[44362] trunk/base
gwhitney at macports.org
gwhitney at macports.org
Fri Dec 26 18:57:57 PST 2008
Revision: 44362
Author: gwhitney at macports.org
Date: 2008-12-26 18:57:56 -0800 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
Fix for Ticket #8221: respect variants when determining dependencies to upgrade
There are two key elements to this fix. First, we make sure that the
Portfile of the port to be upgraded is read via mportopen and then
portinfo is updated via mportinfo, prior to the dependency
information ever being used. (Formerly, the portfile was only
sometimes opened, and even when it was, the portinfo was not
refreshed.) Second, wait until after the existing variants in the
installed version have been determined before merging in
variants.conf, so that the installed variants take precedence. The
command line still trumps everything, of course.
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/base/ChangeLog
--- trunk/base/ChangeLog 2008-12-27 02:56:52 UTC (rev 44361)
+++ trunk/base/ChangeLog 2008-12-27 02:57:56 UTC (rev 44362)
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
for port info with appropriate flags. Note this changes output
format of port deps somewhat. (#11891, gwhitney)
+ - Make dependencies in port upgrade respect variants as specified
+ (in order of precedence) on command line, latest installed
+ version, or variants.conf . (#8221, gwhitney)
Release 1.7.1 (unreleased):
- Make the postflight procedure a bit smarter about which login files
to update for bash and tcsh (#17588)
Modified: trunk/base/doc/port.1
--- trunk/base/doc/port.1 2008-12-27 02:56:52 UTC (rev 44361)
+++ trunk/base/doc/port.1 2008-12-27 02:57:56 UTC (rev 44362)
@@ -373,6 +373,14 @@
For example:
.Dl "port -n upgrade wireshark"
+Note that in selecting the variants to use in the upgraded build of the
+port, any variants specified on the command line take highest precedence,
+then the variants active in the latest installed version of the port, and
+finally the global variants specified in variants.conf, if any. Note that
+upgrade will not normally rebuild a port only to change the selected
+variants; you can either specify -f, or deactivate the port and reinstall it
+with different variants.
.Ss clean
Clean the files used for building
.Ar portname .
Modified: trunk/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl 2008-12-27 02:56:52 UTC (rev 44361)
+++ trunk/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl 2008-12-27 02:57:56 UTC (rev 44362)
@@ -1907,11 +1907,17 @@
# upgrade procedure
-proc macports::upgrade {portname dspec variationslist optionslist {depscachename ""}} {
+proc macports::upgrade {portname dspec globalvarlist variationslist optionslist {depscachename ""}} {
global macports::registry.installtype
global macports::portarchivemode
array set options $optionslist
+ # Note $variationslist is left alone and so retains the original
+ # requested variations, which should be passed to recursive calls to
+ # upgrade; while variations gets existing variants and global variations
+ # merged in later on, so it applies only to this port's upgrade
array set variations $variationslist
if {![string match "" $depscachename]} {
upvar $depscachename depscache
@@ -1954,6 +1960,10 @@
# if this is set (not 0) we dont follow the deps
set depflag 0
+ # Sooner or later we may have to open this port to update the portinfo
+ # by evaluating the variants. Keep track of whether this has happened
+ set portwasopened 0
# set version_installed and revision_installed
set ilist {}
if { [catch {set ilist [registry::installed $portname ""]} result] } {
@@ -1964,12 +1974,23 @@
if {![info exists porturl]} {
set porturl file://./
- if {[catch {set workername [mportopen $porturl [array get options] ]} result]} {
+ # Merge the global variations into the specified
+ foreach { variation value } $globalvarlist {
+ if { ![info exists variations($variation)] } {
+ set variations($variation) $value
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {set workername [mportopen $porturl [array get options] [array get variations]]} result]} {
global errorInfo
ui_debug "$errorInfo"
ui_error "Unable to open port: $result"
return 1
+ # While we're at it, update the portinfo
+ array unset portinfo
+ array set portinfo [mportinfo $workername]
