {universal office graphics www} variant_desc {office {Include office apps} graphics {Include graphics apps} www {Include web apps}} portdir gnome/gnome description {The GNOME Desktop mega-port.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome depends_lib port:gnome-desktop-suite maintainers nomaintainer long_description {GNOME is a complete, free and easy-to-use desktop environment for users, as well as a powerful application development framework for software developers. This port includes the GNOME desktop, GNOME platform, and, optionally the GNOME office.} version 2.16.2 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-applets 605
-variants universal depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-applets description {GNOME panel applets.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libgnomeui port:gst-plugins-good port:popt port:gnome-keyring port:gnome-panel port:libgtop port:libgnomekbd port:libwnck port:libgweather port:system-tools-backends port:gucharmap port:py25-gtk port:gnome-control-center port:gnome-python-desktop} name gnome-applets long_description {This package contains applets for use with the GNOME panel.} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.24.0 categories gnome revision 0
+variants universal depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-applets description {GNOME panel applets.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libgnomeui port:gst-plugins-good port:popt port:gnome-keyring port:gnome-panel port:libgtop port:libgnomekbd port:libwnck port:libgweather port:system-tools-backends port:gucharmap port:py25-gtk port:gnome-control-center port:gnome-python-desktop} name gnome-applets long_description {This package contains applets for use with the GNOME panel.} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.24.2 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-audio 448
 portdir gnome/gnome-audio platforms darwin description {Audio files for GNOME events} name gnome-audio version 2.22.2 categories gnome homepage http://www.gnome.org revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers nomaintainer long_description {If you use the GNOME desktop environment, you may want to install this package of complementary sounds. This package contains extra sound files useful for customizing the sounds that the GNOME desktop environment makes.}
 gnome-backgrounds 339
@@ -2377,7 +2377,7 @@
 gnome-control-center 650
 variants {universal darwin} depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-control-center description {Control center for GNOME 2.0 project.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-control-center depends_lib {port:iso-codes port:libgnomeui port:esound port:gnome-desktop port:metacity port:nautilus port:gnome-menus port:desktop-file-utils port:libcanberra port:libgnomekbd port:libxklavier port:gnome-panel port:gst-plugins-good port:evolution-data-server port:gnome-settings-daemon} long_description {{Control center for GNOME 2.0 project.}} maintainers nomaintainer version categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-desktop 816
-variants {universal quartz x11 no_x11} depends_build {port:gnome-doc-utils port:intltool port:pkgconfig port:rarian port:libxslt} variant_desc {quartz {Enable Quartz rendering} x11 {Enable rendering in X11 (default)} no_x11 {Same as +quartz}} portdir gnome/gnome-desktop description {Additional UI API for GNOME 2} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ depends_run port:gnome-themes epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libxml2 port:gtk2 path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 port:gconf port:libgnomecanvas port:libgnomeui port:startup-notification port:gettext port:python25 port:py25-gnome lib:libX11:xorg} name gnome-desktop maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This is a collection of APIs not included in libgnomeui as they have not undergone sufficient testing.} categories gnome version 2.24.1 revision 2
+variants {universal quartz x11 no_x11} depends_build {port:gnome-doc-utils port:intltool port:pkgconfig port:rarian port:libxslt} variant_desc {quartz {Enable Quartz rendering} x11 {Enable rendering in X11 (default)} no_x11 {Same as +quartz}} portdir gnome/gnome-desktop description {Additional UI API for GNOME 2} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ depends_run port:gnome-themes epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libxml2 port:gtk2 path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 port:gconf port:libgnomecanvas port:libgnomeui port:startup-notification port:gettext port:python25 port:py25-gnome lib:libX11:xorg} name gnome-desktop maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This is a collection of APIs not included in libgnomeui as they have not undergone sufficient testing.} categories gnome version 2.24.2 revision 0
 gnome-desktop-suite 1582
