[44340] trunk/base/src
gwhitney at macports.org
gwhitney at macports.org
Fri Dec 26 11:08:42 PST 2008
Revision: 44340
Author: gwhitney at macports.org
Date: 2008-12-26 11:08:42 -0800 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
Fix Ticket #11891
After a long hiatus (sorry) I have had a chance to resolve this
outstanding bug. There are three pieces to this changeset:
1) "port deps" is reimplemented as an alias to "info --depends",
since the two do essentially the same thing anyway. This
will be better for future maintenance, as changes which affect
dependencies computation will only need to be made in one place.
NOTE that this causes changes in the precise output format of "port
deps" although the same essential information is conveyed. If
the format changes are problematic for you, please contact me.
2) The two code paths inside action_info (for when fields are or are
not specified) are merged via the new --pretty option. Again,
this unifies code for ease of future maintenance, and makes the
output of "port deps" (now an alias of "port info --pretty
--fullname --depends") more readable.
3) Finally, the "real" bugfix -- five lines of code that merge the
global_variations in just prior to opening the portfile -- can be
inserted in just one spot in the action_info code, and it will
also solve the bug for "port deps".
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/base/src/port/port-help.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port/port-help.tcl 2008-12-26 17:40:40 UTC (rev 44339)
+++ trunk/base/src/port/port-help.tcl 2008-12-26 19:08:42 UTC (rev 44340)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
set porthelp(deps) {
-Returns a list of dependencies for each of the given ports
+This action is an alias for 'info --pretty --fullname --depends'
set porthelp(destroot) {
@@ -135,7 +135,20 @@
set porthelp(info) {
-Returns informations about the given ports
+Returns information about the given ports. Most of the options specify a field
+to be included in the resulting report. Multiple fields may be specified, in
+which case all will be included. If no fields are specified, a useful default
+set will be used. The other options which do not correspond to fields are:
+ --depends An abbreviation for all three depends_* fields
+ --index Do not read the Portfile, instead rely solely on the index
+ information. Note this option will prevent the information
+ reported from reflecting the effects of any variants specified.
+ --line Report on each port on a single line, with fields separated
+ by spaces. Handy for automatically processing the output of
+ info called on a large number of ports.
+ --pretty Format the output in a convenient, human-readable fashion. Note
+ that this option is the default when no options are specified to
+ info.
set porthelp(install) {
Modified: trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl 2008-12-26 17:40:40 UTC (rev 44339)
+++ trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl 2008-12-26 19:08:42 UTC (rev 44340)
@@ -1342,6 +1342,7 @@
proc action_info { action portlist opts } {
+ global global_variations
set status 0
if {[require_portlist portlist]} {
return 1
@@ -1390,7 +1391,17 @@
if {!([info exists options(ports_info_index)] && $options(ports_info_index) eq "yes")} {
- if {[catch {set mport [mportopen $porturl [array get options] [array get variations]]} result]} {
+ # Add any global_variations to the variations
+ # specified for the port (so we get e.g. dependencies right)
+ array unset merged_variations
+ array set merged_variations [array get variations]
+ foreach { variation value } [array get global_variations] {
+ if { ![info exists merged_variations($variation)] } {
+ set merged_variations($variation) $value
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {set mport [mportopen $porturl [array get options] [array get merged_variations]]} result]} {
ui_debug "$::errorInfo"
break_softcontinue "Unable to open port: $result" 1 status
@@ -1404,6 +1415,7 @@
ui_warn "port info --index does not work with 'current' pseudo-port"
+ array unset options ports_info_index
# Understand which info items are actually lists
# (this could be overloaded to provide a generic formatting code to
@@ -1418,6 +1430,36 @@
variants 1
+ # Label map for pretty printing