+ set portwasopened 1
if {![_mportispresent $workername $dspec ] } {
# port in not installed - install it!
@@ -1979,8 +2000,16 @@
ui_error "Unable to exec port: $result"
return 1
- # we just installed it, so mark it done in the cache
+ if {$result > 0} {
+ ui_error "Problem while installing $portname"
+ return $result
+ }
+ # we just installed it, so mark it done in the cache
+ # and update ilist
set depscache(port:${portname}) 1
+ if {$is_dryrun eq "no"} {
+ set ilist [registry::installed $portname ""]
+ }
} else {
# port installed outside MacPorts
ui_debug "$portname installed outside the MacPorts system"
@@ -2003,6 +2032,13 @@
set epoch_installed 0
if {$ilist == ""} {
# XXX this sets $version_installed to $version_in_tree even if not installed!!
+ # This hack appears to be invoked when a dependency is found that
+ # is installed outside of MacPorts. It would be nice to eliminate it,
+ # but I don't at the moment have time to investigate what would happen in
+ # current Macports code if this hack was simply removed. I have a
+ # hunch that things might be OK... but I'm not sure.
+ # -- gwhitney 2008-12-26
+ ui_debug "Hack forcing version_installed = version_in tree invoked here."
set version_installed $version_in_tree
set revision_installed $revision_in_tree
set iname $portname
@@ -2053,6 +2089,8 @@
return 1
+ # record the variant of the latest version
+ set variant [lindex $num 3]
if { [lindex $num 4] == 0 && 0 == [string compare "image" ${macports::registry.installtype}] } {
# activate the latest installed version
if {$is_dryrun eq "yes"} {
@@ -2069,7 +2107,7 @@
# output version numbers
ui_debug "epoch: in tree: $epoch_in_tree installed: $epoch_installed"
ui_debug "$portname ${version_in_tree}_$revision_in_tree exists in the ports tree"
- ui_debug "$iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed is installed"
+ ui_debug "$iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed $variant is installed"
# set the nodeps option
if {![info exists options(ports_nodeps)]} {
@@ -2078,6 +2116,63 @@
set nodeps yes
+ # save existing variant for later use
+ set oldvariant $variant
+ if {$portwasopened == 0} {
+ # If the port has not been opened, then before we do
+ # dependencies, we need to figure out the final variants,
+ # open the port, and update the portinfo. (If it was opened,
+ # then the variants must still be the ones we opened it with,
+ # and the portinfo is correct.)
+ set porturl $portinfo(porturl)
+ if {![info exists porturl]} {
+ set porturl file://./
+ }
+ # check if the variants is present in $version_in_tree
+ set variant [split $variant +]
+ ui_debug "Merging existing variants $variant into variants"
+ if {[info exists portinfo(variants)]} {
+ set avariants $portinfo(variants)
+ } else {
+ set avariants {}
+ }
+ ui_debug "available variants are : $avariants"
+ foreach v $variant {
+ if {[lsearch $avariants $v] == -1} {
+ } else {
+ ui_debug "variant $v is present in $portname $version_in_tree"
+ if { ![info exists variations($v)]} {
+ set variations($v) "+"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Now merge in the global (i.e. variants.conf) variations.
+ # We wait until now so that existing variants for this port
+ # override global variations
+ foreach { variation value } $globalvarlist {
+ if { ![info exists variations($variation)] } {
+ set variations($variation) $value
+ }
+ }
+ ui_debug "new fully merged portvariants: [array get variations]"
+ if {[catch {set workername [mportopen $porturl [array get options] [array get variations]]} result]} {
+ global errorInfo
+ ui_debug "$errorInfo"
+ ui_error "Unable to open port: $result"
+ return 1
+ }
+ array unset portinfo
+ array set portinfo [mportinfo $workername]
+ set portwasopened 1
+ }
if {$nodeps == "yes" || $depflag == 1} {
ui_debug "Not following dependencies"
set depflag 0
@@ -2100,7 +2195,7 @@
foreach i $portinfo($dtype) {
set d [lindex [split $i :] end]
if {![llength [array get depscache port:${d}]] && ![llength [array get depscache $i]]} {
- upgrade $d $i $variationslist [array get options] depscache
+ upgrade $d $i $globalvarlist $variationslist [array get options] depscache
@@ -2118,6 +2213,10 @@
&& [rpm-vercomp $revision_installed $revision_in_tree] >= 0 ))
&& ![info exists options(ports_force)] } {
ui_debug "No need to upgrade! $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed >= $portname ${version_in_tree}_$revision_in_tree"
+ if {[info exists portinfo(canonical_active_variants)]
+ && $portinfo(canonical_active_variants) != $oldvariant} {
+ ui_warn "Skipping upgrade since $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed >= $portname ${version_in_tree}_$revision_in_tree, even though installed variant $oldvariant does not match $portinfo(canonical_active_variants). Specify -f to force upgrade."
