[33595] trunk/dports/PortIndex

dluke at macports.org dluke at macports.org
Thu Jan 31 00:46:39 PST 2008

Revision: 33595
Author:   dluke at macports.org
Date:     2008-01-31 00:46:38 -0800 (Thu, 31 Jan 2008)

Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	4454 
Ports successfully parsed:	4454	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-01-31 08:45:15 UTC (rev 33594)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-01-31 08:46:38 UTC (rev 33595)
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@
 libbuffers 328
 variants universal description {C++ library for handling buffers of various kinds} portdir devel/libbuffers homepage http://libarxx.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libbuffers long_description {{C++ library for handling buffers of various kinds}} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 0.4.0 revision 0
 libcddb 485
-variants universal description {library to access data on a CDDB server} portdir devel/libcddb homepage http://libcddb.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libcddb long_description {Libcddb is a C library to access data on a CDDB server (freedb.org). It allows you to search the database for possible CD matches, retrieve detailed information about a specific CD, and submit new CD entries to the database.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 1.1.0 revision 0
+variants universal description {library to access data on a CDDB server} portdir devel/libcddb homepage http://libcddb.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libcddb long_description {Libcddb is a C library to access data on a CDDB server (freedb.org). It allows you to search the database for possible CD matches, retrieve detailed information about a specific CD, and submit new CD entries to the database.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 1.3.0 revision 0
 libcdio 536
 variants universal depends_build bin:pkg-config:pkgconfig portdir devel/libcdio description {Compact Disc Input and Control Library} homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/libcdio/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib lib:libcddb.0:libcddb name libcdio maintainers nomaintainer long_description {The libcdio package contains a library which encapsulates CD-ROM reading and control. Applications wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM can use this library.} version 0.75 categories devel revision 0
 libcipher 199
@@ -2409,7 +2409,7 @@
 GraphicsMagick 647
 variants {universal i386} portdir graphics/GraphicsMagick description {image processing tools collection} homepage http://www.graphicsmagick.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name GraphicsMagick depends_lib {port:libxml2 port:bzip2 port:zlib port:libpng port:tiff port:freetype} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing. It provides a robust collection of tools and libraries which support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 88 major formats including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, SVG, and TIFF.} version 1.1.7 categories graphics revision 0
 ImageMagick 1324
-variants {universal perl gs lcms wmf mpeg jbig jpeg2 graphviz q8 q16 q32 no_x11 no_plus_plus darwin_6} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {q8 {Use 8 bits per pixel quantum} q16 {Use 16 bits per pixel quantum (default)} q32 {Use 32 bits per pixel quantum}} portdir graphics/ImageMagick description {Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats} homepage http://www.imagemagick.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ImageMagick depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:bzip2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:tiff port:zlib port:freetype port:fontconfig port:libiconv port:expat port:libxml2} maintainers ryandesign long_description {ImageMagick is a robust collection of tools and libraries to create, edit and compose bitmap images in a wide variety of formats. You can crop, resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce or add effects or text or straight or curved lines to an image or image sequence and save your completed work in the same or differing image format. You can even create
  images from scratch. Image processing operations are available from the command line as well as through C, Ch, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl/Tk programming interfaces. Over 90 image formats are supported, including GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD and TIFF.} categories {graphics devel} version 6.3.8-1 revision 0
+variants {universal perl gs lcms wmf mpeg jbig jpeg2 graphviz q8 q16 q32 no_x11 no_plus_plus darwin_6} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {q8 {Use 8 bits per pixel quantum} q16 {Use 16 bits per pixel quantum (default)} q32 {Use 32 bits per pixel quantum}} portdir graphics/ImageMagick description {Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats} homepage http://www.imagemagick.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ImageMagick depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:bzip2 port:jpeg port:libpng port:tiff port:zlib port:freetype port:fontconfig port:libiconv port:expat port:libxml2} maintainers ryandesign long_description {ImageMagick is a robust collection of tools and libraries to create, edit and compose bitmap images in a wide variety of formats. You can crop, resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce or add effects or text or straight or curved lines to an image or image sequence and save your completed work in the same or differing image format. You can even create