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-desktop-suite description {The GNOME desktop environment} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms {macosx freebsd} name gnome-desktop-suite depends_lib {port:gnome-platform-suite port:bug-buddy port:gnome-control-center port:dasher port:eel port:eog port:evince port:evolution-data-server port:file-roller port:gcalctool port:gconf-editor port:gdm port:gedit port:gnome-user-docs port:gnome-applets port:gnome-backgrounds port:gnome-desktop port:gnome-doc-utils port:gnome-games port:gnome-icon-theme port:gnome-keyring port:gnome-keyring-manager port:gnome-mag port:gnome-media port:gnome-menus port:gnome-panel port:gnome-session port:gnome-speech port:gnome-system-monitor port:gnome-terminal port:gnome-themes port:gnome-utils port:gnopernicus port:gst-plugins-good port:gstreamer port:gtk-engines2 port:libgtkhtml3 port:gtksourceview port:gucharmap port:libgail-gnome port:libgnomeprint port:libgnomeprintui port:libgtop port:librsvg po
 rt:libsoup port:libwnck port:libxklavier port:metacity port:nautilus port:rarian port:startup-notification port:system-tools-backends port:vino port:vte port:yelp port:zenity port:gnome-audio port:gnome-python-desktop port:seahorse} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {The GNOME desktop environment is the set of libraries, applications and services that work as a cohesive integrated user interface produced by the GNOME project. The platform is one of the suites of software packages that form the complete GNOME project offerings.} version 2.18.1 categories {gnome devel} revision 0
 gnome-doc-utils 793
@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@
 gnome-media 504
 variants universal depends_build port:gnome-doc-utils portdir gnome/gnome-media description {A collection of utilities for simple multimedia handling.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-media depends_lib {port:libgnomeui port:gst-plugins-good} long_description {The GNOME media utilities provide simple applications for basic multimedia tasks, such as CD playback, volume control or audio recording.} maintainers nomaintainer version categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-menus 432
-variants universal depends_build {port:gnome-doc-utils port:intltool} portdir gnome/gnome-menus description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 port:gettext port:py25-gtk} name gnome-menus maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.}} version 2.24.1 categories gnome revision 0
+variants universal depends_build {port:gnome-doc-utils port:intltool} portdir gnome/gnome-menus description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 port:gettext port:py25-gtk} name gnome-menus maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.}} version 2.24.2 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-mime-data 462
 depends_build {path:bin/perl:perl5 port:p5-xml-parser port:intltool} portdir gnome/gnome-mime-data description {This module contains the base MIME and Application database for GNOME.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libiconv port:gettext} name gnome-mime-data maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{This module contains the base MIME and Application database for GNOME.}} version 2.18.0 categories gnome revision 3
 gnome-mud 374
@@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@
 gnome-netstatus 431
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-netstatus description {The GNOME Network Monitor Applet} homepage http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-netstatus depends_lib {port:evolution-data-server port:libsoup port:libgtkhtml3} long_description {The GNOME Network Monitor Applet monitors and reports on your network interfaces.} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.12.1 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-panel 484
-variants {universal darwin_6} depends_build {port:shared-mime-info port:rarian} portdir gnome/gnome-panel description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gnome-desktop port:libwnck port:evolution-data-server port:gnome-menus port:librsvg port:libgweather} name gnome-panel maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.}} version 2.24.1 categories gnome revision 0
+variants {universal darwin_6} depends_build {port:shared-mime-info port:rarian} portdir gnome/gnome-panel description {Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gnome-desktop port:libwnck port:evolution-data-server port:gnome-menus port:librsvg port:libgweather} name gnome-panel maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.}} version 2.24.2 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-photo-print 424
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-photo-print description {Gnome Photo Printer is intended for printing photos in an easy way.} homepage http://www.fogman.de/gpp/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-photo-print depends_lib lib:libgnomeprintui-2-2:libgnomeprintui long_description {{Gnome Photo Printer is intended for printing photos in an easy way.}} maintainers nomaintainer version 0.6.3 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-pkgview 368