+ array set pretty_label {
+ heading ""
+ variants Variants
+ depends_build "Build Dependencies"
+ depends_run "Runtime Dependencies"
+ depends_lib "Library Dependencies"
+ description "Brief Description"
+ long_description ""
+ fullname "Full Name: "
+ homepage Homepage
+ platforms Platforms
+ maintainers Maintainers
+ }
+ # Wrap-length map for pretty printing
+ array set pretty_wrap {
+ heading 0
+ variants 13
+ depends_build 22
+ depends_run 22
+ depends_lib 22
+ description 22
+ long_description 0
+ homepage 13
+ platforms 22
+ maintainers 22
+ }
+ # Interpret a convenient field abbreviation
if {[info exists options(ports_info_depends)] && $options(ports_info_depends) == "yes"} {
array unset options ports_info_depends
set options(ports_info_depends_build) yes
@@ -1429,7 +1471,16 @@
set show_label 1
set field_sep "\n"
set subfield_sep ", "
+ set pretty_print 0
+ # For human-readable summary, which is the default with no options
+ if {![array size options]} {
+ set pretty_print 1
+ } elseif {[info exists options(ports_info_pretty)]} {
+ set pretty_print 1
+ array unset options ports_info_pretty
+ }
# Tune for sort(1)
if {[info exists options(ports_info_line)]} {
array unset options ports_info_line
@@ -1443,31 +1494,70 @@
if {$quiet} {
set show_label 0
+ # In pretty-print mode we also suppress messages, even though we show
+ # most of the labels:
+ if {$pretty_print} {
+ set quiet 1
+ }
# Spin through action options, emitting information for any found
set fields {}
- foreach { option } [array names options ports_info_*] {
+ set opts_todo [array names options ports_info_*]
+ set fields_tried {}
+ if {![llength $opts_todo]} {
+ set opts_todo {ports_info_heading ports_info_variants
+ ports_info_description ports_info_skip_line
+ ports_info_long_description ports_info_homepage
+ ports_info_skip_line ports_info_depends_build
+ ports_info_depends_lib ports_info_depends_run
+ ports_info_platforms ports_info_maintainers
+ }
+ }
+ foreach { option } $opts_todo {
set opt [string range $option 11 end]
- if {$opt eq "index"} {
+ # Artificial field name for formatting
+ if {$pretty_print && $opt eq "skip_line"} {
+ lappend fields ""
- # Map from friendly name
- set ropt [map_friendly_field_names $opt]
- # If there's no such info, move on
- if {![info exists portinfo($ropt)]} {
- if {!$quiet} {
- puts stderr "no info for '$opt'"
+ # Artificial field names to reproduce prettyprinted summary
+ if {$opt eq "heading"} {
+ set inf "$portinfo(name) @$portinfo(version)"
+ set ropt "heading"
+ if {[info exists portinfo(revision)] && $portinfo(revision) > 0} {
+ append inf ", Revision $portinfo(revision)"
- set inf ""
+ if {[info exists portinfo(categories)]} {
+ append inf " ([join $portinfo(categories) ", "])"
+ }
+ } elseif {$opt eq "fullname"} {
+ set inf "$portinfo(name)@"
+ append inf [composite_version $portinfo(version) $portinfo(active_variants)]
+ set ropt "fullname"
} else {
- set inf $portinfo($ropt)
+ # Map from friendly name
+ set ropt [map_friendly_field_names $opt]
+ # If there's no such info, move on
+ if {![info exists portinfo($ropt)]} {
+ if {!$quiet} {
+ puts stderr "no info for '$opt'"
+ }
+ set inf ""
+ } else {
+ set inf $portinfo($ropt)
+ }
# Calculate field label
set label ""
- if {$show_label} {
+ if {$pretty_print} {
+ if {[info exists pretty_label($ropt)]} {
+ set label $pretty_label($ropt)
+ } else {
+ set label $opt
+ }
+ } elseif {$show_label} {
set label "$opt: "
@@ -1475,103 +1565,90 @@
if { $ropt eq "maintainers" } {
set inf [unobscure_maintainers $inf]
+ # ... special formatting for certain fields when prettyprinting
+ if {$pretty_print} {
+ if {$ropt eq "variants"} {
+ # Only use the new key for variants if it exists in PortInfo.
+ # Note that this key does not currently exist outside of trunk.
+ array unset variants
+ if {[info exists portinfo(_variants)]} {
+ array set variants $portinfo(_variants)
+ }
+ set pi_vars $inf
+ set inf {}
+ foreach v [lsort $pi_vars] {
+ set mod ""
+ if {[info exists variations($v)]} {
+ # selected by command line, prefixed with +/-
+ set mod $variations($v)
+ } elseif {[info exists global_variations($v)]} {
+ # selected by variants.conf, prefixed with (+)/(-)
+ set mod "($global_variations($v))"
+ # Retrieve additional information from the new key.
