[32650] trunk/dports/net/nsping/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Jan 10 04:31:10 PST 2008

Revision: 32650
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2008-01-10 04:31:07 -0800 (Thu, 10 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
nsping: whitespace changes only (expand tabs at 8 characters)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/nsping/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/nsping/Portfile	2008-01-10 11:55:36 UTC (rev 32649)
+++ trunk/dports/net/nsping/Portfile	2008-01-10 12:31:07 UTC (rev 32650)
@@ -2,30 +2,30 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
-name			nsping
-version			0.8
-revision	 	3
-categories		net
-maintainers		nomaintainer
-description		DNS ping
-long_description	Nsping uses DNS queries to monitor reachability \
-			and operation of nameservers, as well as the latency \
-			of DNS queries. It does this by sending random recursive \
-			DNS queries to the nameserver (avoiding the effects of \
-			DNS caching) and measuring the amount of time between \
-			the sending of the query and the receipt of the response packet.
+name                    nsping
+version                 0.8
+revision                3
+categories              net
+maintainers             nomaintainer
+description             DNS ping
+long_description        Nsping uses DNS queries to monitor reachability \
+                        and operation of nameservers, as well as the latency \
+                        of DNS queries. It does this by sending random recursive \
+                        DNS queries to the nameserver (avoiding the effects of \
+                        DNS caching) and measuring the amount of time between \
+                        the sending of the query and the receipt of the response packet.
-platforms		darwin
-master_sites		opendarwin \
-			http://www.hazardous.org/fkr/download/
+platforms               darwin
+master_sites            opendarwin \
+                        http://www.hazardous.org/fkr/download/
-checksums 		md5 64785a50eb065a9b28ee33ec8c1ccab2
+checksums               md5 64785a50eb065a9b28ee33ec8c1ccab2
 extract.post_args       | gnutar -x
-configure 		{}
-build.env		CPPFLAGS="-DBIND_8_COMPAT"
+configure               {}
+build.env               CPPFLAGS="-DBIND_8_COMPAT"
-destroot 		{ cd ${worksrcpath}
-		          xinstall -o root -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
-			  xinstall -o root -m 555 nsping ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
-			  xinstall -o root -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man8
-			  xinstall -o root -m 644 -c nsping.8 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man8 }
+destroot                { cd ${worksrcpath}
+                          xinstall -o root -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+                          xinstall -o root -m 555 nsping ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+                          xinstall -o root -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man8
+                          xinstall -o root -m 644 -c nsping.8 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man8 }

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