[44142] trunk/dports/PortIndex

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Mon Dec 22 03:51:55 PST 2008

Revision: 44142
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-22 03:51:52 -0800 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5266 
Ports successfully parsed:	5266	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-12-22 11:14:51 UTC (rev 44141)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-12-22 11:51:52 UTC (rev 44142)
@@ -7910,14 +7910,20 @@
 description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} portdir python/py26-boto homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-boto maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 1.6b revision 0
 py26-cairo 570
 variants {darwin_9 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {darwin_9 {Platform variant, do not select manually} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir python/py26-cairo description {Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library} homepage http://cairographics.org/pycairo epoch 0 platforms darwin name py26-cairo depends_lib {port:python26 port:cairo port:py26-numpy} maintainers mcalhoun long_description {{Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library}} categories {python x11} version 1.6.4 revision 0
+py26-crypto 553
+description {collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for python} portdir python/py26-crypto homepage http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib port:python26 name py26-crypto maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implemented for use from python. Among are MD2, MD4, RIPEMD, AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES, Triple-DES, IDEA, RC5, ARC4, simple XOR, RSA, DSA, ElGamal, qNEW.} categories {python security} version 2.0.1 revision 0
 py26-dice3ds 483
 description {Read, write, and manipulate 3DS files} portdir python/py26-dice3ds homepage http://www.aerojockey.com/software/dice3ds/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-numpy} name py26-dice3ds maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {Dice3DS is a package to to read, write, and manipulate 3D Studio format files in Python. Also includes code to convert 3DS files into an OpenGL display list.} categories {python graphics} version 0.10 revision 0
 py26-game 862
 variants {darwin_9 universal} variant_desc {darwin_9 {Platform variant, do not select manually} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir python/py26-game description {Python modules for writing games} homepage http://www.pygame.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer port:libsdl_image port:libsdl_ttf port:smpeg port:py26-numeric port:py26-pyobjc2 port:py26-pyobjc2-cocoa} name py26-game maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games. It is written on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system.} categories {python devel multimedia graphics} version 1.8.1 revision 0
+py26-gnupg 503
+description {GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG} portdir python/py26-gnupg homepage http://py-gnupg.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:gnupg} name py26-gnupg maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG. It concentrates on interacting with GnuPG via filehandles, providing access to control GnuPG via versatile and extensible means.} categories python version 0.3.2 revision 0
 py26-gobject 782
 variants universal depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir python/py26-gobject description {Python bindings for GObject.} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name py26-gobject depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2} port:libxslt port:gettext port:libiconv port:libffi port:python26} maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {PyGObject provides a convenient wrapper for the GObject+ library for use in Python programs, and takes care of many of the boring details such as managing memory and type casting. When combined with PyGTK, PyORBit and gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured Gnome applications.} categories {python gnome} version 2.14.2 revision 0
 py26-gtk 673
 variants {darwin_9 universal} variant_desc {darwin_9 {Platform variant, do not select manually} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir python/py26-gtk description {PyGTK is the Python binding to GTK+ 2.x} homepage http://www.pygtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name py26-gtk depends_lib {port:python26 port:atk port:cairo {path:\${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/pango.pc:pango} port:gtk2 port:libglade2 port:py26-cairo port:py26-gobject} maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {PyGTK contains modules that allow you to use gtk in Python programs. At present, it is a fairly complete set of bindings.} version 2.12.1 categories {python x11} revision 0
+py26-httplib2 410
+description {A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python} portdir python/py26-httplib2 homepage http://code.google.com/p/httplib2/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-httplib2 maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {A comprehensive HTTP client library that supports many features left out of other HTTP libraries.} categories {python devel net} version 2-0.4.0 revision 0
 py26-libxml2 346
 description {Python bindings for libxml2} portdir python/py26-libxml2 homepage http://xmlsoft.org/python.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:libxml2 port:zlib} name py26-libxml2 maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {{Python bindings for libxml2}} categories {python textproc} version 2.6.21 revision 0
 py26-macholib 676
@@ -7936,6 +7942,8 @@
 depends_build port:py26-setuptools portdir python/py26-opengl description {Python binding to OpenGL} homepage http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-pil port:py26-numpy} name py26-opengl maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {PyOpenGL is the cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs. The binding is created using the standard ctypes library and is provided under an extremely liberal BSD-style Open-Source licenses.} categories {python graphics} version 3.0.0b8 revision 0
 py26-openssl 605
 variants doc variant_desc {doc {build html documentation}} portdir python/py26-openssl description {python wrapper around the OpenSSL library} homepage http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:python26 port:openssl} name py26-openssl maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {This python module is a rather thin wrapper around (a subset of) the OpenSSL library. With thin wrapper a lot of the object methods do nothing more than calling a corresponding function in the OpenSSL library.} categories {python devel security} version 0.8 revision 0
+py26-pexpect 646
+description {python module for better controlling other applications} portdir python/py26-pexpect homepage http://pexpect.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-pexpect maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {Pexpect makes Python a better tool for controlling other applications. It is a pure Python module for spawning child applications, controlling them and responding to expected patterns in their output. Pexpect works like Don Libes Expect. Pexpect allows your script to spawn a child application and control it as if a human were typing commands.} categories python version 2.3 revision 0
 py26-pil 530
 description {Python Imaging Library} portdir python/py26-pil homepage http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:python26 port:jpeg port:freetype port:zlib} name py26-pil maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.} categories {python graphics} version 1.1.6 revision 0
 py26-psyco 459
@@ -7958,6 +7966,8 @@
 description {distutils enhancement for build and distribution} portdir python/py26-setuptools homepage http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-setuptools maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages.} categories {python devel} version 0.6c9 revision 0
 py26-twisted 568
 description {An event-based Python framework for internet applications} portdir python/py26-twisted homepage http://www.twistedmatrix.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-zopeinterface} name py26-twisted maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {Twisted is an event-driven networking framework written in Python. Twisted supports TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, multicast, Unix sockets, a large number of protocols (including HTTP, NNTP, SSH, IRC, FTP, and others), and much more.} categories {python devel net} version 8.1.0 revision 0
+py26-tz 425
+description {World Timezone Definitions for Python} portdir python/py26-tz homepage http://pytz.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-tz maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3 or higher.} categories {python devel} version 2008i revision 0
 py26-zopeinterface 338
 description {Python interfaces for Zope} portdir python/py26-zopeinterface homepage http://www.zope.org/Products/ZopeInterface epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-zopeinterface maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {{Python interfaces for Zope}} categories {python zope} version 3.3.0 revision 0
 py30-bsddb 346
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