+ } elseif {[info exists variants]} {
+ array unset variant
+ array set variant $variants($v)
+ if {$variant(is_default) eq "+"} {
+ set mod "\[+\]"
+ }
+ }
+ lappend inf "$mod$v"
+ }
+ } elseif {[string match "depend*" $ropt]
+ && ![macports::ui_isset ports_verbose]} {
+ set pi_deps $inf
+ set inf {}
+ foreach d $pi_deps {
+ lappend inf [lindex [split $d :] end]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #End of special pretty-print formatting for certain fields
if [info exists list_map($ropt)] {
set field [join $inf $subfield_sep]
} else {
set field $inf
- lappend fields "$label$field"
- }
- if {[llength $fields]} {
- # Show specific fields
- puts [join $fields $field_sep]
- } else {
- # If we weren't asked to show any specific fields, then show general information
- puts -nonewline "$portinfo(name) @$portinfo(version)"
- if {[info exists portinfo(revision)] && $portinfo(revision) > 0} {
- puts -nonewline ", Revision $portinfo(revision)"
- }
- if {[info exists portinfo(categories)]} {
- puts -nonewline " ([join $portinfo(categories) ", "])"
- }
- puts ""
- if {[info exists portinfo(variants)]} {
- global global_variations
- # Only use the new key for variants if it exists in PortInfo.
- # Note that this key does not currently exist outside of trunk.
- array unset variants
- if {[info exists portinfo(_variants)]} {
- array set variants $portinfo(_variants)
+ # Assemble the entry
+ if {$pretty_print} {
+ # The two special fields are considered headings and are
+ # emitted immediately, rather than waiting. Also they are not
+ # recorded on the list of fields tried
+ if {$ropt eq "heading" || $ropt eq "fullname"} {
+ puts "$label$field"
+ continue
- set joiner ""
- set vars ""
- foreach v [lsort $portinfo(variants)] {
- set mod ""
- if {[info exists variations($v)]} {
- # selected by command line, prefixed with +/-
- set mod $variations($v)
- } elseif {[info exists global_variations($v)]} {
- # selected by variants.conf, prefixed with (+)/(-)
- set mod "($global_variations($v))"
- # Retrieve additional information from the new key.
- } elseif {[info exists variants]} {
- array unset variant
- array set variant $variants($v)
- if {$variant(is_default) eq "+"} {
- set mod "\[+\]"
- }
- }
- append vars "$joiner$mod$v"
- set joiner ", "
- }
- puts [wraplabel "Variants" $vars 0 [string repeat " " 13]]
- puts ""
- if {[info exists portinfo(long_description)]} {
- puts [wrap [join $portinfo(long_description)] 0]
- } else {
- if {[info exists portinfo(description)]} {
- puts [wrap [join $portinfo(description)] 0]
+ lappend fields_tried $label
+ if {$pretty_print} {
+ if {![string length $field]} {
+ continue
- }
- if {[info exists portinfo(homepage)]} {
- puts [wraplabel "Homepage" $portinfo(homepage) 0 [string repeat " " 13]]
- }
- puts ""
- # Emit build, library, and runtime dependencies
- # For wrapping, indent output at 22 chars
- set label_len 22
- foreach {key title} {
- depends_build "Build Dependencies"
- depends_lib "Library Dependencies"
- depends_run "Runtime Dependencies"
- } {
- if {[info exists portinfo($key)]} {
- set depstr ""
- set joiner ""
- foreach d $portinfo($key) {
- if {[macports::ui_isset ports_verbose]} {
- append depstr "$joiner$d"
- } else {
- append depstr "$joiner[lindex [split $d :] end]"
- }
- set joiner ", "
+ if {![string length $label]} {
+ lappend fields [wrap $field 0]
+ } else {
+ set wrap_len [string length $label]
+ if {[info exists pretty_wrap($ropt)]} {
+ set wrap_len $pretty_wrap($ropt)
- set nodeps false
- puts [wraplabel $title $depstr 0 [string repeat " " $label_len]]
+ lappend fields [wraplabel $label $field 0 [string repeat " " $wrap_len]]
+ } else { # Not pretty print
+ lappend fields "$label$field"
- if {[info exists portinfo(platforms)]} {
- puts [wraplabel "Platforms" [join $portinfo(platforms) ", "] 0 [string repeat " " $label_len]]
+ }
+ # Now output all that information:
+ if {[llength $fields]} {
+ puts [join $fields $field_sep]
+ } else {
+ if {$pretty_print && [llength $fields_tried]} {
+ puts -nonewline "$portinfo(name) has no "
+ puts [join $fields_tried ", "]
- if {[info exists portinfo(maintainers)]} {
- puts [wraplabel "Maintainers" [unobscure_maintainers $portinfo(maintainers)] 0 [string repeat " " $label_len]]