+ }
if { $epoch_installed >= $epoch_in_tree } {
# Check if we have to do dependents
if {[info exists options(ports_do_dependents)]} {
@@ -2131,7 +2230,7 @@
foreach dep $deplist {
set mpname [lindex $dep 2]
if {![llength [array get depscache port:${mpname}]]} {
- macports::upgrade $mpname port:${mpname} [array get variations] [array get options] depscache
+ macports::upgrade $mpname port:${mpname} $globalvarlist $variationslist [array get options] depscache
@@ -2144,38 +2243,7 @@
- # open porthandle
- set porturl $portinfo(porturl)
- if {![info exists porturl]} {
- set porturl file://./
- }
- # check if the variants is present in $version_in_tree
- set oldvariant $variant
- set variant [split $variant +]
- ui_debug "variants to install $variant"
- if {[info exists portinfo(variants)]} {
- set avariants $portinfo(variants)
- } else {
- set avariants {}
- }
- ui_debug "available variants are : $avariants"
- foreach v $variant {
- if {[lsearch $avariants $v] == -1} {
- } else {
- ui_debug "variant $v is present in $portname ${version_in_tree}_$revision_in_tree"
- set variations($v) "+"
- }
- }
- ui_debug "new portvariants: [array get variations]"
- if {[catch {set workername [mportopen $porturl [array get options] [array get variations]]} result]} {
- global errorInfo
- ui_debug "$errorInfo"
- ui_error "Unable to open port: $result"
- return 1
- }
# install version_in_tree
if {0 == [string compare "yes" ${macports::portarchivemode}]} {
set upgrade_action "archive"
@@ -2258,7 +2326,7 @@
foreach dep $deplist {
set mpname [lindex $dep 2]
if {![llength [array get depscache port:${mpname}]]} {
- macports::upgrade $mpname port:${mpname} [array get variations] [array get options] depscache
+ macports::upgrade $mpname port:${mpname} $globalvarlist $variationslist [array get options] depscache
Modified: trunk/base/src/port/port-help.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port/port-help.tcl 2008-12-27 02:56:52 UTC (rev 44361)
+++ trunk/base/src/port/port-help.tcl 2008-12-27 02:57:56 UTC (rev 44362)
@@ -262,7 +262,11 @@
set porthelp(unload) $porthelp(load)
set porthelp(upgrade) {
-Upgrades the given ports to the latest version
+Upgrades the given ports to the latest version. Respects global options
+-n, -R, -u, and -f (see the port man page). Note that in selecting variants
+to use in the upgraded build of the port, the order of precedence is variants
+specified on the command line, then variants active in the latest installed
+version of the port, then the variants.conf file.
set porthelp(url) {
Modified: trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl 2008-12-27 02:56:52 UTC (rev 44361)
+++ trunk/base/src/port/port.tcl 2008-12-27 02:57:56 UTC (rev 44362)
@@ -1771,16 +1771,12 @@
return 1
foreachport $portlist {
- # Merge global variations into the variations specified for this port
- foreach { variation value } [array get global_variations] {
- if { ![info exists variations($variation)] } {
- set variations($variation) $value
+ # Global variations will have to be merged into the specified
+ # variations, but perhaps after the installed variations are
+ # merged. So we pass them into upgrade:
+ macports::upgrade $portname "port:$portname" [array get global_variations] [array get variations] [array get options]
- }
- macports::upgrade $portname "port:$portname" [array get variations] [array get options]
- }
return 0
Modified: trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl 2008-12-27 02:56:52 UTC (rev 44361)
+++ trunk/base/src/port1.0/portutil.tcl 2008-12-27 02:57:56 UTC (rev 44362)
@@ -1675,6 +1675,7 @@
# Make this important information visible in PortInfo
set PortInfo(active_variants) [array get activevariants]
+ set PortInfo(canonical_active_variants) $portvariants
# XXX: I suspect it would actually work better in the following
# block to record the activevariants in the statefile rather than
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