[32861] trunk/dports/graphics

afb at macports.org afb at macports.org
Sun Jan 13 23:29:58 PST 2008

Revision: 32861
Author:   afb at macports.org
Date:     2008-01-13 23:29:56 -0800 (Sun, 13 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
new port: wxLua-devel (under development)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Copied: trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel (from rev 32764, trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua)

Deleted: trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua/Portfile	2008-01-13 09:36:30 UTC (rev 32764)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/Portfile	2008-01-14 07:29:56 UTC (rev 32861)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-name			wxLua
-revision		1
-categories		graphics devel
-platforms		darwin freebsd
-maintainers		afb at macports.org
-description		Lua bindings for wxWidgets
-long_description	wxLua is a lua scripting language wrapper around the \
-			wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library. It consists of an \
-			executable for running standalone wxLua scripts and a \
-			library for extending C++ programs with a fast, small, \
-			fully embeddable scripting language.
-homepage		http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/
-master_sites		sourceforge:wxlua
-checksums		${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
-				md5 b785cac87f34f5e0f43d0a6a6ddc4770 \
-			${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
-				sha1 d0fdd5ebe497c1ecece240628932aea1476acf0d \
-			${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
-				rmd160 5b9d8b46c900bf70a840c2163f11198fdd556d2c
-depends_lib		port:wxstedit
-#			port:lua
-worksrcdir		wxLua
-patchfiles		patch-configure
-configure.args		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-			--with-wx-prefix=${prefix} \
-			--enable-wxbindstc --enable-luamodule
-#			--with-lua-prefix=${prefix}
-post-destroot {
-	# this bin conflicts with the "lua" port:
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/lua"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/lauxlib.h"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/lua.h"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/luaconf.h"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/lualib.h"
-platform darwin {
-patchfiles-append	patch-Makefile.in
-platform macosx {}
-if { [variant_isset macosx] && ![variant_isset x11] } { default_variants +aqua }
-if { [variant_isset puredarwin] } { default_variants +x11 }
-if { [variant_isset freebsd] } { default_variants +x11 }
-variant aqua requires macosx description "Use the wxMac port of wxWidgets" {
-depends_lib-append	port:wxWidgets
-post-destroot {
-	set appPath /Applications/MacPorts/wxLua
-	xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${appPath}
-	# for wxMac, we delete the programs and use bundles
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxlua"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluacan"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluaedit"
-	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluafreeze"
-	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLua.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
-	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLuaCan.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
-	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLuaEdit.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
-	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLuaFreeze.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
-	# provide a symbolic link to the wxLua sample programs
-	ln -sf "${prefix}/share/wxlua/samples" "${destroot}${appPath}/Samples"
-	# set up a wrapper so that you can call "wxlua *.wx.lua"
-	xinstall -m 0755 "${filespath}/wxlua.sh" "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxlua"
-	# set up a wrapper so that you can call "wxluaedit" too
-	xinstall -m 0755 "${filespath}/wxluaedit.sh" "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluaedit"
-	# remove some stuff that is unused with wxMac port
-	delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/applications/wxlua.desktop"
-	delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/mime/packages/wxlua.xml"
-	delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/pixmaps/wxlualogo.xpm"
-variant x11 conflicts aqua description "Use the wxGTK port of wxWidgets" {
-depends_lib-append	port:wxgtk
-#livecheck.url	http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/download.php
-#livecheck.regex	\&raquo\;\&nbsp\;(\[0-9\.\]+)\&nbsp\;\&laquo\;