  images from scratch. Image processing operations are available from the command line as well as through C, Ch, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl/Tk programming interfaces. Over 90 image formats are supported, including GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD and TIFF.} categories {graphics devel} version 6.3.8-2 revision 0
 openexr 395
 variants {universal darwin_7} description {OpenEXR Graphics Library} portdir graphics/OpenEXR homepage http://www.openexr.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name openexr long_description {OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.} maintainers waqar at macports.org categories graphics version 1.4.0 revision 0
 Renaissance-Framework 622
@@ -2934,8 +2934,8 @@
 variants universal description {Pulse automated build server} portdir java/pulse homepage http://www.zutubi.com/products/pulse/ epoch 0 depends_lib bin:java:kaffe name pulse long_description {Pulse is an automated build or continuous integration server. Pulse regularly checks out your project's source code from your SCM, builds the project and reports on the results. A project build typically involves compiling the source code and running tests to ensure the quality of the code. By automating this process, pulse allows you to constantly monitor the health of your project.} maintainers simon at redhillconsulting.com.au categories java version 1.2.18 revision 0
 saxpath 502
 variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/saxpath description {simple Java API for XPath} homepage http://saxpath.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib bin:java:kaffe name saxpath maintainers nomaintainer long_description {The SAXPath project is a Simple API for XPath. SAXPath is analogous to SAX in that the API abstracts away the details of parsing and provides a simple event based callback interface.} version 1.0 categories {java devel textproc} revision 0
-scalaz 694
-variants universal description {General utility library that extends the Scala core API} portdir java/scalaz homepage http://wiki.workingmouse.com/index.php/Scalaz epoch 0 platforms darwin name scalaz long_description {Scalaz (Scar-lah-zed) is a library written in the Scala Programming Language. One mandate of the library is to depend only on the core Scala API and the core Java 2 Standard Edition API. The intention of Scalaz is to include general functions that are not currently available in the core Scala API. Scalaz is released under a BSD open source licence making it compatible with the licence of the Scala project.} maintainers blair categories {lang java} version 2.3 revision 0
+scalaz 717
+variants universal portdir java/scalaz description {General utility library that extends the Scala core API} homepage http://wiki.workingmouse.com/index.php/Scalaz epoch 0 platforms darwin name scalaz depends_lib port:scala maintainers blair long_description {Scalaz (Scar-lah-zed) is a library written in the Scala Programming Language. One mandate of the library is to depend only on the core Scala API and the core Java 2 Standard Edition API. The intention of Scalaz is to include general functions that are not currently available in the core Scala API. Scalaz is released under a BSD open source licence making it compatible with the licence of the Scala project.} version 2.3 categories {lang java} revision 1
 servlet23-api 564
 variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/servlet23-api description {Java Servlet API 2.3 and JSP 1.2 API.} homepage http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ epoch 20061005 platforms darwin depends_lib bin:java:kaffe name servlet23-api maintainers {jberry at macports.org openmaintainer} long_description {Java Servlet API 2.3 and JSP API 1.2. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. This project provides the servlet and JSP APIs from Tomcat4.} version 1 categories java revision 0
 servlet24-api 518
@@ -7174,8 +7174,10 @@
 variants universal description {implementation of checkpassword-compatible auth program} portdir security/checkpassword-pam homepage http://checkpasswd-pam.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name checkpassword-pam long_description {checkpassword-pam was written from scratch. There are several older packages called checkpassword-pam, derived from DJB's checkpassword code. This checkpassword-pam is more modern and administrator-friendly.} maintainers nomaintainer categories security version 0.99 revision 0
 courier-authlib 415
 variants universal portdir security/courier-authlib description {Courier Authentication Library is a generic authentication API} homepage http://www.courier-mta.org/authlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name courier-authlib depends_lib port:db44 maintainers {boeyms openmaintainer} long_description {{Courier Authentication Library is a generic authentication API}} version 0.60.0 categories {security mail} revision 0
-cracklib 560
-variants universal description {A ProActive Password Sanity Library} portdir security/cracklib homepage http://www.crypticide.com/users/alecm/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cracklib long_description {CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a passwd-like program. The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that could be guessed by Crack by filtering them out, at source.} maintainers nomaintainer categories security version 2.7 revision 0
