[33080] trunk/dports/gnome/gtksourceview2/Portfile

nox at macports.org nox at macports.org
Thu Jan 17 08:45:31 PST 2008

Revision: 33080
Author:   nox at macports.org
Date:     2008-01-17 08:45:28 -0800 (Thu, 17 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
gtksourceview2: Untabified.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/gnome/gtksourceview2/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gnome/gtksourceview2/Portfile	2008-01-17 16:38:23 UTC (rev 33079)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/gtksourceview2/Portfile	2008-01-17 16:45:28 UTC (rev 33080)
@@ -2,52 +2,52 @@
 PortSystem      1.0
-name		    gtksourceview2
-version		    2.0.0
-maintainers	    nomaintainer
-categories	    gnome
-platforms	    darwin 
-description	    GtkSourceView is a text widget
+name            gtksourceview2
+version         2.0.0
+maintainers     nomaintainer
+categories      gnome
+platforms       darwin 
+description     GtkSourceView is a text widget
 long_description \
-	GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard \
-	gtk+ 2.x text widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView \
-	by implementing syntax highlighting and other features \
-	typical of a source editor. This port contains version 2 of the \
-	GtkSourceView widget. Port GtkSourceView contains version 1 of the \
-	widget.
+    GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard \
+    gtk+ 2.x text widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView \
+    by implementing syntax highlighting and other features \
+    typical of a source editor. This port contains version 2 of the \
+    GtkSourceView widget. Port GtkSourceView contains version 1 of the \
+    widget.
-homepage	    http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/gtksourceview
+homepage        http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/gtksourceview
 master_sites    gnome:sources/gtksourceview/[strsed ${version} {/\.[0-9]*$//}]/
-distname	    gtksourceview-${version}
-use_bzip2 	    yes
+distname        gtksourceview-${version}
+use_bzip2       yes
-checksums	    rmd160 d1280b8a7220109fc61c96e40009ae76fbd83373
+checksums       rmd160 d1280b8a7220109fc61c96e40009ae76fbd83373
 depends_build   port:avahi \
-	            port:dbus-glib \
-	            port:openssl \
-	            port:p5-xml-parser \
-	            port:pkgconfig
+                port:dbus-glib \
+                port:openssl \
+                port:p5-xml-parser \
+                port:pkgconfig
 depends_lib     port:freetype \
-	            port:fontconfig \
-	            port:tiff \
+                port:fontconfig \
+                port:tiff \
                 port:atk \
-	            port:gconf \
-	            port:gettext \
+                port:gconf \
+                port:gettext \
                 port:glib2 \
-	            port:gnome-vfs \
-	            port:gtk2 \
+                port:gnome-vfs \
+                port:gtk2 \
                 port:zlib \
-	            port:orbit2 \
-	            port:libxml2 \
+                port:orbit2 \
+                port:libxml2 \
                 port:pango \
-	            port:expat \
-	            port:libiconv \
-	            port:libpng \
-	            port:jpeg \
-	            port:cairo
+                port:expat \
+                port:libiconv \
+                port:libpng \
+                port:jpeg \
+                port:cairo
 configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-	            --with-system-pcre
+                --with-system-pcre

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