[34358] trunk/dports/graphics/xv/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Feb 22 02:34:58 PST 2008

Revision: 34358
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2008-02-22 02:34:45 -0800 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008)

Log Message:
xv: whitespace changes only

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/xv/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/xv/Portfile	2008-02-22 08:45:52 UTC (rev 34357)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/xv/Portfile	2008-02-22 10:34:45 UTC (rev 34358)
@@ -1,41 +1,42 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem		1.0
-name			xv
-version			3.10a
-categories		x11 graphics
-maintainers		nomaintainer
+PortSystem              1.0
-description		xv is an interactive image manipulation program for \
-			the X Window System.  This version has been patched \
-			to support the PNG & PhotoCD image types.
+name                    xv
+version                 3.10a
+categories              x11 graphics
+maintainers             nomaintainer
-long_description	xv is an interactive image manipulation program for \
-			the X Window System. It can operate on images in the \
-			X11 bitmap, \
-			Sun Rasterfile, Targa, RLE, RGB, BMP, PCX, FITS, and \
-			PM formats on all known types of X displays. It can \
-			generate PostScript files, and if you have \
-			ghostscript (version 2.6 or above) installed on your \
-			machine, it can also display them.
+description             xv is an interactive image manipulation program for \
+                        the X Window System.  This version has been patched \
+                        to support the PNG & PhotoCD image types.
-homepage		http://www.trilon.com/xv/xv.html
-platforms		darwin
+long_description        xv is an interactive image manipulation program for \
+                        the X Window System. It can operate on images in the \
+                        GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PhotoCD, PBM, PGM, PPM, XPM, \
+                        X11 bitmap, \
+                        Sun Rasterfile, Targa, RLE, RGB, BMP, PCX, FITS, and \
+                        PM formats on all known types of X displays. It can \
+                        generate PostScript files, and if you have \
+                        ghostscript (version 2.6 or above) installed on your \
+                        machine, it can also display them.
-master_sites    	ftp://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/xv/
-checksums		md5 2d4fbeec1561304362781cc8e2f7f72d
+homepage                http://www.trilon.com/xv/xv.html
+platforms               darwin
-depends_lib	   	lib:libX11.6:XFree86  \
-			lib:libjpeg.62:jpeg lib:libtiff.3:tiff \
-                	lib:libungif.4:libungif lib:libpng.3:libpng \
-			lib:libXpm.4:xpm 
+master_sites            ftp://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/xv/
+checksums               md5 2d4fbeec1561304362781cc8e2f7f72d
-patchfiles		xv-darwin.patch
+depends_lib             lib:libX11.6:XFree86 \
+                        lib:libjpeg.62:jpeg lib:libtiff.3:tiff \
+                        lib:libungif.4:libungif lib:libpng.3:libpng \
+                        lib:libXpm.4:xpm
-patch { 
-	system "cd '${worksrcpath}' && 
-	sed -e 's#@DEST@#${destroot}${prefix}#g' -e 's#@INST@#${prefix}#g' '${portpath}/${filesdir}/xv-darwin.patch' | patch -p1"
+patchfiles              xv-darwin.patch
+patch {
+    system "cd '${worksrcpath}' &&
+    sed -e 's#@DEST@#${destroot}${prefix}#g' -e 's#@INST@#${prefix}#g' '${portpath}/${filesdir}/xv-darwin.patch' | patch -p1"
-use_configure		no
+use_configure           no

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