[43586] trunk/dports/graphics/magicpoint/Portfile

jeremyhu at macports.org jeremyhu at macports.org
Thu Dec 11 23:39:41 PST 2008

Revision: 43586
Author:   jeremyhu at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-11 23:39:41 -0800 (Thu, 11 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
magocpoint: Leech off fedora for distfile since upstream is 404.  Not universal, updated dependencies.  Make it install to correct prefix.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/magicpoint/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/magicpoint/Portfile	2008-12-12 07:21:38 UTC (rev 43585)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/magicpoint/Portfile	2008-12-12 07:39:41 UTC (rev 43586)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 categories	graphics
 maintainers	fenner at macports.org
 homepage	http://www.mew.org/mgp/
-master_sites	ftp://ftp.mew.org/pub/mgp/
+master_sites	http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/repo/dist/MagicPoint/magicpoint-1.10a.tar.gz/7a5d91b2b3bdabea704ee3cb6505d772/
 checksums	md5 7a5d91b2b3bdabea704ee3cb6505d772
+platforms	macosx darwin
 description	An X11 based presentation tool.
 long_description Magic Point is an X11 based presentation tool. It \
  is designed to make simple presentations easy while to make complicated \
@@ -15,35 +16,35 @@
  typically .mgp) is just text so that you can create presentation \
  files quickly with your favorite editor (e.g. Emacs, vi).
-#XXX this should be in portmain.tcl
-set localprefix ${prefix}
-prefix		${x11prefix}
 patchfiles	patch-config.guess patch-image.h patch-new.c patch-parse.c \
-		patch-default.mgp patch-configure
+		patch-default.mgp patch-configure patch-freetype.patch
-depends_lib	lib:libXft.2:Xft2 lib:libpng12.0:libpng \
+depends_build	port:pkgconfig \
+		bin:xmkmf:imake
+depends_lib	lib:libXft.2:Xft2 \
+		lib:libpng12.0:libpng \
-# pkg-config should have both ${x11prefix} and ${prefix} hardcoded;
-# until it does, we let it know about ${x11prefix}.
+universal_variant no
 # LOCALPREFIX= is for configure to find libungif.
-configure.env	PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${x11prefix}/lib/pkgconfig LOCALPREFIX=${localprefix} LIBS=-L${localprefix}/lib
-configure.args	--enable-gif
+configure.env	PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${x11prefix}/lib/pkgconfig LOCALPREFIX=${prefix}
+configure.args	--enable-gif --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
 post-configure {
 	# unusual port: uses not just autoconf but also Imake
 	system "cd \"${worksrcpath}\" && xmkmf && make Makefiles"
-# note destroot requires root due to use of "install -u root"
 destroot.target	install install.man
-post-destroot {
-	# MacPorts tries to force man pages into share/man;
-	# for X applications the man dir is simply man, so move them
-	system "cd \"${destroot}${prefix}\" && rm -rf man && mv share/man ."
+build.args-append \
+	EXTRA_LIBRARIES=-L${prefix}/lib
-	# install some of the documentation and examples
+destroot.destdir \
+        DESTDIR=${destroot} \
+        BINDIR=${prefix}/bin \
+        LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/X11 \
+        FONTDIR=${prefix}/lib/X11/fonts \
+        MANPATH=${prefix}/share/man
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