Copied: trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/Portfile (from rev 32860, trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua/Portfile)
--- trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/Portfile	2008-01-14 07:29:56 UTC (rev 32861)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name			wxLua-devel
+categories		graphics devel
+platforms		darwin freebsd
+maintainers		afb at macports.org
+description		Lua bindings for wxWidgets
+long_description	wxLua is a lua scripting language wrapper around the \
+			wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library. It consists of an \
+			executable for running standalone wxLua scripts and a \
+			library for extending C++ programs with a fast, small, \
+			fully embeddable scripting language.
+homepage		http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/
+#master_sites		sourceforge:wxlua
+master_sites		http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/download/
+distname		wxLua_Snapshot_2008-01-11
+checksums		md5 575045e8c374f47aa081505eb258f11e \
+			sha1 088cdd8002e238b5c445bb5a01e0fb3fbc883b00 \
+			rmd160 11286c68cb07ba363bbc96384b8a7d4a3fe70e02
+depends_lib		port:wxstedit
+#			port:lua
+worksrcdir		wxLua
+patchfiles		patch-configure
+configure.args		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
+			--with-wx-prefix=${prefix} \
+			--enable-wxbindstc --enable-luamodule
+#			--with-lua-prefix=${prefix}
+configure.ccache	no
+post-destroot {
+	# this bin conflicts with the "lua" port:
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/lua"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/lauxlib.h"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/lua.h"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/luaconf.h"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/include/lualib.h"
+platform darwin {
+patchfiles-append	patch-Makefile.in
+platform macosx {}
+if { [variant_isset macosx] && ![variant_isset x11] } { default_variants +aqua }
+if { [variant_isset puredarwin] } { default_variants +x11 }
+if { [variant_isset freebsd] } { default_variants +x11 }
+variant aqua requires macosx description "Use the wxMac port of wxWidgets" {
+depends_lib-append	port:wxWidgets
+post-destroot {
+	set appPath /Applications/MacPorts/wxLua
+	xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${appPath}
+	# for wxMac, we delete the programs and use bundles
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxlua"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluacan"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluaedit"
+	delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluafreeze"
+	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLua.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
+	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLuaCan.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
+	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLuaEdit.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
+	copy "${worksrcpath}/apps/wxLuaFreeze.app" "${destroot}${appPath}"
+	# provide a symbolic link to the wxLua sample programs
+	ln -sf "${prefix}/share/wxlua/samples" "${destroot}${appPath}/Samples"
+	# set up a wrapper so that you can call "wxlua *.wx.lua"
+	xinstall -m 0755 "${filespath}/wxlua.sh" "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxlua"
+	# set up a wrapper so that you can call "wxluaedit" too
+	xinstall -m 0755 "${filespath}/wxluaedit.sh" "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/wxluaedit"
+	# remove some stuff that is unused with wxMac port
+	delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/applications/wxlua.desktop"
+	delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/mime/packages/wxlua.xml"
+	delete "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/pixmaps/wxlualogo.xpm"
+variant x11 conflicts aqua description "Use the wxGTK port of wxWidgets" {
+depends_lib-append	port:wxgtk
+#livecheck.url	http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/download.php
+#livecheck.regex	\&raquo\;\&nbsp\;(\[0-9\.\]+)\&nbsp\;\&laquo\;

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/files/patch-configure
--- trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua/files/patch-configure	2008-01-13 09:36:30 UTC (rev 32764)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/wxLua-devel/files/patch-configure	2008-01-14 07:29:56 UTC (rev 32861)
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
---- configure.orig	2007-05-08 20:26:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ configure	2007-08-14 01:49:28.000000000 +0200
-@@ -4375,7 +4375,7 @@
+Index: configure
+RCS file: /cvsroot/wxlua/wxLua/configure,v
+retrieving revision 1.64
+diff -u -r1.64 configure
+--- configure	12 Jan 2008 09:58:46 -0000	1.64
++++ configure	14 Jan 2008 08:04:52 -0000
+@@ -4707,7 +4707,7 @@
                          if test "$DEBUG" = "1"; then
 -            elif test "$DEBUG" = ""; then
-+            elif test "$DEBUG" = "0"; then
++            elif test "$DEBUG" = "0" -o "$DEBUG" = ""; then
+@@ -7083,7 +7083,8 @@
+                                                                                                                                                                                                 CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $WX_CPPFLAGS"
+-                        LIBS="$LIBS -l$_WX_STEDIT_LIBNAME $WX_LIBS"
++                        WX_STC_LIBS=`$WX_CONFIG_WITH_ARGS --libs stc`
++                        LIBS="$LIBS -l$_WX_STEDIT_LIBNAME $WX_LIBS $WX_STC_LIBS"
+                         if test -z "$COMPCHECK_MSG"; then
+                                 COMPCHECK_MSG="if wxStEdit is available"

-------------- next part --------------
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