[33064] trunk/dports/gnome

nox at macports.org nox at macports.org
Thu Jan 17 05:04:07 PST 2008

Revision: 33064
Author:   nox at macports.org
Date:     2008-01-17 05:03:30 -0800 (Thu, 17 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
gnome-sharp2: New port!

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/Portfile	2008-01-17 13:03:30 UTC (rev 33064)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem      1.0
+name            gnome-sharp2
+set my_name     gnome-sharp
+version         2.16.0
+categories      gnome devel
+platforms       darwin
+maintainers     nox openmaintainer
+description     Gtk bindings for the Mono .NET Development Framework
+long_description \
+    This is the Gtk# toolkit for Mono, an implementation \
+	of the .NET Development Framework.
+homepage        http://go-mono.com/
+master_sites    ${homepage}sources/${name}/
+distname        ${my_name}-${version}
+checksums       md5 7cdd61dfc7ae748accbb45cbd6ed4982 \
+                sha1 fc1088c9a6e7cc49d3fc7b97e5421eb243233cf0 \
+                rmd160 2eeffa73c842561d347c78a7c0326d8ff39eb5a6
+patchfiles      patch-gnome-sharp.dll.config.in.diff \
+                patch-vte-sharp.dll.config.in.diff
+depends_lib     port:mono \
+                port:gtk-sharp2 \
+                port:libglade2 \
+                port:libart_lgpl \
+                port:gnome-vfs \
+                port:libgnomeprintui \
+                port:gnome-panel \
+                port:libgtkhtml312 \
+                port:librsvg \
+                port:vte
+post-configure {
+    # TODO This shouldn't be needed, we need to fix Mono dllmap library path.
+    fs-traverse {f} ${worksrcpath} {
+        if {[string match *.dll.config ${f}]} {
+            reinplace -E "s|(target=\")|\\1${prefix}/lib/|" ${f}
+        }
+    }

Property changes on: trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/Portfile
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/files/patch-gnome-sharp.dll.config.in.diff
--- trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/files/patch-gnome-sharp.dll.config.in.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/files/patch-gnome-sharp.dll.config.in.diff	2008-01-17 13:03:30 UTC (rev 33064)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+*** gnome/gnome-sharp.dll.config.in.orig	2008-01-17 05:22:05.000000000 +0100
+--- gnome/gnome-sharp.dll.config.in	2008-01-17 05:23:10.000000000 +0100
+*** 8,11 ****
+--- 8,12 ----
+    <dllmap dll="gnomeprint-2-2" target="libgnomeprint-2-2 at LIB_PREFIX@.0 at LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
+    <dllmap dll="gnomeprintui-2-2" target="libgnomeprintui-2-2 at LIB_PREFIX@.0 at LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
+    <dllmap dll="gnomeui-2" target="libgnomeui-2 at LIB_PREFIX@.0 at LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
++   <dllmap dll="gnomesharpglue-2" target="libgnomesharpglue-2.so"/>
+  </configuration>

Added: trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/files/patch-vte-sharp.dll.config.in.diff
--- trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/files/patch-vte-sharp.dll.config.in.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-sharp/files/patch-vte-sharp.dll.config.in.diff	2008-01-17 13:03:30 UTC (rev 33064)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+*** vte/vte-sharp.dll.config.in.orig	2008-01-17 05:22:11.000000000 +0100
+--- vte/vte-sharp.dll.config.in	2008-01-17 05:25:19.000000000 +0100
+*** 2,5 ****
+--- 2,6 ----
+    <dllmap dll="libgobject-2.0-0.dll" target="libgobject-2.0 at LIB_PREFIX@.0 at LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
+    <dllmap dll="libatk-1.0-0.dll" target="libatk-1.0 at LIB_PREFIX@.0 at LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
+    <dllmap dll="vte" target="libvte at LIB_PREFIX@.9 at LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
++   <dllmap dll="vtesharpglue-2" target="libvtesharpglue-2.so"/>
+  </configuration>

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