[43475] trunk/base/src
perry at macports.org
perry at macports.org
Wed Dec 10 19:58:00 PST 2008
Revision: 43475
Author: perry at macports.org
Date: 2008-12-10 19:58:00 -0800 (Wed, 10 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
port/port.tcl, port1.0/portutil.tcl - Addressed Ticket #15628.
* 'port variants' now shows default variants, conflicts and requires.
* 'port info' shows the default variants using the new key in PortInfo,
* PortInfo(_variants) maps a variant's name to an array that contains the
following keys: conflicts, description, is_default and requires.
* PortInfo(_variants) should (probably) eventually replace PortInfo(variants).
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl 2008-12-11 03:56:21 UTC (rev 43474)
+++ trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl 2008-12-11 03:58:00 UTC (rev 43475)
@@ -1475,16 +1475,15 @@
if {[info exists portinfo(variants)]} {
global global_variations
- # Get the default variants
- if {[info exists portinfo(default_variants)]} {
- array set default_variants $portinfo(default_variants)
- } else {
- array set default_variants ""
- }
+ # Get the variants associated with this Portfile.
+ array set variants $portinfo(_variants)
set joiner ""
set vars ""
foreach v [lsort $portinfo(variants)] {
+ # Get the variant's information.
+ array set variant $variants($v)
set mod ""
if {[info exists variations($v)]} {
# selected by command line, prefixed with +/-
@@ -1492,9 +1491,8 @@
} elseif {[info exists global_variations($v)]} {
# selected by variants.conf, prefixed with (+)/(-)
set mod "($global_variations($v))"
- } elseif {[info exists default_variants($v)]} {
- # selected by default_variants, prefixed with [+]/[-]
- set mod "\[$default_variants($v)\]"
+ } elseif {$variant(is_default) == "+"} {
+ set mod "\[+\]"
append vars "$joiner$mod$v"
set joiner ", "
@@ -2102,33 +2100,32 @@
# if this fails the port doesn't have any variants
- if {![info exists portinfo(variants)]} {
+ if { ! [ info exists portinfo(_variants) ] } {
puts "$portname has no variants"
} else {
- # Get the default variants
- if {[info exists portinfo(default_variants)]} {
- array set default_variants $portinfo(default_variants)
- } else {
- array set default_variants ""
- }
- # Get the variant descriptions
- if {[info exists portinfo(variant_desc)]} {
- array set descs $portinfo(variant_desc)
- } else {
- array set descs ""
- }
+ array set variants $portinfo(_variants)
# print out all the variants
puts "$portname has the variants:"
- foreach v $portinfo(variants) {
- if {[info exists descs($v)] && $descs($v) != ""} {
- puts -nonewline "\t$v: [string trim $descs($v)]"
- } else {
- puts -nonewline "\t$v"
+ foreach vname [ lsort [ array names variants ] ] {
+ array set vinfo $variants($vname)
+ puts -nonewline "\t$vname:"
+ if { [ info exists vinfo(description) ] } {
+ puts -nonewline " [ string trim $vinfo(description) ]"
- if {[info exists default_variants($v)] && $default_variants($v) != ""} {
- puts -nonewline { [default]}
+ if { [ info exists vinfo(is_default) ] \
+ && $vinfo(is_default) == "+" } {
+ puts -nonewline "\n\t * is a default variant"
+ if { [ info exists vinfo(conflicts) ] \
+ && $vinfo(conflicts) != "" } {
+ puts -nonewline "\n\t * conflicts with [ string trim $vinfo(conflicts) ]"
+ }
+ if { [ info exists vinfo(requires) ] \
+ && $vinfo(requires) != "" } {
+ puts -nonewline "\n\t * requires [ string trim $vinfo(requires) ]"
+ }
puts ""
Modified: trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl 2008-12-11 03:56:21 UTC (rev 43474)
+++ trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl 2008-12-11 03:58:00 UTC (rev 43475)
@@ -413,7 +413,24 @@
# Portfile level procedure to provide support for declaring variants
proc variant {args} {
global all_variants PortInfo porturl
+ # Perhaps a little self-explanatory ;), but PortInfo(_variants) contains
+ # the variants associated with a Portfile. Each key, the variant's name,
+ # maps to an array, the variant, which contains the following keys:
+ # * conflicts
+ # * description
+ # * is_default
+ # * requires
+ # XXX: PortInfo(_variants)'s contents *should* eventually replace
+ # PortInfo(variants)'s contents. Once I've finished transitioning the
+ # code to use the new format, I will rename PortInfo(_variants) as
+ # PortInfo(variants) (and hopefully everything will continue to work).
+ # -- perry
+ if { ! [ info exists PortInfo(_variants) ] } {
+ set PortInfo(_variants) {}
+ }
+ array set variants $PortInfo(_variants)
set len [llength $args]
set code [lindex $args end]
set args [lrange $args 0 [expr $len - 2]]
@@ -448,6 +465,20 @@
# This variant was already defined. Remove it from the dlist.
variant_remove_ditem $variant_provides
} else {
+ # Create an array to contain the variant's information.
+ if { ! [ info exists variants($variant_provides) ] } {
+ set variants($variant_provides) {}
+ }
+ array set variant $variants($variant_provides)
+ # Set conflicts (if any).
+ set vconflicts [ join [ lsort [ ditem_key $ditem conflicts ] ] ]
+ if { $vconflicts != "" } {
+ array set variant [ list conflicts $vconflicts ]
+ } else {
+ array set variant [ list conflicts "" ]
+ }
lappend PortInfo(variants) $variant_provides
set vdesc [join [ditem_key $ditem description]]
@@ -456,11 +487,30 @@
set vdesc [variant_desc $porturl $variant_provides]
+ # Set description (if any).
if {$vdesc != ""} {
+ array set variant [ list description $vdesc ]
lappend PortInfo(variant_desc) $variant_provides $vdesc
+ # Set is_default.
+ if { ! [ info exists variant(is_default) ] } {
+ array set variant [ list is_default "-" ]
+ }
+ # Set requires (if any).
+ set vrequires [ join [ lsort [ ditem_key $ditem requires ] ] ]
+ if { $vrequires != "" } {
+ array set variant [ list requires $vrequires ]
+ } else {
+ array set variant [ list requires "" ]
+ }
+ # Add variant to PortInfo(_variants)
+ array set variants [ list $variant_provides [ array get variant ] ]
+ set PortInfo(_variants) [ array get variants ]
# Finally append the ditem to the dlist.
lappend all_variants $ditem
@@ -1862,15 +1912,31 @@
global variations
switch -regex $action {
set|append {
- set PortInfo(default_variants) {}
+ # Retrieve the variants associated with this Portfile.
+ if { ! [ info exists PortInfo(_variants) ] } {
+ set PortInfo(_variants) {}
+ }
+ array set variants $PortInfo(_variants)
foreach v $value {
if {[regexp {([-+])([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)} $v whole val variant]} {
+ # Retrieve the information associated with this variant.
+ if { ! [ info exists variants($variant) ] } {
+ set variants($variant) {}
+ }
+ array set vinfo $variants($variant)
if {![info exists variations($variant)]} {
- lappend PortInfo(default_variants) $variant $val
- set variations($variant) $val
+ # Set is_default and update variants.
+ array set vinfo [ list is_default "+" ]
+ array set variants [ list $variant [ array get vinfo ] ]
+ set variations($variant) $val
+ # Update PortInfo(_variants).
+ set PortInfo(_variants) [ array get variants ]
delete {
# xxx
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