+cracklib 643
+variants {universal largedict} depends_build port:cracklib-words portdir security/cracklib description {A ProActive Password Sanity Library} homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/cracklib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cracklib depends_lib port:gettext maintainers theonelab.com:june long_description {CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a passwd-like program. The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that could be guessed by Crack by filtering them out, at source.} version 2.8.12 categories security revision 0
+cracklib-words 763
+variants universal description {Wordlists for cracklib} portdir security/cracklib-words homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/cracklib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cracklib-words long_description {CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a passwd-like program. The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that could be guessed by Crack by filtering them out, at source. This port contains the word lists essential for cracklib to build. There is no need to keep this package installed, unless you feel the need to update cracklib's wordlist dictionary on occasion.} maintainers theonelab.com:june categories security version 1.2 revision 0
 ctool 388
 variants universal description {ctool is a checksumming application} portdir security/ctool homepage http://www.macsecurity.org/tools/ctool/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ctool long_description {ctool is a checusmming application that is mindful of the prebinding information stored in Mach-o executable files.} maintainers dluke at geeklair.net categories security version 1.2.3 revision 0
 cyrus-sasl2 766
@@ -7573,13 +7575,13 @@
 rpm 875
 variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python24 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3} name rpm maintainers n3npq at mac.com long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 4.4.9 revision 5
 rpm-devel 919
-variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python25 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm-devel description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3 port:xar-devel} name rpm-devel maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 5.1 revision 1
+variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python25 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm-devel description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3 port:xar-devel} name rpm-devel maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 5.1 revision 2
 rpm2html 936
 variants {universal template} depends_build {bin:autoconf:autoconf bin:automake:automake} variant_desc {template {Use separate template file instead of hard-coded markup}} portdir sysutils/rpm2html description {Translates an RPM database and dependency information into HTML} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/rpm2html/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name rpm2html depends_lib {lib:librpm:rpm lib:libxml2:libxml2 port:zlib port:bzip2} maintainers afb at macports.org long_description {The rpm2html utility automatically generates web pages that describe a set of RPM packages. The goals of rpm2html are to identify the dependencies between various packages, and to find the package(s) that will provide the resources needed to install a given package. Rpm2html analyzes the provides and requires of the given set of RPMs, and then shows the dependency cross-references using hypertext links.} categories sysutils version 1.9.5 revision 0
 rpm45 896
 variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python25 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm45 description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3} name rpm45 maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 4.5 revision 0
 rpm50 907
-variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python25 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm50 description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3 port:xar} name rpm50 maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 5.0.0 revision 0
+variants {universal darwin freebsd linux docs} depends_build {port:expat port:neon port:python25 port:perl5.8 port:readline port:beecrypt port:libiconv port:gettext} portdir sysutils/rpm50 description {The RPM package management system.} homepage http://rpm5.org depends_run {port:openssl bin:gzip:gzip bin:bzip2:bzip2 bin:unzip:unzip} epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext port:popt port:sqlite3 port:xar} name rpm50 maintainers {n3npq at mac.com afb at macports.org} long_description {The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.} categories {sysutils archivers} version 5.0.1 revision 0
 rsnapshot 579
 variants universal portdir sysutils/rsnapshot description {filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync} homepage http://www.rsnapshot.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name rsnapshot depends_lib {port:rsync bin:perl:perl5.8 bin:ssh:openssh} maintainers mww long_description {rsnapshot is a filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync. It makes it easy to make periodic snapshots of local machines, and remote machines over SSH. The code makes extensive use of hard links whenever possible, to greatly reduce the disk space required.} version 1.3.0 categories {sysutils net} revision 0
 runit 489

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