@@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@
 gnome-print 410
 variants universal portdir gnome/gnome-print description {This is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-print depends_lib {lib:libgdk-pixbuf:gdk-pixbuf lib:libgnome:gnome-libs} long_description {{This is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture.}} maintainers nomaintainer version 0.36 categories gnome revision 0
 gnome-python-desktop 596
-variants {universal darwin_9} portdir gnome/gnome-python-desktop description {Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-python-desktop depends_lib {port:py25-gnome port:gnome-panel port:libgnomeprintui port:evolution-data-server port:gnome-keyring port:gtksourceview port:libgtop port:bug-buddy port:libwnck port:metacity port:gnome-media port:totem-pl-parser port:librsvg} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.}} version 2.22.0 categories {gnome python} revision 0
+variants {universal darwin_9} portdir gnome/gnome-python-desktop description {Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-python-desktop depends_lib {port:py25-gnome port:gnome-panel port:libgnomeprintui port:evolution-data-server port:gnome-keyring port:gtksourceview port:libgtop port:bug-buddy port:libwnck port:metacity port:gnome-media port:totem-pl-parser port:librsvg} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.}} version 2.24.0 categories {gnome python} revision 0
 gnome-python-extras 460
 variants {universal darwin_9} portdir gnome/gnome-python-extras description {Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnome-python-extras depends_lib {port:py25-gnome port:gdl port:libgda3 port:libgtkhtml} maintainers {landonf at macports.org openmaintainer} long_description {{Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.}} version 2.19.1 categories {gnome python} revision 0
 gnome-session 488
@@ -5067,7 +5067,7 @@
 netwib 645
 variants universal portdir net/netwib description {A network library oriented towards developers.} homepage http://www.laurentconstantin.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name netwib depends_lib {port:libpcap port:libnet11} maintainers {jmpp openmaintainer} long_description {Netwib is a network library providing network features such as address conversion, udp/tcp clients/servers, packet encoding/decoding/displaying, spoofing, sniffing, etc., and general features such as data conversion, linked list and hash, portable threads, etc. Using all these functions, a network program can be quickly created.} version 5.30.0 categories net revision 0
 network-weathermap 851
-variants {universal plugins} variant_desc {plugins {Triggers plugins variant when installing Cacti}} portdir net/network-weathermap description {Weathermap is a network visualisation tool, to take graphs you already have and display an overview of your network as a map. It supports RRD, MRTG (RRD and old log-format), and tab-delimited text files. Other sources are via plugins or external scripts.} homepage http://www.network-weathermap.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name network-weathermap depends_lib port:cacti maintainers markd long_description {{Weathermap is a network visualisation tool, to take graphs you already have and display an overview of your network as a map. It supports RRD, MRTG (RRD and old log-format), and tab-delimited text files. Other sources are via plugins or external scripts.}} version 0.95b categories net revision 2
+variants {universal plugins} variant_desc {plugins {Triggers plugins variant when installing Cacti}} portdir net/network-weathermap description {Weathermap is a network visualisation tool, to take graphs you already have and display an overview of your network as a map. It supports RRD, MRTG (RRD and old log-format), and tab-delimited text files. Other sources are via plugins or external scripts.} homepage http://www.network-weathermap.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name network-weathermap depends_lib port:cacti maintainers markd long_description {{Weathermap is a network visualisation tool, to take graphs you already have and display an overview of your network as a map. It supports RRD, MRTG (RRD and old log-format), and tab-delimited text files. Other sources are via plugins or external scripts.}} version 0.95b categories net revision 3
 netwox 656
 variants universal portdir net/netwox description {Toolbox with several features to test an Ethernet/IP network.} homepage http://www.laurentconstantin.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name netwox depends_lib lib:libnetwib530:netwib maintainers {jmpp openmaintainer} long_description {Netwox is a toolbox containing 197 tools implemented from the Network Library netwib. They help to find and solve network problems with common techniques such as sniffing and spoffing, analazing DNS, FTP, HTTP, IRC, NNTP, SMTP, SNMP, SYSLOG, TELNET and TFTP traffic, scans, ping and traceroute, client/servers implementations, etc.} version 5.30.0 categories net revision 0
 nfdump 459
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