- }
set separator "--\n"
@@ -2032,65 +2109,6 @@
return $status
-proc action_deps { action portlist opts } {
- set status 0
- if {[require_portlist portlist]} {
- return 1
- }
- foreachport $portlist {
- # Get info about the port
- if {[catch {mportsearch $portname no exact} result]} {
- global errorInfo
- ui_debug "$errorInfo"
- break_softcontinue "search for portname $portname failed: $result" 1 status
- }
- if {$result == ""} {
- break_softcontinue "No port $portname found." 1 status
- }
- array unset portinfo
- array set portinfo [lindex $result 1]
- if {[catch {set mport [mportopen $portinfo(porturl) [array get options] [array get variations]]} result]} {
- ui_debug "$::errorInfo"
- break_softcontinue "Unable to open port: $result" 1 status
- }
- array unset portinfo
- array set portinfo [mportinfo $mport]
- mportclose $mport
- # set portname again since the one we were passed may not have had the correct case
- set portname $portinfo(name)
- set depstypes {depends_build depends_lib depends_run}
- set depstypes_descr {"build" "library" "runtime"}
- set nodeps true
- foreach depstype $depstypes depsdecr $depstypes_descr {
- if {[info exists portinfo($depstype)] &&
- $portinfo($depstype) != ""} {
- puts "$portname has $depsdecr dependencies on:"
- foreach i $portinfo($depstype) {
- if {[macports::ui_isset ports_verbose]} {
- puts "\t$i"
- } else {
- puts "\t[lindex [split [lindex $i 0] :] end]"
- }
- }
- set nodeps false
- }
- }
- # no dependencies found
- if {$nodeps == "true"} {
- puts "$portname has no dependencies"
- }
- }
- return $status
proc action_variants { action portlist opts } {
set status 0
if {[require_portlist portlist]} {
@@ -2687,7 +2705,7 @@
outdated [list action_outdated [action_args_const ports]] \
contents [list action_contents [action_args_const ports]] \
dependents [list action_dependents [action_args_const ports]] \
- deps [list action_deps [action_args_const ports]] \
+ deps [list action_info [action_args_const ports]] \
variants [list action_variants [action_args_const ports]] \
search [list action_search [action_args_const strings]] \
@@ -2777,8 +2795,9 @@
edit {{editor 1}}
ed {{editor 1}}
info {category categories depends_build depends_lib depends_run
- depends description epoch homepage index line long_description
- maintainer maintainers name platform platforms portdir
+ depends description epoch fullname heading homepage index line
+ long_description
+ maintainer maintainers name platform platforms portdir pretty
revision variant variants version}
search {case-sensitive category categories depends_build depends_lib depends_run
depends description epoch exact glob homepage line
@@ -2792,6 +2811,12 @@
lint {nitpick}
+global cmd_implied_options
+array set cmd_implied_options {
+ deps {ports_info_fullname yes ports_info_depends yes ports_info_pretty yes}
# Checks whether the given option is valid
@@ -2968,6 +2993,7 @@
global cmd_argc cmd_argv cmd_argn
global global_options global_options_base private_options ui_options
global current_portdir
+ global cmd_implied_options
set cmd_argv $argv
set cmd_argc [llength $argv]
set cmd_argn 0
@@ -2997,6 +3023,10 @@
array unset global_options
array set global_options $global_options_base
+ if {[info exists cmd_implied_options($action)]} {
+ array set global_options $cmd_implied_options($action)
+ }
# Find an action to execute
set action_proc [find_action_proc $action]
if { $action_proc == "" } {
Modified: trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl 2008-12-26 17:40:40 UTC (rev 44339)
+++ trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl 2008-12-26 19:08:42 UTC (rev 44340)
@@ -1673,6 +1673,9 @@
# Record a canonical variant string, used e.g. in accessing the registry
set portvariants [canonicalize_variants [array get activevariants]]
+ # Make this important information visible in PortInfo
+ set PortInfo(active_variants) [array get activevariants]
# XXX: I suspect it would actually work better in the following
# block to record the activevariants in the statefile rather than
# the upvariations, since as far as I can see different sets of
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